#helpall with #innovation & @semesteratsea @mercyships @peace_boat @tallshipsraces @beunreasonable @oceanuni @blueseedproject #armada @WEBiversity #os #cc #nfp #charity #rsa #gov #tedx

Want to create Innovative ways to help all while helping any  person/organisation (including yourself)? EG…Want to create an Armada of free education boats with http://www.mercyships.org http://www.peaceboat.org.uk http://www.tallships.org https://blueseed.co/ http://www.semesteratsea.org http://unreasonableatsea.com/


Crowdsource video for all E.G.  http://www.WEBiversity.org or working with http://www.spot.us http://www.internews.org http://www.oneworldhealth.org http://www.interhealth.org.uk http://www.drumbeat.org and http://ushahidi.com/products/swiftriver-platform

Suggest what you want to work on or what you NEED or can GIVE by Tweeting to @whymandesign or commenting at https://www.facebook.com/groups/352077702670/
& http://www.whymandesign.com

Everyone wants progress as it benefits us all so what are the key areas that we should all help each other to progress along so we can all benefit each other most effectively?

All the areas below can only be enhanced by open minded creative people with a positive and optimistic yes can do attitude. Everyone can learn to have this creative attitude and we would love to work with you to empower and educate everyone for free so that we all are empowered to selflessly innovate which also makes us all happy. http://www.WEBiversity.org

Help all help all
Helping everyone help everyone is the best way to solve every human problem (as we all have supercomputer brains in our heads that could benefit everyone more:) which benefits everyone.

Creatively Innovate
The best way to help everyone is with Creative Innovation as this can significantly enhance any product or service in new an unexpected way in different dimension AND can be used to reinvent existing things so they become significantly better.
How to encourage and empower everyone to creatively innovate more (as you can only loose 100%  but can gain 100%+) http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more and can be used by anyone for free.

Enabling change
enabling and empowering people to change the status quo is key as this enables anyone to help as many people as they can.
What are the best ways to enable change?

Problems to fix
What are the most important problems to fix so that everyone can live long happy fulfilling lives? and what are the problems that stop us all from fixing more problems?

Structural change
What structural changes will help everyone most effectively? What things have we all taken for granted that need to be changed so they can be done better?

Compassion & tolerances
How can we all remind each other continually to have more compassion and tolerance? Everyone is and can be even more amazing and has vices and virtues that we all need help to develop.

How to help us all continually enjoy learning so we can gain the knowledge to learn to become wise and enlightened?

Last but not least (probably should be first)

What are the most important parts of life that are often overlooked due to out of date cultural, peer or advertising pressures?
Isn’t the only important part of life to be happy? This appears to be easy to do just by selflessly helping others (which makes you happy:)

Government Charity and We the people empower all…

How can Government Charities and everyone encourage, educate and empower more people to selflessly innovate to help everyone (which also makes them happy:)?

Private funding is often used to make a land grab of emerging resources be they, Ideas or skills or resources even though those resources are the property of everyone.

What simple ways are there to help selfless open source, creative commons or not for profit charity work has a bigger boost so that we are all encouraged AND it is easier to be selfless than selfish?

As selfless people are not motivated by superficial rewards such as money or game (egotistical goals of selfish people) other ways have to be found otherwise the rewards mistakenly encourage selfish competition rather than selfless collaboration.

One way to encourage selflessness is to provide free compassionate education that entertains, educates and empowers anyone who watches it by giving them the knowledge to become wise and selfless so they can have a happy life and help others.

Let us work with you to help yourself and others in this way with http://www.WEBiversity.org & http:/www.TRUSTlibrary.org
One way is to prevent negative meems/habits that hurt everyone (like vice/bullying/competition/anger)

We are the Social Media  & can make it as good as our society AND even better.

Social media means that we all now have the power (and moral duty) to use our time constructively so we can HAVE FUN AND HELP EVERYONE. This can be anything from using time when watching television, listening to music or traveling to share the information that we hear about in a selfless way using the free social media that we now can use.

This ranges from doing a basic minimum of sharing the websites and information we hear about to everyone with Blogs and tweets to putting on free events that benefit everyone so we all can collaborate.

Selfish people and negative people have to be handled just like naughty children are handled. Everyone has to stand up to them and educate them while also not wasting attention on negative behaviour but rather put more attention on those taht are selflessly helping others. A simple way of doing this is to send a link to the relevant Wikipedia page to the negative person so they can learn. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Harris-The-Good-Evil-and-the-Us;search:evil

Feel free to make your own local free Trust Library with a few spare books that you have (it only take a few minutes to set up:) http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org

Reinventing business and government structures so it helps everyone more (hire selfless AND creative people).

How bet to enable that we all can help all? As government and business structures control how people interact often they can cause many problems by stopping humans from helping humans in ever improving ways. One way to solve this for free and in a way that everyone can use is  for any business government or charity to invest as much surplus funds as it can in NEW SELFLESS CREATIVE INNOVATION which benefits everyone and improves your success as you gain free goodwill which itself becomes a self fullfilling prophecy. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

Linking people together in the best ways to help everyone…
The western hiring process has come out of the industrial age so is out of date for the existing and future information age where organisations will only survive if they hire creative and selfless people. What is the best way to help hiring organisations and companies to creatively innovate so that they can provide a new reinvented service. We would liek to help any HR or recruitment teams do this if they are open minded enough to see that the current process if out of date and damaging to both applicants, organisations and the public.

New techniques and technology mean that everything that humans: have, are or will do will be reinvented (and you can do it right now with the web to help everyone:).

A. How to enable this to happen in the most beneficial way for the most people (EG most innovative and responsibly run)?

EG How to sustainably create the most innovation that benefits everyone? (building on innovations such as fire, the wheel and the web)

B. How that innovation is run and managed so it is shared and can continually evolve and in used in a responsible manner for the greatest benefit for everyone?

C. How to enable any technique or tool to be reused in a different way so that they can benefit everyone even more?
Open Source And Creative Commons help.
Creative, designers and inventors need to be wary of how every tool or technique can be used and miss used for ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and often those doing ‘bad’ think that they are doing ‘good’ because they can see or dont realize  the negative effects.

D. Simple techniques and technology can be invented from scratch so that it enables anyone to improve anyones life easily cheaply and quickly. How best to sustainably encourage, empower and enable anyone to do this in as effective and sustainable way on a short and long term basis? Do collaborate on doing this at http://www.WEBiversity.org

E. If a person is able to survive then they can spend maximum time learning and innovating for everyones benefit. How to enable everyone can survive and therefore work on impving everyones lives without wasting time on useless things?
Is there a way (or can we invent a way) for everyone to have enough food clothing and housing to live a happy life? Why not enable everyone to have 20% time or 80% time to work on things they love that help all? If you would like to work on this then do tweet to @whymandesign

F. Time management is key to making the most from life. Hwo to help everyone take control of their lives so they can live a happy life all the time?

G. Anyone can do anything so what you choose to do may be the most important part of the process.
We may all be victims of our success as we do more and more of what gives us success rather than what we enjoy or what has the most productive output. We may also make others victims of our success as known and unknown negative effects hurt others (when you win a race it also means that othrs loose the race so is a cumulative net losos).

H. As we are all connected more than ever with the internet how we work, succeed and interact to affect others in many different positive and negative ways.

How to help everyone work in the same direction so we all have a sum gain and dont cancel each other out in zero sum gain competitions.

I. As knowledge, techniques and technology capabilities develop faster and faster there is more and more potential to use these new tools for good AND bad (and potentially the largest danger of thinking you are doing good when you are doing bad). Only therefore share ideas that help everyone and always be wary of any person or organization or idea that hurts anyone be it though cheating, trade or accident. (dont let the culture that you are in dictate what you do or who you act as we can all improve what we do so that we help more people:).

How to share knowledge so we can all learn wisdom and tolarence to continue the eternal vigilance with wisdom progressing against ignorance. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Elizabeth-Dunn-Happiness-and-Mo;search:knowledge

J. How to help everyone protect themselves from any problems with free knowledge. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Justice-Whats-The-Right-Thin-13;search:protect

K. How to keep open experimentation going while also directing progress so it helps the most people in the most effective way in the short ad long term.

L. How to encourage / reward innovation when we dont know what new dimensions it comes from and which are the best directions to innovate in.

M. How to make it easier to teach anyone any language? Or how to make any language easier for anyone to learn? Or how to make any language intuitive or automatically known. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Patricia-Kuhl-The-linguistic-ge;search:education

N. How to reduce the burden pain and suffering of reproduction/health with education/health costs (and savings made through prevention)? Education is an almost free and effective way if done correctly.

O. What are the best ways to help tribes and cultures share and collaborate success and failure and juxtapositions?

P. What should we all be wary of in the past present and future knowledge economy?  How to make sure that everyone is aware of dangers and how to deal with them? Education of everyone is the key eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

Q. What are the present and future problems that WE are causing that we can become aware of, learn about  and prevent though education? Eg Sexism, Racism, Ageism, Pessimism… (they are all selfish generalizations so  selfishness and generalizations are the problems).

How to help all help all? What the best ways you have found to help all help all?

Selflessly Creatively Innovating must be the best way which can be achieved by helping everyone learn so we all become wise and help each other to help everyone have happy lives (simple and easy to do just by taking the time to watch video’s and observe then control our own ego’s and just enjoy being happy experiencing every second of life right now. And also by helping others makes us all happy:)

1. AIM (direction)

Happiness for all?

Sustainable innovation to benefit all

Responsible compassionate business


2. SUCCESS (speed)

Motivation (so everyone can use the supercomputer in their head to help all:)

Technology that enables everyone to maximise their potential.

3. MORE THAN WE KNOW (known/unknown unknowns)

What things do we know we dont know that could help all?
What other things do we NOT know that we dont know?

Direction and speed are both very important when solving problems. Traveling backwards may be the best policy as we may be down the wrong track (which could be in the opposite direction)

What simple ways are there that enable everyone to help everyone? Tweet them to http://www.twitter.con/whymandesign
1. Smile at EVERYONE you meet (Makes you and them happy:)
2. Share inspiring video with everyone (Makes you and them happy:)
3. Imagine how amazing everyone is and how much more we all can achieve by helping everyone we meet.

E.G. http://www.WEBiversity.org has video’s to inspire and help. Please share these videos and add your own to the site.

How to unlock tweets so they all become open and can be linked together to be usefull in ONLY wise selfless ways? Can tweets be sorted in http://www.DRUMbeat.org
Below are some tweets I would love to work with you to build on…

How to #help all #conference eg #mtconf #skollwf #voice11 #oxfordjam #icreate11 with @mozilladrumbeat #os #cc #apps & @WEBiversity #yeswecan

Help with @savethegames & @webiversity ?RT @smsradio: http://bit.ly/hbnLcG @Peacebuilding @Radio @Africa @kiwanja @sharath_sri @iginioe

How to #help @mozilladrumbeat #os #cc #apps @besteverman @happyseaurchin & turn #com into #charity @TRAIDmark explains eg @WEBiversity

What are the best ways to invest so everyone can help everyone with their savings?

1. What is the best way to educate everyone so they dont wast money on credit card, bank, porning or payday loan charges eg by using credit Credit Unions http://www.findyourcreditunion.co.uk

2. Comparing the ways people invest openly ans simply will enable everyone to make a better informed decision about their savings. Could www.good.is and www.sharable.net do this? Here is an overview comparison of the most common investment/saving styles and percentage interest/growth per year.
#. Inflation varies but is generally up to 5% devaluing everything everyone owns (the percentages below should therefore be more than 5%)
A. Bank savings – up to 5% return  B. FTSE100/Tracker funds – up to 10%  C. House prices – up to 10%  D. Antiques/art – up to 10%  E. Microlending – up to 10%  F. Your company/work – up to 10%  G. Pension – up to 10%  H. Your education – 10%?  I. Moneysaving/insulation… – 10%  J. Crowdinvesting – 10%?  K. Charity loan – 0% (but helps others:)

3. How is it best to enable everyone to see which companies/charities/governments do the most good for the most people with the most/least funds? Is there a easy way to compare every organisations spending and outcomes in a flexible objective and open minded short/long term way? EG http://opencharities.org & http://opencorporates.com

4. How can pension funds and finance institutions be encouraged to invest in creative and innovative companies that will return massive growth rather than predictable low returns? Is the best way to showcase examples of how it is proven and works so all banks/pension funds will follow suit? www.bigsocietycapital.com is one example of how every government could set up a Social Enterprise and Impact Investing bank by using ‘dormant’ bank accounts funds while they are sitting unused. Could this be done for other unclaimed funds/resources eg funds confiscated from criminals… The stolen pound can be reclaimed and used to lend to spend on charity innovation.

5. How can all past present and future government/charity/corporate windfalls from new ideas/resources that are discovered be used to benefit everyone the most eg privatised resources such as land/energy/services/ideas? http://www.nominettrust.org.uk is one example of how any government/charity/corporation can fund new technology startups that have a social and financial return that in turn can be used to fund even more innovation for the public good. Could this be done for all organisations as open innovation? What would be the best ways to enhance all existing and future ones eg by running them as open source charities so everyone can help/collaborate.

OPEN IDEAS! – How come all organisations do not have an open source ideas/collaboration team? How best to set this up? Is the best way to set up an open ideas organisation that can help any/every organisation?
1. We can help anyone enhance what they are doing with simple and proven ideas/innovation that you are not yet doing. More at www.whymandesign.com A few examples of simple and proven open ideas are shared at www.whymandesign.wordpress.com
2. What are the best ways to make every organisation openly innovate in selfless ways so they can help everyone? Is the best way to educate/empower everyone by sharing viral free video eg www.webiversity.org
3. Is the best way to help everyone help everyone to enable them to do it openly at no cost using open source and well designed crowdfunding and crowdsourcing software?

What are the best proven ways to help anyone earn a living while openly creatively innovating? Is the best way to inspire, empower and educate everyone with video so that we all can do this and then crowdsource and crowdfund everyone so we all can solve all humanities problems? EG www.webiversity.org

A. As all problems can be solved with creative open minded innovation how best to enable everyone to have time and space to do this in open selfless ways while surviving?
B. What problems do you and I have that stop us helping everyone right now and how can we solve them eg by sharing the problems, searching for the solutions and matching them up eg with video www.webiversity.org
C. How best to help anyone have fun earn a living and help everyone? Is the best way to help anyone create their own charity tech meetup barcamp or hackathon where they can solve local and global problems in proven sustainable ways? Eg www.rhok.org www.hack4good.org
D. How to help creatives artsts and thinkers solve problems simply in sustainable ways? Is there a way to enable anyone to earn a living while creatine new things that were not comprehended before eg different music art products software food…?
E. Is the best way to enable anyone to survive with free food and accomodation plus education so that they can become enlightened and solve problems in new ways? Eg with crowdfunding education www.webiversity.org
F. How best to enable anyone to solve any problem eg by googling all problems and sharing all solutions on social media? And if the solution does not exist then asking the community to solve it eg www.webiversity.org
G. How best to help everyone learn about the best ways to solve human problems? Eg by educating everyone with viral content so we all learn to master our minds www.webiversity.org
H. What is the best way to choose what you spend your time doing/solving? Is the best way to list the worlds problems and solve the ones that can help the most people the most effectively in the most important and sustainable ways? Eg educate everyone so everyone can learn to selflessly help everyone and therefore make everyone happy by being selfless? Eg with viral video www.webiversity.org
I. What is the best way to automatically lost and objectively rank/compare the best tools and techniques so that anyone can share and fine the best solutions to any problem easily so this can stop unnessesary duplocation and lack of use of the best tools and techniques. Is the best way to auto list all things and rank them using open alogarithms with added human ranking? Eg www.webiversity.org
J. How to help use all resources as effectively as possible eg by creating responsible microfinance and banks that lend/invest in new responsible solutions to the worlds problems? Is the best way to create open source solutions to the worlds problems thst anyone can donate/invest in locally?
K. What is the best way to create and encourage open decentralised collaboration networks given that everyone works at different locations/times/speed/complexity/styles? Is the best way to inspire and enable anyone to collaborate openly on crowdsourced projects eg www.webiversity.org
L. How best to enable anyone to enhance or change any product or service openly so they can evolve and become personalised eg by making wikipedia/youtube personalised so anyone can modify it eg www.webiversity.org
M. How to instantly help anyone earn a living while creatively innovating in new ways eg a artists/buskers? Is the best way to encourage anyone to share what they are doing so they can get donations and therefore concentrate on their skills and will then solve human problems that would otherwise not get solved?

1. As every problem can be solved right now by anyone due to the internet linking everyone and everything what should we all do?
Is the best thing to empower everyone to solve any problem themselves by sharing video eg www.webiversity.org and let them get on with solving the problems in their own time while you relax and enjoy
every second of life by doing what you love while sharing it openly to help everyone the most while on permanent holiday?!
2. What are the best ways to help anyone create anything eg with Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding?
Is the best way to start a project and share it on social media for others to join, contribute to and share?
Eg want to go on holiday and help create Open charity tech startups at the same time?…
3. Make your own DIY Open Charity Startup Weekend Holiday House Party Competition! As good as an MBA/PHD from the University of Life for free?! (where everyone wins!:)
Can it be as simple to set up as getting anyone to list 1. what skills you have and 2. What things you need 3. what resources/contacts you have or 4. what startup you want to (or are already) creating in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/crowdsourcecrowdfund
Any/all office, space, house or room can be opened up and used to run charity events, bars, clubs so anyone can party at any time.
Start from nothing and build your own charity tech startup lab/hackspace using the resources you have. Or if you only want to spend 1 minute on it why not make your own www.trustlibrary.org to see how easy it is.
If you would like to just relax on holiday and help everyone at the same time while earning a living post what you would like to do at https://www.facebook.com/crowdsourcecrowdfund

A. How best to help everyone help what you are working on and visa versa?

Is the best way to open up all new developments so everyone can help with simple proven creative innovation and also helping make the most of that latest mobile, social and open source technology?
Do ask and share what your working on and ask for things you need at www.whymandesign.com as we can help you do this with proven and new techniques and technology.
B. How best to solve any problems eg career, love, innovation, starvation, drought, flooding?
Is there a better way than to just share the best viral videos that educate and inspire everyone to help everyone and interact in the most effective ways? Could crowdsourcing and crowdfunding be used to do this for every video/image we share? EG www.webiversity.org
C. How can governments, organisation and individuals educate and empower everyone to solve all problems eg in their spare time?
Is the best way to educate and inspire everyone to solve problems to share inspiring videos that help all eg www.webiversity.org
D. How best to make the most from ideas/inventions/innovation/creativity?
Is the best way to make all ideas and inventions open source so that anyone can collaborate and share them so every human can contribute in selfless ways?
E. Everyone and every product and service can be improved significantly using simple proven and new techniques and technology so how best to enable everyone to do this so everything can evolve so it benefits everyone the most?
Is the best way to empower everyone to have fun collaborating in a decentralized open way inspired by open source. EG with http://mirocommunity.org/

1. What are the best ways to use resources such as money for good?

What are the best simple and proven ways we can all use our resources to help everyone the most? Eg share everything that we are not using so others can benefit from it (and they could donate to charity for the privilege so by sharing we are helping even more people)?
2. Is there a better way of using money than to invest it in new creative innovation that benefits everyone eg open source software and science crowdfunding?
What are the best ways to use money right now eg to use it to loan money to poorer people so they can use the funds to set up their own social enterprise? www.kiva.org
3. How many people can one pound or one dollar help at the same time?
If money is donated or lent to creatives who are able to invent new ways to solve human problems that everyone can use then one dollar can be used to solve global problems. Is the best way to do this by funding open source crowdfunded innovation so that anyone in the world can solve global problems and get funded to do this?
4. What are the best ways to link up everyone so we can meet the right people to enhance our work, leisure and love lives?
Is the best way to automatically link up likeminded people in online open groups eg on Twitter/Facebook/wikipedia or is there a way to automatically link up people so we all can collaborate better using open source software that enables creative innovation?
5. What are the best ways to help everyone creatively innovate and make self sustaining startups that benefit everyone?
Is the best way to empower and enable everyone to create their own open source startup hubs where anyone can collaborate anywhere in the world eg just by meeting together?
6. What is the best open source and decentralised Crowdsourcing and Crowfunding software?
Is there better software than with http://mirocommunity.org/ How best to enable anyone to help enhance the software without programming skills?

What are the best ways to run every company eg democratically so they can help the most people?
Social media is the community online so it is CRAZY if social media and comment boxes are run by private companies (And not the communities that make them work). We are the community so we should own and run the communities (it is like living in a country without any control over what happens there:). If we get enough likes then this can happen and so much extra exciting things then can be done.
The link is herehttps://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Enable_any_social_media_community_website_to_be_run_openly_in_a_democratica_way_eg_Avaaz/
Facebook page is here https://www.facebook.com/groups/648635141836839/
Also can we help your great work eg with www.webiversity.org

Should all work we create start with a question (or three)?
1. What is the best way to compare & help the 50 ‘best’ Crowdfund and Crowdsource organisations?
2. Is the best way to look at objective facts or concentrate on the circumstantial evidence that may show a clearer, realistic or holistic and objective view?
3. What is the best way to compare the positive social impact that crowdfunding and crowdsourcing has given the POTENTIAL to scale and help everyone?

At the base of this post is an objective analytical comparison of 50+ Crowdfunding (and Crowd-donating) website startups in a chart!
A. The chart below shows that there is a boom in Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding organisations as the software becomes more open and easily available everyone is trying to get invovled with this emerging market creating a boom (which could be dangerous as this often leads to a bust!).
B. Taking a hollistic approach to the information you can see that most organisations are doing similar things so could benefit from collaborating on the development of open source software as this would cut the development costs to almost zero (if shared between a number of organisations) not to mention the creative, innovative and collaborative advantages this brings.
C. Almost all of the startups are looking to develop into niches which could cause problems as they could all be creating siloes that divide the customer, cleient, suppliers and partners into many slightly different categories instead of linking them up so they can gain from the network effect.
D. Almost all of the organisations are started independantly which means that they will grow without being linked to organisations, networks or data banks that already exist eg www.wikipedia.org which could benefit them right now and growing into the future.
E. When looking at the best organisation to work with it is easy for customers to become confused with the ‘paradox of choice’ and give up which could be solved by rating each organisation comparatively.
F. How best to protect any new frontier/idea/innovation/process from being captured by a small number of individuals/companies to the detrement of the rest of society (eg patents…)?
Contact www.whymandesign.com for up to the second details about the latest Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing organistions and software as these can be used to help any individual and organisation make the most of what they are doing.

How best to help any organisation make the most of the free tools and techniques that are available to everyone?
What are the best ways to share the free ways that everyone can help everyone using the latest technology for free eg Social Media, Mobile Technology, location based technology…? We can help anyone do this by researching then analysing plus setting up and enhancing existing and new social media techniques/strategies with proven techniques (eg every Crowdfunding and Crowdsouring organisation can always enhance its social media and we have simple proven ways to do this eg by auto video embedding). To find out more contact www.whymandesign.com

Every person and organisation could crowdfund and crowdsource everything they do if the software was ‘easily’ available and managed in the ‘best’ open way by ‘responsible’ organisations right now!
How best to help encourage all organisations to do this right now as it is easy to do? For example how to help www.wikipedia.org to add crowdsourcing and crowdfunding features to its pages (eg adding auto video embedding would add multiple features as this technical prototype shows www.webiversity.org ). There also are a wide variety of different software packages around but almost all are not usable for laymen so would need to have UI/X and social designs enhanced to enable the majority of people to use them easily and quickly. If you know the right people to talk to at Wikipedia or Mozilla or other organisations do share this blog post with them on social media and give us their contact details as so much can be done with a postivie ‘yes we can’ ‘big society’ approch.

How can ideas & software be designed so that it benefits everyone most?
Should all software be Open Source so that everyone can use, share and collaborate on the same family tree of software so humanity does not continually duplicate the same things over and over again but instead collaborates and shares so that every creative innovation can be shared and replicated almost infinitely? How to prevent people and startups continually making the same mistakes of replicating similar software over and over again? For example there are a number of different open source Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding software packages that anyone can use the set up their own crowdfund or crowdsource website in a few minutes.

How to help everyone innovate and collaborate in the most effective ways?
Is the best way to help many any organisation open so that the people, products, partners, software… are all educated, empowered and managed in an open way so everyone can collaborate with anyone? www.wikipedia.org and www.mozilla.org are just two examples of how how extremely successful this can be done. Is there a better way of doing this than by sharing the best free videos eg http://webiversity.magnify.net/video/Your-ultimate-enemy-your-person

How best to help everyone the most?
What simple ways are there that we can all do to help everyone the most? EG share the best educational videos that we watch with everyone using social media eg www.webiversity.org
If you would like help doing this or any other simple, proven and creative solutions to problems then contact www.whymandesign.com

What is the best way to help make sure all good intentions have the maximum positive output?
If everything is developed openly in a selfless decentralised way this enables everyone to contribute and helps everyone learn from each other by collaborating (compared to competing which creates duplication/friction) during any process which prevents the silo effect of multiple identical products/services being produced at the same time when they may not solve the problem at hand at all. Kevin Star explains many proven problems that are simple to solve in this great Poptech talk http://webiversity.magnify.net/video/Kevin-Starr-Lasting-Impact;search%3Akevin

50+ ‘best’ Crowdfunding & Crowdsourcing startup websites compared analytically

If your organisation is listed in this list please contact www.whymandesign.com for your Crowdfunding Pioneers Prize by commenting here https://www.facebook.com/crowdsourcecrowdfund ! Everyone is a winner because if there were only one winner that would mean everyone else would be a loser so do share your favourite inspiring videos at https://www.facebook.com/groups/352077702670/ ! (If your organisation is not listed contact us so we can add you).

The 50+ ‘best’ Crowdfund Websites that were compared are (contact www.whymandesign.com for more details and to submit alternatives)
Crowdfund Organization List (The Crowdsource & Crowdfunding market is evolving rapidly so details are always changing) Crowdfund Website URL (contact www.whymandesign.com to submit alternatives) Geography Platform Focus Focus on Creative Projects Focus on Social Change Projects Grants or Investment or Both Focus on For-Profit Projects Allow Future Revenue, equity or profit Sharing All or Nothing Funding Model Take What You Get Funding Model Tipping Point Funding Model Support Recurring Funding Support Pooling of investor funds Support Pooling of Investee Projects Online Community and/or collaboration Develop Funder – Fundee Partnership Percentage platform take in fees Date Launched Funds transferred to date (million)
Actblue https://www.actblue.com/ USA Political No No Grants No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No 4% 2004 $266m
Angellist https://www.angel.co USA Startup No No Investment Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Free N/A N/A
Causes http://www.causes.com/ USA Fundraising Yes Yes Grants No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No 5% 2007 $30m
Causevox http://www.causevox.com USA Fundraising No No Grants No No No Yes No No Yes No No No 7.50% 2010 N/A
Crowdrise http://www.crowdrise.com/ USA Fundraising No Yes Grants No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No 5% Sep-09 N/A
Donorschoose http://www.donorschoose.org/ USA Education Yes Yes Grants No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Free 2000 $119m
Firstgiving http://www.firstgiving.com/ USA Fundraising No No Grants No No No Yes No No Yes No No No 5% 2002 $1,000m
Microplace (owned by EBAY) https://www.microplace.com/ USA Microfinance No Yes Investment Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No Free 2006 N/A
Networkforgood http://www1.networkforgood.org/ USA Fundraising No Yes Grants No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No 3% 2001 $672m
PeerBackers http://peerbackers.com USA No Yes No Grants Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No 5% 2011 N/A
Prosper http://www.prosper.com/ USA No No No Loans No No Yes No No No Yes No No No 0.5-5% 2006 $369m
Rally (previous version called Piryx) https://www.rally.org/ USA Fundraising Yes Yes Grants No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes 5% 2012 N/A
Razoo http://www.razoo.com/ USA Fundraising No Yes Grants No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 3% 2006 $98m
RocketHub http://rockethub.com USA No Yes Yes Grants Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No 8/12% Jan-10 N/A
Somolend http://www.somolend.com/ USA No No No Loans Yes No Yes No No No No No No No N/A 2011 N/A
SpotUs http://spot.us/ USA Journalism No Yes Grants No No Yes No No No Yes No No No Free 2008 N/A
Supporterwall http://www.supporterwall.com USA No Yes Yes Grants No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes 6% 2009 N/A
Loudsauce http://loudsauce.com/ USA Advertising N/A Yes Grants N/A N/A Yes No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10% Not launched Not launched
Abundance https://www.abundancegeneration.com/ UK Green No No Investment Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No N/A 2012 Not launched
Bzzbnk https://prod.buzzbnk.org/ UK No No Yes Both Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No 5% 2010 N/A
CrowdCube (EIS and SEIS tax relief) http://www.crowdcube.com UK No No No Investment Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No 5% Feb-11 £3.7m
CrowdFunder http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/ UK No Yes Yes Grants Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No 5% Nov-10 N/A
Crowdmission http://crowdmission.com/ UK Sustainable N/A Yes Investment N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5% Sep-12 Not launched
http://www.ethex.org.uk UK N/A N/A Yes Investment N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Oct-12 Just launched
Fundingcircle https://www.fundingcircle.com UK No No No Loans Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No 1% yearly & 1% sellers fee 2010 £35m
Givey http://www.givey.co.uk UK No No Yes Grants No No N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes No N/A No 5% May-11 N/A
Localgiving http://localgiving.com/ UK Fundraising No Yes Grants No No No Yes No No Yes No No No 3% 2008 N/A
MyProjects by CRUK http://myprojects.cancerresearchuk.org UK Fundraising No Yes Grants No No Yes No No No Yes No No No Free N/A N/A
Peoplefundit (Wedidthis & Unbound) http://www.peoplefund.it UK No No No Grants Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No 5% 2011 N/A
Pleasefundus http://pleasefund.us UK Creative Yes No Grants No No Yes No No No Yes No No No 5% Sep-11 N/A
Ratesetter http://www.ratesetter.com/ UK No No No Loans No No Yes No No No No No No No N/A Oct-10 £0.8m
Seedrs (FSA approved) http://seedrs.com UK No No No Investment Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No 7.50% Jul-12 Just Launched
Seethedifference http://www.seethedifference.org/ UK Fundraising No Yes Grants No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No 5% 2010 N/A
Soloco http://www.soloco.co.uk/ UK No No No Loans Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No N/A 2011 N/A
Spacehive http://spacehive.com/ UK Community Yes Yes Grants No No Yes No No No Yes No No No 3.75% 2012 N/A
Sponsume http://www.sponsume.com UK No Yes No Grants Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No 4/9% Aug-10 N/A
Virginmoneygiving http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com UK Fundraising No Yes Grants No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No 2% 2009 £100m
Zopa http://www.zopa.com UK No No No Loans No No Yes No No No No No No No 1% + charge 2005 £111m
Banktothefuture http://banktothefuture.com/ UK No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5% + £1,750 Jul-12 Just Launched
Just Giving http://www.justgiving.com UK Fundraising No Yes Grants No No No Yes No No Yes No No No 5% 2000 $770m
Bmycharity http://www.bmycharity.com/ UK Fundraising No No Grants No No No Yes No No Yes No No No Free 2000 N/A
Symbid http://www.symbid.com Netherlands No No No Investment Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No Yes 5% Apr-11 £<1m
ArtistsShare http://www.artistshare.com Global Music Yes No Grants Yes No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No N/A Oct-03 N/A
Believersfund (Appsfunder) http://www.believersfund.com Global Apps Yes No Investment yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes 8% Oct-10 N/A
Citizen Effect http://www.citizeneffect.org Global No No Yes Grants No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Free 2009 N/A
Funding4learning http://www.funding4learning.com Global Education No No Grants No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No 5% May-11 N/A
Globalgiving http://www.globalgiving.org/ Global Fundraising No Yes Grants No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes 15% Feb-02 $68m
Growvc http://www.growvc.com Global No No No Investment Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes N/A 2008 N/A
IndieGogo http://www.indiegogo.com/ Global No Yes Yes Grants Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No 4/9% 2008 N/A
Interactor http://filminteractor.com Global Films Yes No Grants Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No 8% 2004 N/A
Kapipal http://www.kapipal.com Global No Yes Yes Grants Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No No Free 2009 N/A
Kickstarter http://www.kickstarter.com/ Global Creative Yes No Grants Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No 5% 2008 $246m
Kiva http://www.kiva.org Global Microfinance No Yes Loans Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Free 2005 $200m
Kopernik http://kopernik.info/ Global Charity Innovation Yes Yes Grants No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Free 2010 N/A
Lendingclub http://www.lendingclub.com Global No No No Loans No No Yes No No No No No No No 1% 2007 $760m
MyMajorCompany http://www.mymajorcompany.co.uk Global Music Yes No Grants Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No N/A 2007 £10m
PledgeMusic http://www.pledgemusic.com Global Music Yes No Grants Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes 15% Aug-09 N/A
Pozible (Launched as Fundbreak) http://www.pozible.com Global No Yes Yes Grants Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No 5% May-10 $2.5m
SeedUps http://www.seedups.com Global No Yes No Investment Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No Free Feb-11 £50m
Sellaband https://www.sellaband.com/ Global Music Yes No Grants Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Free 2006 N/A
StartSomeGood http://www.startsomegood.com Global Yes No Yes Grants No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No 5% Mar-11 N/A
Verkami http://www.verkami.com Global Creative Yes No Grants Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No 5% N/A N/A
Wiseed http://www.wiseed.com/ France No Yes No Investment Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A No Yes No Yes No 15% Jan-10 £2.5m
Mymicroinvest http://mymicroinvest.com/ Belgium No No No Investment Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No Yes 12% 2012 £0.5m

For more details and the latest Technology Startup, Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing details PLUS proven creative and innovative ways to enhance any organisation AND Social Media Expertise contact www.whymandesign.com

How to help everyone make the most of life right now?!

As anyone can do anything with any second of their life what are we doing right now? What persuaded us to do that and what simple things could we do to maximise our fun and output? Eg learning to master our minds and use the 80/20 rule by watching and sharing videos www.webiversity.org

How best to help everyone make the most of their brains, life, resources and money so it helps everyone the most? Is the best way to share educational videos right now eg www.webiversity.org and to openly crowdsource and crowdfund everything on decentralised open platforms eg www.tiddlywiki.org ?

What are the best ways to help make all organisations open, decentralised, selfless and help everyone in proven and new creative/innovative ways?

What is the best way to make everything accessible to everyone eg by automatically sharing everything?

How best to make everyone able to build new software/tools just as easily as building lego? Is the best way to make a language that everyone already speaks so we can all instantly contribute and share effortlessly (though everyone ha to be taught to be selfless first so the selfish do not harm everyone by ignorantly trying to get personal gain)? Eg games for good that effectively help everyone such as the ‘social media game’ we are all olsying by using the tools socially.

What is the best way to help anyone create new things in sustainable ways so they are used in the most effective ways to help everyone the most openly? Is the best way to simply share films that help anyone learn to self sustain themselves while doing whst they love?

How are the tools we use holding us back and how best to enable everyone to improve them selflessly right now eg software/hardware and open source everything? Is the best way to start a facebook group asking how to improve the technology openly?

How can existing fashion/fads be use for good? Eg the time/money spent on watching sport, drinking/drugs, buying fashion/goods? Is the best way to create charity taxes and cumulatively growing taxes on non essential premium items (eg a higher growing tax that grows according to the cost of a product so excessive spending by everyone helps everyone more?

How best to help luxuries such as fashion, tourism, drinking, sports help everyone? How can the organisations add simple proven ways to help everyone eg donarions and collaborations/volunteering?

Everyone can have everything they want by learning about the human mind/ego from free online video! How to help everyone do this rather than get distracted by different vices? Share free video eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

Can we help you to help everyone using your skills? If so please share this post and comment saying what you want to solve using what skills and why. It would be great to help enhance your work using proven creative techniques and funding so we can help everyone in simple and proven ways that most are not using yet.

We can help you enhance any product, service, startup or art project with proven creative innovation that you are not already using. Contact us to find out how. http://www.whymandesign.com

Below are some questions and thoughts that it would be great to have your constructive feedback on (comment below and reply on facebook)…

1. Vice v virtue
How best to help everyone learn to master their own mind/ego so that everyone can live in constant happiness by being selfless and creatively innovating to help everyone? Educate everyone with free online video? http://www.WEBiversity.org

2. Complexity fails all?!
The tragedy of choice means that complexity kills?
As nature/science appears to be built of clever simple components why do humans have a tendency to make things confusing and complex? Does the human ego want to confuse us by making things as complex as possible so we overlook how simple life, the mind and ego are? By taking things out of our life/minds we make more space and time to reflect and enjoy and appreciate what we have. How best to help everyone to learn that less is more and to take the time to master their minds so they can live a happy selfless mind instead of an unhappy competitive envious life? EG by sharing love your duplicate it and make others happy bwhich then make you happy.

3. Master your mind/ego/world
Master your mind and instantly your world/life can become anything you want (just like the way you interpret every sense you see/smell/touch/taste)
If any human is not able to stop and do nothing for 5-30 minutes a day  what does that say about their control of their mind/ego and vices? If a human is not able to master their mind why should they be given responsibility for anything that could effect or damage others?

4. Curing selfishness?
How best to help everyone learn to be selfless by learning to become aware of their ego trying to dominate and control everything so they can ignore the ego like a naughty child which will then learn to obey their conscious mind so that they can make wise educated decisions that dont un/consciously harm others? Is it best to share videos that educate about selflessness so that we can all learn to do this eg http://www.webiversity.org

5. How best to manage new techniques and technology so that they benefit everyone the most so that the selfish are not able to damage everyone any more (as they are doing now?)?
Everyone benefits by the most continual selfless creative innovation that is manages in a decentralised local way so that it can continually evolve and develop with selfless creative collaboration eg compassion/web?

EG Crowdfunding What is the best way to help educate everyone to do this eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

6. Preventing selfishness damaging everyone
How to prevent just one selfish person from ruining a selfless collaboration group? Humans have battled this problem so are good at detecting liars/cheats so the best way may be to eucate everyone so we can all spot and help educate the selfish so they can learn to stop selfishness eg http://www.webiversity.org

7. Evolve all systems or fail!
As doing nothing means failure (as the web has reinvented everything) how best to evolve old and current systems so that they can be re/invented into far more effective ways using proven techniques and new tools such as the internet and open source software?

8. Open everything
How best to open every organisation so that they can be managed by everyone and forced to creatively innovate in a selfless way so they can benefit everyone the most? Can educating everyone with free online video educate and empower everyone to do this eg http://www.WEBiversity.org or is there a better way that also will not harm anyone?

9. How best to reinvent unowned objects like natural resources/currency/thoughts/ideas so they can benefit everyone the most? Is the best way to make everything owned by everyone and managed in proven online democratic ways so that everyone can collaboratively help everyone?

10. What is the ideal way we would all like to live with everyone and how best to make this happen as it is not easily possible given the network effect of the web? How can the highly skilled be persuaded to use their skills for the benefit of everyone rather than a few in high paid but ineffective (compared to working in an open collaborate way) ways?

11. How best to make ALL new technology accessibly and simple enough to learn so that every human (as we all have supercomputers in our heads) can selflessly collaborate on creatively innovating for the benefit of humankind?  Open standards and simplification are key but how best to help everyone learn the most important things so we call can learn to become selfless and wise before learning other skills that could be used in damaging selfish ways?

12. How best to help everyone help everyone? By linking up everyone in decentralised ways we enabled everyone to contact everyone and if this is managed responsibly then everyone will be encouraged to use their time to help everyone in effective selfless creative ways. This could be done using existing decentralised open source software if managed so that anyone can use the software for any number of uses eg www.Wikipedia.org could be enhanced with www.localwiki.org and ww.tiddlywiki.org This will enable every group to cselflessly collaborate and solve their and others problems…

EG Old and young people talk and collaborate on solving problems that affect them and everyone…
Fit and ill people talk and worth together to appreciate what they have

13. How best to enable everyone to earn an income while selflessly collaborating? This can be done using proven age old techniques such as busking where creative musicians have done what they love (play music) while earning a living enabling them free time to collaborate. How best to enable everyone to do this using their skill base? If anyone becomes a sole trader then ehy take responsibility for their actions and if they also donate any net profit they make to innovative charitable work then they will gain customers due to the goodwill created and importantly save lives. http:/www.webjam.com/traidmark.org explains more

14. How best to make every organisation more innovative and effective? Empower everyone with selfless inspiring video eg http://www.WEbiversity.org Every organisation would become more effective if it was run as a charity as it then could donate all net profit to innovative charitable work (after R&D & performance pay) so every employee, customer and supplier would be more likely to use that organisation and it would save lives with every pound/dollar of net profit it creates while fueling its growth with massive goodwill gains.

15. How best to prevent complexity and competition cause confusion repetition and lack of progress? Many wastefull problems happen in any emerging market as it is not regulated properly so the first mover advantage enables large organisations to create monopolies or other dangerous problems before government or regulation are able to catch up.

eg Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding have created an explosion of different pieces of software that all duplicate the same solution so are a waste of time when one open source piece of software could solve all the problems at once if managed in a responsible open source and not for profit way. How best to enable all these separate organisations to collaborate and run as selfless not fr profits so they can benefit everyone instead of a few


16. How to make every sector and profession open and accessible enough for everyone to take part in it it so that the wisdom of the crowd can enable all sectors to creatively innovate openly (the most effective way to create development)? For example how can healthcare become affordable enough for everyone to creatively innovate and develop new treatments to prevent and cure disease with an open mind? Educating and empowering everyone to do so can help eg http://www.webiversity.org

17. How best to protect infrastructure that is fundamental to human existance such as access to (and qualify of) water, food, shelter, fuel, medicine, education, internet…
For example how to make all internet connections sustainable so that if any central point is broken that it still works eg if power is lost? Can 3 or more networks always be working so that it creates alternative ways to creatively innovate?

18. How best to help enhance the way every organisation including government, charity and companies work so they can serve everyone more effectively? Educate everyone so we can all learn to become selfless and help everyone then empower everyone to creatively innovate and concentrate on solving the most important problems while having fun eg http://www.webiversity.org

19. What are the simplest and best way to make human inventions such as money serve everyone the most? Is the best way to educate every human to spend and use the money they have in the most effective way eg by investing it in products/services that help the most people in a selfless way? http://ww.webiversity.org

20. How best to help link up anyone in an open effective way to that they are educated to be selfless then empowered and enabled to creatively innovate with technology that is easy to develop and modify by anyone? Is the best way just to educate everyone with open video eg http://www.webiversity.org

21. As technology, data, science is continually growing faster and faster towards a singluarity how best to help humans cope with this and when do we have all that we need (we probably already have all that we need:) and when will the human mind reach its limit? Is the best way to help everyone to learn to master their own mind and learn to be selfless so they can be happy eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

22. Would you like to be paid to use your best skills to help everyone while on holiday? Contact us and we can help you do this. Also do you know any programmers who would like to use and enhance existing open source software so that it can be used to save lives and help everyone? If so please put them in contact with us http://www.whymandesign.com

23. As there are so many new simple creative and innovative ways to help everyone why have these not been already developed by anyone let alone in selfless open source ways and how can we all enable this? Why is there not simple and proven effective support education and funding for selfless innovation that benefits everyone as the world wide web alone proves that open selfless protocols benefit every single person on this planet far more effectively than selfish closed competition?

24. How to prevent the ‘lucky’ few (politicians/founders/Execs) that manage to create/control national/world beating technology/organisations/wealth (be being at the right place at the right time with the right people) from being corrupted by absolute control (power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely)? Is the best way to make every organisation open so that everyone can see what decisions are being made? Is a better way to make every ‘leader’ accountable to everyone they effect?

25. How best to enable everyone to create their own startup even if they dont have any money, skill or education/empowerment? Is the best way to educate them with free online video so they can then go on to create their own startups that benefit everyone? http://www.webiversity.org

26. How best to help the weak and vulnerable create their own charity startups so they can solve the problems that affect them most? Is the best way to empower everyone to selflessly collaborate with video eg http://www.webiversity.org

27. How best to help the rich use their finance to help everyone while also increasing their funds so they than can go on to use it to fund more work that helps everyone? Anyone can do this by using the free http://www.webjam.com/traidmark business model

29. As most problems could be solved right now using the power of the internet what is preventing everyone from solving these problems and how can the things preventing solutions be changed/evolved/stopped so we can get the solutions right now? How can individuals organisations and governments enable this to happen right now eg by funding open innovation that benefits everyone? eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

How best to help everyone learn to selflessly help everyone as it benefits everyone most if everyone is selfless? Educate everyone by sharing the best free video that educates about being selfless eg www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/AuthorsGoogle-Alan-Gregerman;search%3Aself

Do take a few minutes to read all the points below as they can help you help everyone simply…

Every problem can be solved right now if any/every individual and organisation educated and empowered everyone to learn to become selfless wise and creative. This can be done simply just by everyone sharing the best educational videos that they find that teach about selflessness (if we don’t all share selfless videos then humanity could become a selfish ignorant state like it has been in the past. This does not need to be the case any more now that the internet enables everyone to help everyone selflessly and importantly that we know know that being selfless benefits everyone and being selfish harms everyone). Do share the videos at http://www.WEBiversity.org

1. Solving any problem simply
What are the simplest and most effective ways to help everyone solve human problems? Is there a better way than to educate and empower everyone to selflessly create? eg http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Athenes-Theory-of-Everything-Yo

What are the most effective ways to help anyone collaborate creatively in selfless and efficient ways that benefit everyone while protecting everyone and selfless ideas from the selfish ignorant that can easily abuse systems/processes? Is the best way to educate everyone in simple proven ways to be aware of and regulate the selfish ignorant eg http://www.webiversity.org ?

What is the best way to help anyone fund any innovation? One proven way of doing this that humans have been doing since the beginning of time is to crowdsource and crowdfund the creative innovation in a selfless way. This has become even easier to do with the telephone and the web as now anyone anywhere in the world can help with any project. This only works well if the project is run in a selfless way that benefits everyone eg as a charity that donates all net profit created from the innovation to fund new innovation that benefits everyone as this will enable anyone to selflessly collaborate eg wikipedia. More details of how this can be done are at http://www.webjam.com/traidmark

How best to prevent the selfless ignorant making land grabs of natural resources, ideas, talent… for selfish ignorant personal gain at the expense of humanity (in many proven ways this happens with lots of proven research already online)? Is the best way to make all orgaisations run as selfless organisations that have to donate 100% of their net profit into new innovative ways to solve all human problems? This would mean that everyone would work harder and collaborate more as they would be working towards solving important problems that benefit everyone rather than just making people richer!)? It would also benefit the rich and poor alike more as many of the problems that hurt them most will be solved (eg cancer…)

How best to help everyone get distracted less by the vices/obsessions eg shiny new things such as fashion/football/news/gossip and use that wasted time on helping solve problems that affect us all in fun ways? How can every individual do this and also how can government do this? Is educating everyone constantly via video the best way eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

How best to help humans prevent themselves from getting brainwashed by their culture and community so that humans dont get corrupted into thinking they are doing good when they are doing bad? Is educating everyone to think differently the best way eg http://www.webiversity.org

How best to enable anyone to evolve what they are doing so that it benefits everyone more eg just by collecting for charity while they are doing what they normally do? What is the best way to help any leisure activity raise funds for new innovative ways to solve charitable problems so people get healthier and raise funds sustainably to help everyone?

2. Being paid to solve human problems right now?
Would you like a job in a tech startup that saves lives like a charity but solves human problems with an open source mentality? Can we help you do this in simple proven ways?

Do you know anyone that would be interested in being paid to use and develop open source software that enables anyone to selflessly collaborate on creative innovation more effectively

Do you know anyone that has an idea or a startup that needs funding or support?

Do you know any programmers that would like to use their skills to use existing and create new open source software to help everyone solve humanitarian problems?

If you or anyone you know are interested in these please contact http://www.whymandesign.com as we would like to work with you.

3. How to help every individual manage humanity and society from the ground up to protect everyone from elites/unknowns!
As humanity develops how best to help everyone learn the skills to cope with new techniques and technology?
Can slogans such as “Keep Calm and Carry On” help or is more needed to help everyone learn to cope in a fast changing agile and interconnected world? Should everyone be taught to master their meind and become selfless and wise before being given other knowledge that could damage everyone?

As every human can be taught/trained to learn and become anything how best to enable everyone to make the most of their capabilities and mind (almost infinite potential) and how best to protect everyone from accidentally learning ‘bad’ things either from our personal, cultural or humanities past or from new bad habits that humans learn? Is educating everyone with proven videos the best way such as http://www.WEBiversity.org

How best to enable everyone to earn a living while creatively innovating to benefit everyone? Can the barter/trust system support this or are new forms of ethical payment needed? What if everyone became a sole trader would that add responsibility and liability to organisations actions?

How to protect the innocent best? Is educating everyone to learn the proven science behind being selfless and how many i/rational and un/common sense views/approaches are in/correct? Can thought processes such as those created by Eduard De Bono and the Singularity help us all learn or will they be used by an elite ignorant few as has been proven over and over again in the past?

4. How best to evolve existing systems and organisations that are out of date as computers and the internet has reinvented everything?
How to protect the majority from systems that are out of date or flawed and new systems that emerge unexpectedly and can spread like a virus? Is there a better way than by educating everyone to cope with unexpected change selflessly?

What is the best way to develop existing systems such as government, money, religion so that they can keep up with emerging technology and knowledge so the good parts from history are not eroded/deleted and so that the bad parts can be solved/fixed (not to mention hidden future good and bad things)?

How can the effect of music/video and culture be maximised to benefit everyone most and saves lives? How best to empower everyone to create music/video/objects that selflessly help everyone?
Do you know anyone we can commission to make music or video that teaches selflessness and how it benefits everyone?

How best to link up everyone in the most constructive way so that we can all learn from each other without being drowned in useless self obsessed information? How can existing and new networks enable everyone to improve them in a selfless way? For example how can Wikipedia enable everyone to improve the platform in a decentralised way?

The human interaction between local reputable responsibility and global economies of scale is key to how humanity is structured. What are the best proven and new ways to improve the ways we interact?

Power corrupts and Absolute power corrupts absolutely so how best to prevent any human from becoming absolute in any profession, status or pastime?

Divide and conquer is applied everywhere so how is it best to enable that everyone gets on with everyone by learning to have compassion and educating the ignorant so that they learn to become wise.

Is capitalism and competition an endless self defeating game where everyone becomes consumed in winning and misses the point of life (that may be about enjoying the moment or that life itself is a chance moment)?

How to help everyone learn that every object, organisation, culture, human and animal has a brand image that we all impose on it using our emotions that is cultivated by the way different societies interact?

How to test if capitalism is managing greed so that it can benefit everyone but only if managed well by humans/society/governments? Is there a better way not hat the internet links up every member of the globe at almost no cost?

5. Educate and empower everyone to create selflessly?

Creativity, innovation and inventions create growth that benefits everyone so lets concentrate on these as we can all be educated to selflessly help everyone simply by creatively innovating. Is video the best way to educate everyone about this? http://www.WEBiversity.org

The web is the greatest tool that humanity has ever made BUT is only as good as the humans that use it (like fire or the axe). How best to help everyone learn so we can all question the ways our culture and mind/ego affects how we interact in society and the web so we can all simply become happy by helping everyone?

How best to help everyone learn about mental difference and disability so that everyone can continually learn to improve our minds? What is the best way to help those with mental problems (eg the selfish ignorant) learn to diagnose and solve their own problems? Sharing videos that educate may be the best way eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

How best to change organisation structures as they all are harming humanity as they prevent individuals from creatively innovating for the benefit of all humans? Are any organisational structures actually effective or even good now that the web can link up every human item and location better and for free? Can we help solve this with simple techniques eg http://www.WEBiversity.org & http://www.webjam.com/TRAIDmark

As academics have discovered that there are 7+ different learning styles we all need to be taught to discover what our learning style is and what we all are missing by only having one learning style plus how best to enable everyone to collaborate with 7+ other people to make the most of the value we can add with the complementary and different skills.

How best to enable and empower everyone to creatively innovate and invent selflessly for the global good? Teach everyone with engaging video eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

How best to enable any organisations to continually creatively innovates for the good of everyone? Every organisations goes through a lifecycle with creative pioneers setting up the organisation but a key problem is that this creative founding spirit get eroded over time so that every organisations becomes a slumbering giant that continually becomes more and more infective! Breaking up any organisation so that everyone works independantly is a simple way to solve this and business structures like http://www.webjam.com/traidmark enable any organisation to do this.

How best to empower networking/socialising in sustainable ways that benefit everyone while raising funds for charity? Running charity events may be the best way.

Do take a few minutes to watch & share this short video (it will change your life and save you time:) as it explains how humans work and makes everyones life better (and share to remind everyone to love everyone with compassion as we all are can can peacefully and selflessly love everyone right now which will solve every human problem:) http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Athenes-Theory-of-Everything-Yo

1. Everyone is amazing and can become even more amazing just by us all helping everyone we know to achieve their potential as selfless humans (and everything has probably been thought/done before so we can enjoy re/discovering what others have found before as this helps us combat our selfish ego’s). How best to help everyone to learn to combat their ego and vices (that give empty short hits that harm you and everyone) plus make the most of their virtues (that give full long glowing pleasure that helps everyone) (everyone can:). http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/AuthorsGoogle-Alan-Gregerman;search%3Aself

2. The web is linking up every human to every other human so has changed all the previous rules/guides to life and society. Now everyone can selflessly collaborate with everyone in one giant team that can enable humanity to work together as we learn together to become enlightened and dissolve out of date & artificial prejudices/barriers that were created to control/manipulate everyone. All humans are practically identical and the strongest similarity is that we are all individual and a tiny bit different which makes us all special and valuable so every human has to be kept in good mental/physical health so we can make the most of our individual virtues that are developed as we all grow beyond any vice/failure that we experience/learn from in life. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Jeremy-Rifkin-The-Emphatic-Civi;search%3Arsa

3. Why is educating every human to become selfless and wise the most important task for humanity and how can it be solved right now? All any human wants in life is to be happy and to achieve their potential. With the correct education they can learn to make themselves happy by serving everyone by selflessly creating things to help everyone. If ignorant selfish humans are allowed to grow/flourish and spread the viral selfish disease created by the ego then all humanity will live in pain and suffering however if every individual human simply learns to observe and control their own selfish ego they then will become enlightened and happy by being selfless so that all of humanity will then be able to live in selfless collaborative happiness and everyone will benefit from that AND from the massive advantages created by everyone being selfless eg creative and innovative development. This can be solved right now just by sharing the best videos you see that teach selflessness with everyone you know. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/RSA-Animate-Drive-The-surprisin;search%3Arsa

4. How best to enable the selfless enlightened to get attention/respect from the selfish ignorant who are inclined (and easily distracted) to concentrate their attention on wasteful pursuits and try to socially ostracise anyone that challenges their ignorant selfish point of view as ignorance and the ego can only survive if it rejects knowledge/wisdom by rejecting/denying/discrediting or ignoring/forgetting/bitching about it?

5. How best to help everyone learn about our known/unknown talents and failures plus resources/dangers and personality or mental health differences? Eg help everyone self diagnose in mainstream content for example help everyone learn to observe and then ignore their inner ego http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Your-Biggest-Enemy-is;search%3Ahuman

6. Educate everyone to develop from childlike selfish competitors who will damage everyone (including themselves by ruining resources as they fight over them just like self harming) to become wise selfless collaborators that will helpall (due to cumulative mass gains and other proven enhancements). Just like any uneducated childlike humans (eg Lord of the Flies) need to be educated by parents so do uneducated adults that still are obsessed by competition (as they have not matured to become enlightened humans) need to be educated to learn to love and care for every human, animal and atom in existance. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Instruction-manual-for-life-gre

7. Everyone has to make sure we watch all systems and organisations so that we can make sure that they continually grow open-mindedly outwards in a selfless wise collaborative way using creative innovation because there is enough for everyone if we share and collaborate. The danger is that selfishness, competition or conformist protectionism makes everyone get sucked into selfish death spirals or conformist linear regulation as there wont be enough for anyone is everyone competes to lock down everything which will prevent development. The only way to protect against selfish competition and enable everyone to flourish with selfless collaboration is to educate everyone to learn to become selfless and wise. http://www.WEBiversity.org

8. Why do the ignorant thing that they know everything and the wise think that they now nothing? The ignorant are so closed minded that they think they know everything because their mind is so closed off that they have a lack of perspective where as the wise are open minded enough to look outside the box/bubble of their knowledge/existence so they are aware of how much knowledge there is out there to be learned. How best to educate everyone so we all learn that we all know so little that we should respect everyone and combat our ego that tries to control our own minds? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/ZEITGEIST-II-ADDENDUM-FULL-MO-2

9. How to enable everyone to learn so we all develop from the primitive juvenile ignorant selfish state to grow up to become wise selfless enlightened adults? Educate everyone for free with video and only share every video that you see that teaches you something useful with your friends so wisdom is not confused with knowledge and not diluted with information. http:/www.WEBiversity.org

10. As the web enables everyone to learn and do anything the key now is not WHAT anyone does but HOW and WHY they do it. Helping everyone to learn to be selfless and creative means that everyone will be able to invent/create new things that benefit everyone in collaborative ways. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Lisa-Gansky-The-Future-is-Shari;search%3Agrow

11. How to prevent the selfish ignorant from harming everyone and enable the selfless wise to continue helping everyone learn to become enlightened? Prevent people and systems from having negative effects eg by enabling everyone to creatively innovate selflessly and rewarding selfless innovation and preventing selfish competition ‘winning’. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Changing-the-World-Enlightenmen;search%3Aenlighten

12. If ignorant selfishness is allowed to go unchecked it will grow like a fire that will ravage all civilisation and as the internet now enables any meem to grow exponentially this is a real danger that every selfless person has a duty to be aware of and disarm by educating everyone with selfless wisdom. One way to do this is to share enlightened selfless videos that help everyone learn how being selfless makes everyone happy as a win win cumulative sum gain. Otherwise everyone will be harmed as society goes into a vicious spiral of selfish ignorance competing to cut up resources that will diminish to nothing. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Zeitgeist-The-Movie-Full-Movie

13. The selfish gene is a short sighted out of date danger that harms everything it touches (just like the selfish greed of the midas touch) and can be solved (and is solved in every human with education) by learning to become educated enough to become wise and selfless like the selfless gene that benefits everyone and everything it is around as it gains and benefits everyone by being selfless. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/sam-harris-ted-com-science-can;search%3Avote

14. The best way to enhance democracy is to educate everyone so we all learn how being selfless makes us happier and benefits everyone and we all can therefore become wiser. How best to prevent any organisation, government or organism from gradually evolving or suddenly changing over time from a responsible one to one that either wastes time/resources or actually becomes a negative effect on everyone by working as a selfish ignorant organisation that harmes everyone including itself?! http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Adrian-Owen-Search-for-Consciou;search%3Ateam

15. One big danger is where selfish ignorance can hide itself eg in large organisations or emerging markets such as technology where selfish ignorants are not regulated by selfless wise so they are able to ruin whole new ecosystems like a virus by  making ‘land grabs’ or claiming ownership of people, resources, ideas, potential, money… which means that a few selfish gain massive gains while everyone else looses massive losses as this prevents collaboration and restricts creative innovation that would benefit everyone (including the selfish ignorant who are actually self harming). http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/RSA-Animate-Drive-The-surprisin;search%3Amotivate

16. As computers double in power every couple of years following Moors Law this means that computers will do every job that humans do which will create a tiny group of super rich and a massive 99% majority of super poor as all the jobs are gone. This started with the first basic tools that helped humans do things faster and scaled with the industrial revolutions and will take over all jobs during the computer revolution that we are in. How best to prevent civil strife and the inequality of wealth which equals inequality of health and life/death?! How best to help everyone become able to earn a living while doing worthwhile things with the supercomputer (wetwear) in their brain? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Michio-Kaku-Are-We-Ready-For-th

17. All problems can be solved by creative innovation the key is to list the problems in order of importance and to use simple ways to solve all of them. How best to empower everyone to creatively solve problems and share them openly for free with the rest of the world so that the creative innovators can sustain their research & development (they only want to earn enough to live at an average standard) in open collaborative ways (which are the most efficient) while sharing the output at as low a cost as possible?

18. How best to enable everyone to earn a living while creatively innovating selflessly to help everyone? Create simple ways for everyone to earn income locally while creating innovative solutions that can help everyone globally for free. Eg Buskers that record their music and message and share it free online so they do what they love creating songs and help everyone on the planet with free music and shared knowledge. We can help you do this if you are interested below…

19. How best to help everyone keep the natural potential and skills that we are all born with while developing new skills for every new generation or even every decade/year?! Educate everyone to be open minded and link up everyone so we can all help each other personally.

20. How best to solve every human problem? Using the power of the web linking up every human we now can reinvent everything and solve every problem using selfless human collaboration and computer power. The key is manage this process so that it is run in a selfless open source and creative commons way. If the knowledge to do this for everyone is on the web what is stopping everyone reading and watching the content that will help them learn this wisdom? And how best to enable everyone to develop and creatively innovate in every area so that everything can be improved right now for the benefit of everyone? Educate everyone free eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

Not to forget current ethics, justice and legal procedures! Helping/Saving the most people is always best right? Of course it is best to help the most people and the best way is to help everyone learn free.  http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Justice-Whats-The-Right-Thin-15;search%3Ajustice

And find any great text/video/audio you need legally from http://archive.org

How to practically help everyone help all AND earn a living…
1. Would you like investment to develop your idea and/or startup so that you can enhance its success? We can help you with investment and also partnerships plus creative strategies such as running it as a charity http:///www.TRAIDmark.org explains how you benefit and save lives:) Contact us at http://www.whymandesign.com stating what your company/ideas is and what investment you need for what equity. Even if you dont have a company or idea then we also can help…

2. Do you want a dream job? Co Founding programmer needed to work on hacking education so everyone can live happy lives just by learning how to observe our minds and become happier by selflessly helping everyone. We know what needs to be done but need a programming co founder to collaborate with in building and developing the website and app software as so much could be done to build on exisiting open source software!

We would like to work with and pay a programmer to work as the technical co founder (we have technical skills but will concentrate on the finance and marketing) on a Charity not for profit open source creative commons startup?! We have a prototype at http://www.WEBiversity.org and would like to work with you to make an open source version that will enable every charity to have their own education website. If you are interested do join the Facebook group and also email us at http://www.whymandesign.com with your C.V. questions and expectations.

3. Are you an entrepreneur r craftsperson but dont have an idea for a business? Contact us and we will give you an idea for a business that donates 100% net profit to charity so it saves lives AND you get rich with performance pay. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more. tell us your skills and contacts and how much pay you want at http://www.whymandesign.com

4. Do you now of someone else who would like help to enhance their ideas, company or even a failing business? Then contact us at http://www.whymandesign.com and comment on the http:/www.WEBiversity.org facebook group as we can help ANY idea or business with proven techniques eg http://www.TRAIDmark.org

5. Would you like to be commissioned to create a song or video explaining either in 3-30 minutes how anyone can observe their ego so they can master their mind and become happy/er by selflessly helping everyone?To apply please share your video or song entry or idea on the http://www.WEBiversity.org facebook page and state what support/funds you need to make it.

6. Why not do any if not all of these yourself on almost no budget by ‘bootstrapping’ so you create the things you love at almost no cost. Or try to crowdsource for ideas/skills and crowdfund to get finance to pay for things so that anyone can create anything> We can help you if you comment at http://www.WEBiversity.org facebook page http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

How to help everyone most? Eg help everyone educate everyone free http://www.WEBiversity.org
A. How best to shape the future or your life? Imagine how good it can be and remind yourself (and everyone you know) of that every day then you increase your chances of achieving a better life significantly. For example show this video to everyone you know as it explains how human are hardwired to be ABLE to be happy if you choose to be selfless and wise http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Athenes-Theory-of-Everything-Yo

B. How to protect individuals and ideas from selfish people wanting to own ideas as this hurts everyone as it prevents everyone from benefiting from open innovation and collaboration? Educate everyone by enabling them to learn about their own EGO and how to control it? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Your-Biggest-Enemy-is

C. What is the best way of allowing everyone to invest in innovation WHILE protecting everyone from selfish people who want to take money off vulnerable people? Invest in a way that enables surplus profits to be used to spend on new innovation that benefits everyone eg http://www.TRAIDmark.org (for example how to protect individuals from being conned in spam scams or crowdfunding scams where irresponsible people ask for money for projects that are flawed or just con people out of cash. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Kevin-Starr-Lasting-Impact

D. We need to make all information safe from selfish ignorant people so that everyone can collaborate with everyone and share all information in a safe way to protect us now and all future generations. How best to do this? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Thandie-Newton-n-nhn-s-khc-bit

Educate everyone so we all continually learn to be selfless and wise so we can all make the world a better place just by controlling our own mind and ego. http://www.WEBiversity.org is one way tot do this. And making all information decentralised to prevent egotistical selfish people from trying to get power and money by controlling it and also prevent anyone from being corrupted by power.

E. Everything must be reinvented to survive with every new technology that is created eg the web so it is irrisponsible and dangerous of anyone who is not able to continually be creative and innovate in EVERY job (not to mention how many people are harmed by those that fail to creatively innovate effectively).

F. Job searches, recruitment and human resources  ass need to be reinvented and redesigned asap as the process is out of date as the web enables any job and any applicant to be processed and managed in a far more effective way. At the moment there are many major problems that would not be acceptable in any other process and everyone is being harmed by the lack of creative innovation using new techniques and technology right now.

G. How to help all new technology frontiers so that they are utilised for the greatest benefit for everyone and not just for the benefit of a selfish few? Eg would it not have been better for one simple open source microfinance platform to be created that everyone could use rather than hundreds of different microfinance platforms that are not linked together? http://www.strategy-of-innovation.com/pages/List_of_Crowd_Funding_Web_Sites_and_Web_Sites_To_Find_Investors-4605700.html

H. How best to enable all problems are solved with simple techniques? Educate everyone so we all learn how being selfless makes us happier AND enables us all to collaborate and make significant enhancements that benefit everyone. Can we work with you to do this at http://ww.WEBiversity.org

I. Understanding the Ying Yang of seflish ignorant’s misguided zero sum gain verses the selfless wise correct cumulative sum gain.
Why are the selfish ignorant so adamant that they are correct? Why are they not able to look outside the box and see the proven results of educating everyone to become wise and selfless? The ignorant are adamant that they are correct because they are not able to open their minds to the many possibilities outside their narrow thought processes.

J. Vice verses virtue and how the ego is humanities number one problem/virus (maybe even evolution is humanities number one problem/virus as there are many proven and far more effective and compassionate ways to develop.

K. Humans learn almost everything from our environment so what meem’s, thought viruses and other unintended problems are we all passing on from one generation to the next EG pointless competition where one person wins but many loose when everyone could be equal (as in fact all humans are if we are honest:)? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Thandie-Newton-n-nhn-s-khc-bit

L. The human brain is wetware (living hardware) that we can learn/load any new thoughts/software on to it so we need to question what useless things are we all learning to do and what other useful things can we all learn to do? What useless (or dangerous/damaging) things are we all learning to do without being aware of?

M. As we can train ourselves to think anything with the software of our brain what are the best things that we could teach and share with each other? How to enjoy every moment just like a child? How best to help everyone learn to be selfless so we all become happier by selflessly helping everyone?

N. What are the best ways to help everyone learn and remind each other to observe our minds and every second of life so we all can live in bliss for our entire lives?

O. What are the most important known and unknown problems that humanity is facing today? What are the simplest proven solutions to these and how can we help share the solutions?

P. How did previous generations face the problems they faced and persuade their older generations to change to embrace that generations innovations? EG Equal rights or rule of law? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/MAHATMA-Life-of-Gandhi-1869-194

Q. All new technology needs to be designed so that it benefits EVERYONE in the most EFFECTIVE way for example so that it shares the most wise information so everyone can learn to become wise and therefore selfless EG Youtube and Google could list wise knowledge above spam/marketing information. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Zeitgeist-The-Movie-Full-Movie

R. How to enable everyone to benefit even more by sharing wise selfless knowledge? Eg reward open source, creative commons and selfless work? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one way to do this.

S. What are the most important things that everyone needs to know and in what order should we all learn them to make the most of them EG learning to be wise and selfless before any other skills so we only use our knowledge and skills to help everyone.

T. How best to enable everyone to link up and collaborate with everyone selflessly in the most effective ways while protecting the innocent and everyone from the selfish ignorant? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Kymatica-full-length

U. How best to enhance education to solve every problem AND enhance healthcare to cure every problem that has not been prevented with education? Should all healthcare and education be run as open source and creative commons and run as not for profits that are run by selfless empowered people? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one free way to do this.

V. What are the simplest ways to help everyone have happy lives all the time eg just by sharing inspiring video that makes everyone happy? eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

W. How best to enable everyone to invent their own jobs so they can create jobs they love doing and make jobs so solving the unemployment and long term jobs problems?

X. How much wealth does anyone need and can we enable everyone to have enough to live on so we all can creatively innovate selflessly so humanity progresses at a faster rate while everyone is happy? http://www.TRAIDmark.org can help everyone.

Y. All funding needs to be given out in a SELFLESS manner so that it is used to fund OPEN Techniques and Technology that benefit everyone in a SCALABLE GLOBAL way. If all funding is broken up to individuals giving what they can using Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing then this can solve the problems. http://www.TRAIDmark.org helps everyone help everyone and benefit.

Z. There are so many great people working on different projects and software. Are there any good ways to link the people and software up as that appears to be a massive problem as everyone is duplicating things without being able to collaborate (due to EGO creating competition and/or the software and systems/orgs restricting collaboration:) This harms everyone and actually kills many people due to the lack of progress that would otherwise save lives. Can we help you educate everyone with proven knowledge so we all learn to be come selfless and therefore wise? If so contact us at the http://www.WEBiversity.org facebook page.

What simple ways are there to help everyone help everyone?

A. How can we help the wise selfless educate the ignorant selfish while protecting the wise and innocent from the ignorant selfish using competition or bullying to get their way? Share the best educational video in the right order  with everyone you know eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

B. As our mind and therefore world is what we make of it everyone can invent the perfect mind and life and therefore world by repeatedly thinking about the GOOD things that you want in life every day. All anyone has to do is constantly remind themselves and everyone they know to think about the good things in life and in everyone so we all can help each other have happier lives selflessly and this makes us all happy.http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Thandie-Newton-n-nhn-s-khc-bit

C. What solutions did our ancestors create to solve any problem (as almost all problems are a social/psychological problem? EG What did the Greek tragedies teach about selfishness competition and intellectual property or resource ownership?

D. Who has the right to ‘own’ something that was probably discovered by someone else before them anyway? What simple ways are there to solve this? Eg make all ip open so only those that do research for the love do it (rather than selfish people?) How can a non living company own the genetics of life forms?

E. How best to enable anyone to create a fund new innovation? Eg how to commission a number of videos about how being selfless makes anyone happy? We can pay anyone who would like to make this so contact us with details of what video you want to make?

F. Everything can be invented and reinvented now that the web links up everyone and everything. Every problem can now be solved due to the web linking us all up as we can collaborate selflessly on solving them. This means that we can (and always could) relax as humanity is continually learning more and therefore getting wiser so we will all eventually learn to become selfless and so will all be able to live in selfless harmony where everyone is happy all are time.

G. If fame/riches are taken away from everyone by replacing the proven to be outdated ignorant and selfish competition model with wise and  selfless collaboration models then we all learn to do things we love so we all make ourselves happy by selflessly helping others and this can prevent almost all human problems while moving all the money in the world from bank accounts into the hands of inventors so they can invent new solutions to help everyone.

H. What are the biggest known (visible) and unknown (hidden) problems and how to choose the best ways to solve them and share this with everyone so that duplication and scale do not cause confusion and therefore ignorance (how to organise the web in a responsible way)?

I. What are the largest and smallest hidden effects that change the way humans and society work? EG how does the almost infinate amount of video, information and data affect how humans address knowledge? We get information overload then learn that you dont need to know everything or even anything as long as you know how to live in your own world.

This also leads on to how humans can organise their own minds so we all can continue to learn and improve eg like software is improved and enhanced over time.

J. Why have the many different types of selfless wisdom from the past not been passed on to everyone who lives today? As selfless wisdom has proven to benefit everyone why has it been prevented from being taught to everyone so we all can live happy lives by being selfless? What are the best ways for the information and knowledge that exists today to be used to benefit everyone in wise selfless ways?Shared openly for free so that we all learn to become wise and therefore selfless as we all have what we need right know but just need to continually learn and be reminded to selflessly help everyone so we all become happy by doing this. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Kymatica-full-length

K. What is the best way to enable anyone to create an open source charity product/service using evolving software technology? at the moment almost everyone is prevented from doing this by closed siloed software that is restricted and controlled by closed for profit or narrow minded organisations. How best to liberate humans and our data and connections from this erosion to a closed siloed state of the web?!

L. As founders syndrome (often called Founderitis) causes problems how is it best to enable all technology to interact and work together so that anyone can innovate and develop any technology?

How to prevent Founder Syndrome (where a founder prevents an organisation from progressing) This appears to be a problem that affects every organisation and is prob linked to the human ego. Where any human creates something (that is like their little baby) so they go back into basic animal instincts of competition (instead of compassion). What is the best video on youtube that you have seen that educates anyone about selfless wisdom and that they can make their life great all the time just by training their brain to care for everyone?

M. How is it best to enable any organisation or person or technology to link up and collaborate in safe ways so they dont have to build trust or ‘click’ due to cultural/social dynamics?

Eg how could it be possible to help link up http://www.wikipedia.org & http://www.archive.org & http://www.miro.org so they all benefit from selflessly collaborating?

Or how could it be possible to integrate http://www.chamilo.org with http://www.bettermeans.org and http://wwww.drupal.org & http://www.drumbeat.org so that anyone can use any part however they want with no technical skill?

N. How its it best to enable all decentralised networks to continually evolve so they don’t get out of date and hold everyone back eg email and texting!

O. What is a better tool to replace emails and group emails as they take up everyones time? Commenting on an open list on a responsible platform? what platform would this be?

P. How best to enable that no one can use money to harm other humans? Make all money accountable transparent eg http://www.opencharities.org

Can you help collaborate on these tweets? Re-tweet this blog post if you can…
Anyone can take over any #com & make into an #org:)! eg @Traidmark #drumbeat @proactivepaul @msurman @opencorporates @opencharities #nhtg11

Simplicity is heaven complexity is hell?

Is the simplest answer always the best one? Do we often overlook the best simple answer by striving to achieve things?

EG Does everyone just have to relax and do what they LOVE doing as they will then be happy when ‘working’ and become a craftsperson due to their passionso will then go on to exceed anyone’s expectations?

1. Nothing in life really matters as we barely understand the vastness of TIME, SPACE, OTHER DIMENSIONS, Before the big bang, After the big crush…
2. Solve all your problems in life by doing work that you love (as you will enjoy your life and be a success and therefore not need riches/vice)
3. Enjoy every second as you experience it by reminding your mind to enjoy every breath you take and not to worry about things that your culture/society has imposed on you.
4. Train your mind so you can live in bliss all through life as it is THE WAY YOU INTERPRET LIFE that makes it good or bad!!!!
5. Love everyone for who they are with the flaws and merits that everyone has in different ways as everyone is and can be even greater with tolerance and more education.

What is our culture and society making us do without knowing it? Who does our actions harm (and who does our actions NOT help as much as it should?)? What things are you doing without knowing it and how can we all discover the many things and effects we are having without knowing it (in the same way that humans did many activities in the past that are illegal today what things are we doing now that we could stop instantly)? How can we help everyone discover their talents and flaws and the benefit/damage we all accidentally do to each other? Share the best free video’s you find with everyone eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

What are the most important causes int he world? Help all women have equal rights as men so female (compassionate, nurturing, sustainable) traits can help societies help everyone way more than we can now. What is the best way to do this? Share all video that empowers women and men to do anything they want eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

Everything can be enhanced right now simply with creativity…
Everything can be solved with creativity and innovation as there is almost infinite possibility with reinventing things to work better. If you have a problem or cause or idea that you want to enhance do ask by emailing me and i will help you creatively innovate for free ( for a trial period (happy to take a percentage of the money that we save you to spend on new charity innovation to save lives).

I have proven examples of doing this previously when working for the BBC and a number of large charities on creating simple innovations that save money and enhance services. More at http://www.whymandesign.com

Here is one free example of how i can help you enhance any product or service that you have with one simple process for free. All you have to do is turn the product and/or service into a charity so that every penny of net profit that is created is then donates to be spend on NEW INNOVATION that benefits everyone. You gain by getting MASSIVE GOODWILL so enhance your success and you can then get rich on performance pay http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

This means that we can enhance any existing product or service so that it helps everyone in many different ways. For example I can photograph or film or livestream any event you are running for charity where 100% of the net profit from this process goes to charity. Contact http://www.whymandesign.com with your enquiries.

A. How best to help organisations or individuals that do great work to continue to make the most of their discoveries/luck by continually building on it in an open selfless way so that everyone benefits the most? EG run any project/organisation as a charity or not for profit that invests any funds raised in NEW innovation that benefits everyone. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

B. How to help publishers journalist innovate with open minds so that they help everyone learn the simple skills everyone needs to enhance their lives (eg meditation…)? How can the uneducated majority of the public make publishers, journalists… publish the most useful and relevant journalism so we all continually become enlightened with relevant news? Can a simpel formula be created for this eg (number of people affected) times by (number of people  that could be affected in the future. Also should all journalism be explained in a journalism ledger so we know the reason why certain stories are published and others are not? Maybe http://www.WEBiversity.org can help?

C. What are the best simple ways to help everyone help everyone selflessly?

Share all the good things you know with as many people as possible eg on Facebook/Twitter so we all learn from each other. Ask important questions and ask for help so that we know how best to help each other in the most effective ways. Reducing the confusion of too much information on the web by ignoring un-useful information that does not selflessly educate everyone. Create free ways that everyone can help everyone eg http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org & http://www.TRAIDmark.org

D. How best to link up people, objects, data… so we can all benefit from the network effect? There are many simple ways that this can be done but the question is why have not Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Mozilla… not already interlinked just people together well. Why do we all still have to put up with the status quo of basic Liking or friend of a friend networks. So much more can be achieved simply so the question is how to make all organisations innovate selflessly and sustainably so they benefit everyone the most?

E. Why do selfless and open source products and services not get as much support as they should? Selfless and open source productions benefit everyone so everyone should support them rather than compete with them. How is it best to get all government and organisations to fund open source work and cleverly innovate with creative people so they can save money and create wealth for everyone?

F. This leads on to the question of why does it take so long (even with the web) for positive wisdom to become shared through society/humanity? Does this just come down to simple psychology and the human ego still causing so many humans to compete for ignorant objectives? Is sharing wisdom all we need to do then to help everyone learn to enjoy every second of life? Eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

G. How best to help the next wave of technology so that it can be used to benefit the most people? Should all new technology be open so everyone can benefit the most from it? All the old out of date laws need to be reassessed as this is easily possible given the power of the web, the network effect and mobile access everywhere in the world.

H. Everything needs to be made accessible to everyone in order to have a globally democratic world where access is king. Fundamentally all new technology needs to be designed so that it is easy to use by everyone and so that everyone can contribute to the development of the technology and exceed anyones expectations as the amateur cottage industry is on the edge where most innovation comes from. Any technology that is not accessible for everyone to EASILY learn how to use AND develop therefore has a fundamental design flaw and will harm everyone by restricting progress/innovation

I. Why is there not a simple database of organised information that enables anyone to quickly see all the problems in the world ordered in priority and linked to all the solutions that people are working on? Wikipedia is the nearest to this but why has Wikipedia not been developed as there are so many extra simple features that could easily be added and would solve many humanitarian problems And could raise sustainable income for Wikipedia. How to contact wikipedia and other organisations about this so that they implement them?

J. How to enable and empower everyone to help everyone and every organisation to take on board simple suggestions that can easily improve their work AND their service for the global public? Is there a simple way to implement this so that any suggestion that is made is recorded and managed openly in a responsible way? Could all online comments/social media be integrated so that they are all collected and ordered so they can be assessed and build on openly?

K. How can the public stand up for their rights in the most effective ways? Demonstrations and political battles appear to be a zero sum gain so dont have the most positive effect. Surely it is better to enable and empower everyone to solve the problems that they are campaigning about. How best to do this eg using and building on web data and social media? Educate and empower everyone first eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

L. What simple ways are there to help everyone have fulfilling lives while earning a living doing jobs they enjoy that also help everyone? Can the craft culture be rebuild and sustained so that everyone can get the most out of life by enjoying the craft of making things to help others?

M. What is the best way to make all organisations and individuals creatively innovate more so we all can help everyone the most through innovation improving everything we do? Should all organisations donate a percent of their net profit to new selfless charitable innovation? http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

N. All organisation and members of the public need to be empowered and enabled so they can help everyone more selflessly. How best to do this with education eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

O. All Finance organisations need to be regulated on a Global scale and do what is best for the global population (which essentially are the investors into the banking system with their retirement pension funds). How can the public make this happen? EG all pensions could be invested in funds that only invest in innovation that benefits everyone? http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

1. What is wealth and how can everyone have a fair amount so we all can live the best lives with the greatest health and happiness?
Wealth is relative so as a few gain more everyone else gets relatively poorer (as it is a zero sum gain so the rich are effectively taking from the poor!)! This means that just by taking money away from the richest it in fact makes all the poor relatively richer (and also makes the richest happier as giving your wealth away to help others selflessly makes anyone happy)! Then the funds that are taken away can then be spent on new open innovation that benefits EVERYONE as it can then be given away for everyone to use eg inventions such as the bicycle or use or fire. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/This-Economys-Winners-and-Loser;search:wealth

2. How is it best to turn negatives into positives? Every negative thing can be used as a learning point or starting point on which to create a cure. Often logical mathematically minded people (or people who think they know everything!) think that one plus one has to equal two when in fact using innovation and creativity can mean that illogical and unexpected outcomes can happen that add things with value in new ways. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Jonah-Lehrer-Creative-Insights;search:creative

3. Can all failing/bankrupt businesses be saved by turning them into charities? This can be done simply and will enable all employees of any business to keep their jobs so will boost any economy. The business then will be able to pay back any owed money sustainably so everyone wins as employees keep their jobs and no one loses any funds PLUS the organisation is run as a sustainable charity that then donates all future profits to innovative charity work. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more and we can help explain if you need more details. This business structure is easy to implement and can be used to create brand new self sustaining charity work that invent new jobs for anyone in sustainable ways. It also creates institutional innovation so any organisation can become far more innovative because all net profit is then invested in new innovative charitable work so problems are always solved with new innovation that is therefore more efficient.

4. As innovation = wealth why not enable everyone to create innovation and manage that innovation in the best way that benefits everyone by managing it in an open sharing way so that those in need get helped and those with surplus share it (so they actually gain by having happier lives by selflessly helping others and having less!:). http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one simple business structure that helps this. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Kevin-Starr-Lasting-Impact;search:poor

5. As technology and computers continue to evolve they will take over more and more of the jobs that humans do/did so almost all humans will become unemployed with no jobs for them to work on! Just as was proven in the last technological revolution (the industrial revolution) this means that a few will get vast wealth & power while a massive group will lose their wealth as their skills are devalued so will go into poverty. how to prevent this from happening? The best way is to make all new innovation cooperatively owned by everyone so that the funds can then be used most effectively to spend on effective innovation that benefits everyone in the most useful ways. http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one way to do this. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Justice-Whats-The-Right-Thing-7;search:poor

6. As every cause has an effect we should observe every change that humans create and find the (often hidden) effects of what we are doing EG global warming and wealth creation inflation/devaluation… This needs to be carefully managed by the population/government to protect everyone (often from their ego). http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Kevin-Starr-Lasting-Impact;search:poor

7. All public services need to be reinvented using simple technology such as the web, open data, social and mobile… This can be done easily and cheaply and quickly but governments and organisations need to give the public permission and empower them to do this.

8. All online advice EG Knowledge/Healthcare needs to be organised and moderated /regulated in a responsible non partisan ethical way so that we all can only find accurate information. The same needs to be done for all information as there is a massive danger that inaccurate information harms everyone and can kill. Can we work with you to share the best free online video eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

9. What simple techniques are the best way to help everyone? EG learning to be selfless so everyone makes themselves happy by helping others http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Self-Absorption-and-Selflessnes;search:selfless and watching/listening to music every day? http://www.ikaraoke.org

10. What are the best ways to enable all future innovation to be managed in the best way eg in an open decentralised way that is run like a democracy but more efficiently so that it can evolve and innovate fast enough to compete with others?! Should all innovation be opensourced automatically as all ideas are always there it just takes one lucky person to find them? How is the best way to fund Research and development in a fair way so that everyone can take part in this and then distribute this effectively so it benefits everyone the most? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one way to do this.

What are the best ways to help everyone help everyone? Techniques AND Technology are both needed. For Example…
Is ‘The Secret’ the best way to help everyone discover that they already have the happiness they need with the Law Of Attraction http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/The-Secret-Full-Movie How best to enable everyone to learn this and more?
What do you think about the Inside Job Film about the Banking System and Commercial Failure? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Inside-Job-Narrated-by-Matt-Dam How best to solve these problems?

1. Techniques can be shared best using video. What are the best video’s that can be used to help everyone?  Do view some at  http://www.WEBiversity.org and share video at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

2. Protect support AND enhance creative people as they HELP EVERYONE! Everyone can be creative but has to put in a lot of time and effort to practice and develop this skill. For this reason everyone who is creative should  be very wary of others that want them to create/innovate for free as this is the most common way that the UNcreative people try to steal ideas/creativity so that they can then own and control it for personal gain (rather than for the benefit of everyone on the planet equally). As is so often the way those that dont have the skills dont understand the value of it or how much more they could do with what they have if they had the creative skills. For this reason it is important that ‘idea theft’ and ‘creative stealing’ are not allowed to take place as this is the silent killer that prevents innovation and progress so we all pay the price through lack of innovation that damages everyone and even kills! http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/RSA-Animate-Changing-Education;search:creativity

3. Educate everyone so we all become wise by learning from everyone about how to be selfless. http://www.WEBiversity.org EG

4. Technology can be created as open source decentralised software that enables EVERYONE to build on it in a diverse range of ways?
http://diasporafoundation.org/ are doing this in one great way.

Do you know anyone we could work with to use existing open source software to make simple and innovative charity websites that help everyone? eg this free education prototype http://www.WEBiversity.org that helps anyone live a happy life just by sharing existing free video? If so please share their details on http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

100+ ways to help everyone help everyone be happy?…
What did Napoleon Hill miss if anything about enabling everyone to have a happy life? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Napoleon-Hill-Parts-1-and-2-Thi

21. As we all are constantly learning and ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’ how best to enable everyone to learn the most important life lessons? EG most of us have learned NOT to: murder/rape/steal so what should we all learn such as to make ourselves and everyone happy by helping everyone selflessly. EG http://www.WEBiversity.org has videos to inspire and help everyone have happier lives?!

22. What simple ways can we all enhance any/every organisation so that they serve everyone best so we all benefit?
A. Run the organisation as an innovation funding charity http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how everyone including the founders benefit. Any charity, government or profit making company can be enhanced by doing this and we would love to help you do this as you and everyone benefit.
B. Educate everyone for free with simple techniques and existing technology by sharing the best free video on the web. Do help us do this as everyone can be happy all the time if we all learn more EG Mindfulness… http://www.WEBiversity.org
C. Help pay everyone to creatively innovate selflessly. This is possible and can be done right now if leaders can creatively innovate enough to do this. We can show you how to do this.

23. Time and happiness are all anyone has as you can not buy a second of time for love nor money. Helping everyone master their own mind (their own world) so they can observe and enjoy the simplest beauty in every second of life is therefore the most important lesson everyone should learn. Once this is mastered anyones life is improved for ever and they will therefore find greater success and happiness due to their Positive Mental Attitude PMA. Help http://www.WEBiversity.org share this with everyone by sharing the best free video.

24. If you don’t know what to do with your life search the web for things you like and share them with your peers (as many people as possible) so you can help them enhance their lives too. By sharing what you find you will soon discover what your interested in and find a passion that will enrich your life:) This can quickly lead to setting up your own enterprise by creating and selling things that you like to make.

25. Who owns all the worlds money and what would they want that money to do? Probably to benefit everyone as effectively as possible as money is a means to an end and not an end in itself (as it is stored labour). How to help those that have money to use it in the most beneficial way to benefit everyone (which benefits them as everyone helps them too:) http://www.TRAIDmark.org http://www.gapminder.org

26. As TIME is the most valuable resource that we have (and essentially all we have:) how can we help everyone organise their lives even better so we all make the most of the time we have? Educate everyone so we all can help each other with positive mental attitudes, time management, less sleep… Also how can we empower technology service providers to reduce the time that they waste (with bad UI/X/search and service design)? http://www.WEBiversity.org

27. REinvent everything! The web has enabled us to reinvent everything. Everything can be reinvented for bad, for good or for beyond our wildest dreams amazing! How do we want everything to be reinvented? Do we want the selfless best for everyone (which benefits us most too) or do we want the selfish best for ourselves at the expense of everyone (which actually harms ourselves in the short and long run)? Simple is we enable everyone to learn to become wise with free education then everyone can coexist having the happiest lives possible! Help http://www.WEBiversity.org do this?

28. UNeconomics? What is the best economic system that benefits everyone? What is money actually worth (its real value and most effective use) and who needs it most? Which economic institutions are thinking open mindedly about new ways to reinvent economics now that the web links up the world and can scale products and services almost infinitely? http://wwww.TRAIdmark.org

29. Relax as the world and humanity will be saved from itself (human ego) because the web interlinks everyone to each other and knowledge so we can all help each other to learn to become wise and more accountable.How best to encourage this process so it speeds up to help everyone? Educate everyone free by helping everyone you meet and sharing the best free video? Make sure you and everyone you know are enjoying every second of life by helping others (which makes you happy:) as that is all anyone needs to have in life http://www.WEBiversity.org

30. Reasoning out of ignorance. Even if selflessness is a selfish act (helping others as it helps you) selflessness is a wiser activity as we all need each other to progress further so we can all solve the present and future health and survival issues that affect us all. Even if we dont know what use some of the other people on the planet have we all need them as they may provide important solutions that benefit part or all of us. The problem arises with people we ‘think’ are having a negative effect on society/humanity as we are not to know if they are also having a positive effect in the long term or if they are in the right and that we are actually in the wrong?! Ignorance appears to be most dangerous in those that are adament that they are always correct (which is highly improbable).

31. What are the most important things in life and how can we help everyone gain this using the web? The most important things in life are 1. happiness 2. Love 3. passion/enjoying work 4… What simple ways are there to enable everyone has this? 1. Happiness can be learned by anyone by asking friends how they do it and/org using free video’s from the web EG http://www.WEBiversity.org 2. Love for everyone can be found by learning compassion for everyone and reminding yourself how beautiful everyone is inside and out (and can be found by asking friends to match you up or using social media:) 3. Passion and enjoying work can be found by gaining career advice from friends/family/colleagues and watching empowering video online EG http://www.WEBiversity.org

32. UNorganisation. How to help everyone help everyone responsibly? What is the best way to enable everyone to creatively innovate to solve as many problems as possible AND share the solution in the best way to help everyone? Share simple techniques that anyone can do/use. EG Make your own free http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org in minutes or share empowering video at http://www.WEBiversity.org How can we all earn an income so we can survive while concentrating on solving the most important problems using creative innovation AND helping the 99% that fail to survive too? The 1% that gain success owe a debt of gratitude to the 99% that failed trying as everything in life is luck anyway. Can everyone work on solving the worlds most important problems while earning an income (we we all use the supercomputer in our heads)? How best to enable this to happen?

33. How to help those that ‘succeed’ to have compassion for everyone and those that ‘fail’ to feel empowered to create their own success (or enjoy/appreciate the success they have created). The one percent that gain success owe so much to society for supporting them and to our ancestors for providing prior knowledge not to mention the ninety-nine percent who failed (as they are needed in order that one percent succeed) that they need to be made accountable by using the riches they acquire responsibly and effectively by funding more innovation to solve the most important problems effectively.

34. What if no one owned anything?! Then only those that want to work hard to help others would work hard and therefore progress would be significantly improved as the selfish ignorant would not be in the way making space for the selfless wise to collaborate. This is starting to happen as more and more successful people are becoming wise enough to realize that they are successful by luck. One problem could be those that are not successful but still struggle in the middle or organisations

35. How to help the ignorant selfish become aware of and control their ego so they can combat their vice and enhance their virtues? What events and/or activities help us all to learn more so we can selflessly help everyone? Can existing popular events b e enhanced with selfless acts that help everyone learn like selfless flash mobs? Or just by sharing selfless video on social media EG http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Srikumar-Rao-at-AwesomenessFest

36. We are and may always be swimming through pea soup in order to find the ‘best’ content that is most ‘relevant’ and ‘wisest’ (as new information is always being discovered and old content/information is being forgotten/lost and rediscovered). What simple techniques and technology can sustainably ensure that the most ‘relevant’ and ‘wise’ content is found first and that ignorant/selfish bad ‘rat race’ ‘NON cumulative sum gain’ industries do not corrupt information/knowledge? Learn from the past how humans regulated other humans and enhance the proven techniques EG communities/society trust/respect education/wisdom.

37. There is a massive problem where by the selfish/ignorant often get paid for doing selfish/ignorant negative work (cumulative sum loss) or while doing nothing and the selfless/wise often do not get paid/enough to do enlightened creative innovative work that benefits everyone. One solution is to educate and enlighten everyone so we all become wise enough to selflessly collaborate to help all EG http://www.WEBiversity.org . Another is to pay everyone a set equal pay and  enable everyone to do as creative and innovative selfless/wise work so we all are empowered and have the freedom to help everyone help all. The significant enhancement in output will prove how massive an improvement this is and how bad it was that we did not do this sooner (we are all loosing out massively by this not being implemented at the moment)! http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one way to do this and is a proven simple thing to implement which can be easily measured with immediate positive results and long term self sustaining institutional innovation results.

38. What happened to all the wise men (and women) that are recorded in history as living in unconventional ways? Have they all been forced to conform so their wisdom and mastery have been lost for ever? How can we help the wise old/young men/women that are overlooked today gain the support that they need to develop, grow and flourish (or just survive as wise men/women)?

39.  How does wisdom vary in many different forms (masculine/feminine…)? We know that there are 7 different learning styles which implies that there are seven different types of wisdom or wise men/women and therefore also that we all need to know at least 7 different types of people to create  a wise and balanced community in every organisation/system.

40. Do not get held back by out of date attitudes, comments, cultures or people. How best to enable that we all can continually change and evolve and learn as we all discover that there is more to live than we can possibly comprehend so all we can do is make ourselves happy (by making others happy) and creatively innovate.

41. What can we all volunteer towards and invest in that will benefit the most people the most? Simple solutions (that are free) to help everyone simply? What simple ways are there do to do this that enable everyone to help everyone in the most effective ways? EG helping everyone become happy all the time by selflessly helping everyone by sharing free video?! http://www.WEBiversity.org

42. How best to help us all to learn not to pass on negative meems such as aggression, hate, jealousy, bitchiness, competition, ignorance (all the vices)? Educate everyone to help make themselves happy all the time for free while confronting and mastering their vices by mastering their mind. http://www.WEBiversity.org

43. How best to encourage the ignorant (who fight change the most and always think their are correct and dont have compassion for everyone because their ego is out of control) to learn to become wise by becoming selfless? What simple techniques can enable anyone to discover to become (more) wise (as we are all ignorant:)?

44. How do you know when ‘you are the problem’? As we are all ignorant we must all be causing problems all the time throught life. How best to enable us all to discover which problems we are creating and how to solve them? Educate us all to become aware of ourselves and continually learn http://www.WEBiversity.org

45. Any company that does not realise that it has to change constantly to survive will die a slow and painful death as its best talent leave to work elsewhere leaving it with the least talented ignorant selfish employees. The web has increased the speed of organisations growth and death meaning that this is not more important than ever. The employees are the company and should feel empowered to make the organisation the way they want it to be. If any employee is unhappy with an organisation they should be able to change the organisation so it contstantly improves. Running an organisation democratically is one simple way to do this but there are also other exciting ways that can be more efficient EG educating/enlightening all employees so they can form a wise meritocracy. One simple way for any organisation to constantly change is to use the free http://www.TRAIDmark.org business structure that benefits everyone.

46. How to enable that every organisation and every person does the best job that they can so they are able to help everyone as much as possible? Educate every individual for free so we all can become enlightened http://www.WEBiversity.org

47. If everyone is in the wrong job (we all probably are as we could do better work in an even better job) how to enable that we all can move on to the better job so we perform better and also so that someone else can move in to the job we vacated so they can do a better job there?! A simple way is to educate everyone for free so that we all become wise enough and empowered to move jobs so we find the best jobs. to selflessly innovate to help everyone http://www.WEBiversity.org helps.

48. How to enable everyone to be aware of the consequences of their actions so they can see when they cause others harm (be it direct or indirect action EG apathy or ignorance causing others to live unhappy lives or starve…)?  Educate everyone so we all can make ourselves happy by helping everyone else http://www.WEBiversity.org

49. What are the simplest solutions to every problem that already exist and how can we enable everyone to find them easily eg enable everyone to be happy just by teaching everyone mindfulness and selflessness by sharing knowledge to our peers AND everyone else with blogs and social media (do share this:)? What techniques and technology help everyone help everyone most by sharing and building on the knowledge of the past while enabling everyone in the present to creatively innovate so we can enhance the future beyond our expectations (so we all have to be open to constantly learning and looking for and building on our own mistakes).

50. As we all continually become more and more Enlightened/Wise (As the web/social enables us to selflessly share knowledge to help each other) how will we want to and be able to improve our society, culture and systems (Enlightenment/Wisdom is a process not an event ie we all continually learn to improve ourselves and feel happier until we die! The irony:)? How can we make all our culture and systems so they can be improved and reinvented to be much better easily over and over again (which they can already with existing web tech) so that others can selflessly help everyone? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one free way that anyone can do this.

51. How to make it easy to spot and share the best new ideas/innovations/techniques that benefit the most people so that those that spend time and effort creating innovation that benefits everyone selflessly get rewarded so they can sustainably go on to create even greater innovation (and the 99% that fail trying to do this survive too which is a price worth paying for the 1% success). If the liars and cheats can be prevented from skimming off the profits the funds can be spent on funding new selfless innovation that benefits everyone more. At the moment the 99% that fail in capitalism loose their investment and the 1% that succeed gain the rewards. Why not enable the 1% that succeed to fund 99 new innovations with their funds so the 99% that failed can go on to learn from their failures and use that to make even more innovation that can benefit everyone? http://www.TRAIdmark.org explains more. After all success is a matter of luck as is everything in life.

52. How to enable everyone to earn a living/survive as computers/technology and new inventions replace the need for many jobs (not to mention jobs being done by workers on lower wages around the world)? For example if a whole industry looses many/all its jobs because of a new innovation say HR/Recruitment/law/secretarial what will happen to those that loose their jobs. How can mass job loss be managed so it is beneficial to everyone? We can learn from the mistakes in history looking at how the mill owners made massive profits while the hard working hand weaving industry collapsed and everyone was forced to work in dangerous conditions for lower wages or starved. How can unions be encouraged to take positive constructive action as that benefits everyone more rather than negative defensive reaction/strikes.

53. How have humans coped with the increase in change of our environment compared to the lack of change through evolution of our physical bodies and animal instincts? How will we change in the future and how can we manage this best? For example how humans cope from moving from family/small communities of trust to city/state/country/global communities of chance. How do friend and sexual selections change with different levels of knowledge, opportunities and wealth? How do masculine and feminine instincts effect how we act in modern society and how can we all learn to understand and control all animal instincts.  If we all have enough to live on what becomes life’s aims? How can ethics and morals help us all benefit everyone most? Education about these changes must be key http://www.WEBiversity.org

54. Creative/Innovation/idea theft KILLS and harms us all so why is it still a pandemic (equally innovation red tape such as patents/copywrite ironically lock in designs so the selfish gain even more at the expense of everyone)?! All successful innovations create riches for the 1% that are selfishly greedy enough to hoard all the profits from them (often not the creative/inventor but a selfish/ignorant person that has taken/stolen the innovation) which in itself is a massive problem as the funds would benefit EVERYONE including them more if they were spend on NEW INNOVATION that benefits everyone. http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one free way that anyone can solve this. ALSO this means that the 99% that tried to innovate (often the 100% as the inventor that succeeded often does not get rewarded fairly) go without any support and often loose funds making that innovation cycle unsustainable and damaging to everyone as it prevents future innovation that would benefit everyone. There are very simple solutions to these that benefit everyone but theose in controll have to be able to think outside the box and have the vision to see how much damage the existing system is dong by being cleve enough to see how much better it would be if run and managed openly.

55. As cultural/community/social/family/friendly support is fundamentally important to helping everyone enhance their lives how can we all help each other gain more support from everyone we know/of and those we are soon to meet? Educate everyone to help everyone and never to discourage anyone especially when we are threatened by their work and/or don’t understand what they are doing?  http://www.WEBiversity.org

56. How can those that don’t want power/control or to manage others get support from others so that they can share their work best (and how to educate those that want power and control that no one needs it:)? How to stop those that still think they want power/control from hoarding it? Educate everyone so we all can share the work we are doing in the most beneficial way to help everyone? http://www.WEBiversity.org

57. How can all negative effects be turned into positive outcomes?  All negatives can be turned into positives in a number of different ways. First search for the problem that you have and often solutions will be shared there. You can/will learn from the negative effect and can share that with everyone online so it becomes a positive experience. Also negative effects almost always have positive counter effects we just need to look clearly to see them.

58.  How can the current financial crisis be used to help enhance everyones lives? It is forcing government and industry to change and makes everyone appreciate what we have kept hold of. It is important that we all keep encouraging government and organisations to continue to evolve as rapidly as possible as climate change and the global shift of power are two larger storms that are yet to break on the wests shores! Educating everyone to become wise/selfless can solve all current and future problems as everyone has a supercomputer in their head and we all need to learn more so we can improve how well we use it. http://www.WEBiversity.org

59. How can we encourage organisations to change further in new directions so they can stop doing things that harm everyone and start doing new things that benefit everyone? For example how best to encourage sustainable institutional innovation and selfless management that benefits everyone? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is a free way that does this that anyone can implement?

60. If you had funds to do anything what would be the first thing that you did and why? What would be the most value for money way of doing this? Can you crowdsource the funds to do this?  What does this tell you about yourself and your aims?  Why not make it happen right now if you think it will help as many people as possible? Making everyone happy right now by sharing free video’s that help everyone could be a way to start? http:/www.WEBiversity.org

61. Make the most of your world. Imagine it, invent it, share it. Enjoy every second of life by learning to observe your mind and meditate. Specialize on what you love doing and collaborate and help everyone you meet by offering to help them using your skills (whatever they be). Simple solutions can solve the most complex problems and all problems humans have are linked to our mind/ego so often we just need to learn to improve ourselves to overcome them.

62. What simple ways are there to improve democracy/trusts so that they work more effectively at solving many/all human problems? Educating everyone for free using the web for the first time ever enables everyone to become educated so we can all learn to become selflessly wise and all live happy lives by learning to watch our mind and control our ego’s. http://www.WEBiversity.org

63. How best to enable that we all learn to beat short term ignorance with long term wisdom? For example not getting distracted to solve small local problem because it takes up your time and skills that would be better spent on simple solutions to large long term problems that may well effect everyone? Educate everyone for free about simple solutions for everyone http://www.WEBiversity.org

64. How is it best to enable government, charities, companies and individuals to fund innovation that helps everyone using new technology rather than funding the same old solutions that have not solve problems before? Who is able to help these organisations enhance what they are doing (as by not changing they are damaging everyone through a lack of innovation)? Enabling everyone to fund new innovation is key and http://wwww.TRAIDmark.org is a free way to do this. Education appears to be the solution to almost every problem and we would love to work with you to help everyone help everyone with free video http://www.WEBiversity.org

65. As disabilities change from being life threatening traits to becoming life enhancing traits (as almost every one is) how best to encourage everyone to make the most of the skills/differences that disabilities create (just like when glasses enabled the disability of bad sight to be overcome so that wisdom could be created in old age in the past:). What is the best way to celebrate the variety of talents just like the Olympics and Paralympics do with physical talents. Everyone has tallents and disabilities be they qualified/recognised by friends/work or not. What is the best way for everyone to discover their main talents and disabilities and help them overcome and celebrate all parts of everyone? Educating everyone to become selfless/wise is one way EG http://www.WEBiversity.org

66. Diversity, disability and equality benefit all so how is it best to encourge all organisations to encourage and empower everyone to act as diversely and equally as possible? Educating everyone is the first step EG http://www.WEBiversity.org how also to make sure that every organisation in the world employs divers and disabled equally as we all have different skills that can significantly enhance every organisation? Every job should have a different diversity skill that will enhance that organisations output EG Creativity.

67. How best to enable that creative innovators get into jobs when job application systems do not represent the massive value of creativity anywhere near enough? Who can improve the human resource and recruitment process asap because if creative people do not get the jobs they will not be able to innovate and therefore all organisations will be less effective in providing the services to us all so we will all lose out (and many may get harmed by this). Educating everyone is the first step EG http://www.WEBiversity.org How also to make sure that every organisation in the world employs as creative people as possible as creatives can significantly enhance every organisation? By not doing this everyone looses out so this urgently needs to be addressed.

68. How to enable those applying for work get the correct rights and respect from employers? Is there an organisation or institution that can stand up for the rights of the unemployed and job applicants? As employers are overwhelmed with applicants they do not have time to manage the workload that HR and recruitment are put under so dont have the time to give as good a service to applicants as everyone would like. What simple ways can employers enhance their services to applicants EG good personal feedback and not wasting job applicants/employees time. What simple ways can job applicants/employees stand up for their rights and prevent employees accidentally harming them EG wasting time.

69. How to enable that every minority or diverse group get respected fairly on the global scale (as we are all different and therefore minorities)  so that the known, semi known and unknown diverse minorities and majorities such as disabled/academic/creative can serve everyone most by excelling at their skills. Educating everyone to become selfless/wise is one way EG http://www.WEBiversity.org and making every organisation employ as diverse people as possible and publishing their results openly EG Creative/logical…

70. How best to prevent the selfish/ignorant from infiltrating innovative selfless enterprise (charities/gov…) and using positions in those organisations for personal gain (EG to develop their career) which often causes harm to the organisation and the global public they support/supply?  Educating everyone to become selfless/wise is one way EG http://www.WEBiversity.org and can selfless acts become part of every job application (proving you understand wisdom/selflessness and showing examples of this)?

71. How to prevent great organisations from crumbling over time as ‘inertia creeps’? What techniques and technology can prevent this? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is a free organisation structure that anyone can use to enhance their existing organisation that creates ‘Institutional Innovation’ by contantly funding new innovation and so prevents inertia and appathy.

72. How best to enable that any/all existing and new organisations can collaborate for mutual benefit in the most effective ways? Sharing everything they do openly and educating everyone to selflessly/wisely help everyone? Educating everyone to become selfless/wise is one way EG http://www.WEBiversity.org but we all need to make sure that every organisation is openly collaborating and helping everyone as much as possible and so need ways to make sure this is happening in every organisation.

73.  There is so much potential (effectively infinate) that can be created with creative innovation that it is irresponsible for any organisation (government, charity, company…) not to do all that it can to cultivate this by educating, empowering and enabling everyone to selflessly innovate for the global good. How to make all organisations fund innovation effectively as we are all loosing out as long as this is not the case with serious/deadly consequences. http:///www.TRAIDmark.org is one free way that any organisation can do this.

74. As there is almost infinate potential with creative innovation what is stopping it happening right now as the internet links up every human on the planet? Why is everyone not being entertained, educated and empowered to creatively innovate selflessly to help everyone and wider humanity right now? What simple ways are there to help everyone help everyone by being entertained, educated and empowered to be creative innovate and selfless? Educate everyone by sharing teh best free video’s and then helping everyone help everyone with free tools EG http://www.WEBiversity.org .

75. How to make everyone rich? What is rich and what do we all need? Rich economically is having more than others (which is a zero sum gain so short sighted) but richness actually is about the wealth/enjoyment/quality of life which involve skills/emotions that money can not buy like trust/love/charity. How to make it easier and more rewarding for everyone to have the same great things by sharing and collaborating on making many more great things for everyone to share? As the best things in life are free why are everyone not taught and enabled to have them? EG Happiness by learning to enjoy every second of life with free video http://www.WEBiversity.org

76. As computers/machines take over the jobs that humans used to do what are the future jobs going to be like and how can we invent/create the best jobs for everyone to do so we can all help each other the most? The rich and ‘clever’ will all have jobs and be able to survive any way they choose se we all need to work on ways to help the less ‘clever’ or disabled (often have different ignored skills) have the most usefull jobs (so they are not a burden on society by working in wasteful ways or on the dole). How to empower everyone to invent their own jobs by creating new innovation? http://www.WEBiversity.org helps empower anyone.

75. How best to turn all vice’s into virtues best? Educate everyone to master their own minds. Eg http://www.WEBiversity.org and manage them so they pay tax and donate profits to innovative charitable use EG http://www.TRAIDmark.org

76.  How best to protect the innocent, naive, vulnerable, complacent and us all from age old vices and crimes that are being reinvented using new technology? Legalise the vice/unethical industries and manage them so they donate profits to charitable use and regulate globally with clever preventative solutions.

77. How best to modify any illegal or unethical activities so they benefit everyone? Legalise and manage any activity so that it pays tax and can be managed so it generates profits that can be donated in  charitable ways EG http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/ making gambling generate funds for charitable use.

78. How to protect and prevent industries from being damaged/killed with new innovation that causes mass joblessness and other negative effects?  Making sure that new technology and innovation does not benefit a few at the expense of many/all EG by making sure all new innovation/technology uses its profits to fund new innovation that benefits everyone http://www.WEBiversity.org ?

79. As older and more conservative conformist people get left behind because technology is moving so fast how can we make sure that the older more conservative conformist people that make important decisions are not holding the youth and therefore progress back with out of date culture/mentalities?  EG many organisations are now out of date and using the wrong techniques and technology now that the web and social media is here. How can we make these organisations and people evolve rapidly so they do not continue to damage everyone with their lack of innovation? Educate everyone to empower all http://www.WEBiversity.org and can every organisation/person be made to continually innovate compassionately EG with free business structures http://www.TRAIDmark.org so we all benefit?

80. As the more you know the more you know you dont know or even understand the wise therefore learn to reduce the amount of information we have access to or ordering and organising it. How best to organise the webs information to reduce duplication/confusion and ignorance? Highlight and share the best information/video EG video that makes all happier http://www.WEBiversity.org

81. What invisible effects/consequences are some of us and also all of us not aware of and what positive and negative effects do they have? EG information overload and confusion leads to ignorance no matter how much quality information is provided so rather than concentrating on creating more information that creates more confusion we can concentrate on ordering what already exists so everyone can learn how to manage information/confusion with simple techniques such as mindfullness and meditation and self awareness/control http://www.WEBiversity.org helps.

82. As everyone has the potential to help everyone how can government and organisations allow or even let us enhance their services so that they can educate and empower everyone to do this? It is simple to do we just need government and organisations to allow us to enhance their work (everyone is suffering and many are dying because government and organisations are not doing this well enough). Educating everyone to become selfless is one way to do this http://www.WEBiversity.org

83. What is the best way to reduce the wasteful duplication across society and the web? Create open selfless techniques and technology that benefit everyone as we can then all share the same single innovations. oe way to do this is to enable any organisation to run as an open source creative commons organisation that uses 100% net profit (or surplus funds) to fund new innovation that benefits everyone. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

84.  Everything is open if we all share right:) Are there not simple solutions to many of humanities problems (as we are all humans our psychological needs/desires are learned so we can simply solve them by helping everyone to learn to enjoy simple pleasures in life? Would love to help all your work and to do this by organising sharing video eg http://www.webiversity.org

85. We have utopia right now just some people are rushing past the moment to try and find some future utopia (the future never arrives but we are all stuck in the present and we can all make our own present blissful with mindfulness right:)

86. Google+/twitter & Android have so much potential as they allow us all to question the limits of Facebook and Apple’s iphone. The question is how far and fast will software giants/monopolies allow society/humanity to innovate/evolve beyond the status quo created by IBM then Apple then Microsoft then Apple (again) then Google (again:).

87. What are the largest innovations and limitations of mobile computing? How can we all enhance mobile software so that it can serve us all best? For example so that it enables us all to make ourselves happy by helping others and by reducing stress and illness by reducing the information overload that is causing confusion and ignorance? For example how can we enable everyone to share selfless knowlege & wisdom to help everyone live happy lives right now (just by sharing on social media?) http://www.WEBiversity.org

88. Is it a human right to have access to all the worlds information for free via the free open source web from an open source mobile phone? As the access to information is as vital a resource as any other piece of infrastructure such as roads/electricity should this not be provided by governments/organisations free to the world? This can be done and would have significantly more positive effects plus would create many new jobs and industries.

89. How can we help all societies improve and change so that everyone can have better lives with simple changes? What is the best way to prioratize what everyone concentrates on and learns so that we can all serve each other best?

90. What is the best way to enable those that waste their careers working on pointless zero sum gain industries so that they can work on cumulative sum gain industries where they create wealth by creatively innovating? We have been working on a few simple ways that this can be done that benefits everyone and are looking to work with programmers and others interested in making innovative charitable organisations EG http://www.WEBiversity.org Help make Free Art to help everyone live happier lives. EG http://www.MUSTart.org & http://www.trustlibrary.org
91. As all people can create solutions to all problems how can all Government, Organisations, Companies and Individuals enable everyone to do this?  Why are they not all doing this well now & how to make them do this more effectively than they appear to be doing now? The upside potential is almost infinite so everything can be enhanced by everyone simply by using existing and new techniques and technology. EG simply helping everyone to have happy lives and/by learning the wisdom to selflessly help everyone by sharing and organising existing video http://www.WEBiversity.org

92. How can we all enable all organisations to make selfless actions that will benefit everyone the most rather than selfish actions that actually harm everyone (including themselves)? For example why not get all governments to spend funds on preventing conflict rather than on arms. And spend funds on safe innovations such as Thorium for nuclear power rather than on

93. All charity and Government can be reinvented so that it is run by volunteers in innovative new ways. How can any/all hariies and government educate, enable and empower us all to do this so they can benefit everyone most?

94. Creatives can solve all problems so how can Government and charities educate, empower and sustain creatives so that they can then solve every problem? EG inspire with http://www.WEBiversity.org

95. How can specialists in any one field be enabled/empowered/funded to use their skills to support and encourage others in different fields to enhance their work? EG how can programmers be enabled o help support every other amateur/professional person so that they can solve the problems that they already know the answers to (but don’t have the skills to solve:)?

96. How can everyone be enabled/empowered to help everyone right now using the skills and resources that we all have in sustainable ways using existing and re/invented techniques and technologies?

97. How to prevent anyone from competing in a zero sum gain competition/game so that people do not waste their lives taking resources from others but use their lives to create/invent extra value that can benefit everyone (by being shared)?

98. How best to help the frustrated that know better ways (the problems and solutions) to do every/anything so they can help others more? How best to educate and empower the relaxed or lazy so they are aware or empowered enough to solve problems that they can solve using their skills and resources?

99. As so many significant improvements can be made to EVERYONES lives using EXISTING and SIMPLE techniques and technology how is it best to enable everyone to do this (EG share the best free video’s that help everyone?) http://www.WEBiversity.org

100. So many simple software and applications can be created and improved to help everyone right now. How can government, organisations, companies and individuals enable everyone to create these so we all can help everyone right now?

101. I/you/we all are loosing out right now due to the way all organisations are using out of date processes. The web has changed everything and enabled us all to reinvent everything so all organisations should empower everyone to selflessly help everyone. How best to educate those with vested interests that they benefit by educating everyone to have happy selflles lives? By sharing free video http://www.WEBiversity.org

102. How to enable everyone to get access to any resource so that we all can re/invent ways to help everyone AND implement them using the resources without having to go through the gatekeepeers that appear to be holding progress back due to lack of creative open mindedness.

103. Is it worth writing a blog? What are the positive and negative effects of writing blogs and how can we all help everyone to write a blog and also build on that?

104. How best to tell the story/success of the present and future? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hitchhiker%27s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy uses Science Fiction to explain how simple human emotions

105. How best to enable the selfless wise to prevent misunderstanding and ignorance due to lack of education? Make all knowledge accessible AND entertaining! eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

106. Over to you:) If you like hate or just read part of this text do post any comments or other ways you know here and also on http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

How can funds be spent in the most effective way so that they sustainably enable everyone to selflessly creatively innovate? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one free way to do this

Create and share your own free ways to help everyone EG make a poster and share it to help others in any way you like!
Download any of the posters from http://www.MUSTart.org and share yours there too and at https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670&ref=ts

A. Help everyone make their own selfless community spaces https://www.drumbeat.org/en-US/projects/help-everyone-make-their-own-selfless-community-in/ For Example http://www.trustlibrary.org

B. Help anyone make their own free life by reinventing how we all live so that anyone can live and create selflessly to help everyone while earning a living. https://www.drumbeat.org/en-US/projects/mustartorg/ & watch http://www.WEBiversity.org for inspiration

C. Can we run art ‘competitions’ with you? 1. Post suggestions here and also prizes you are prepared to give away for others that can solve problems relating to these organisations. 2. We will give free books to everyone who helps EG http://www.trustlibrary.org. 3. What funds/prize would you like to get in order to work on this for one weekend or a week (we know many solutions to the problems but need to work with programmers to make them happen)? 4. We would love to help your work with UI/X and social media/design work too:) Check http://www.WEBiversity.org for free inspiring videos too:)

How best to help everyone learn the most useful things such as happiness/selflessness and to help link up the amatours wisdome on the web eg blogs/social media while cutting out the eg auto curate content about happiness http://www.WEBiversity.org

Please suggest your views or just share your favorite video’s that inspire/educate at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670 or watch and share the video at http://www.WEBiversity.org

A. What are the best techniques to help everyone? eg The Golden Rule! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Golden_Rule
B. What are the best organisation structures to help everyone have the best life? Eg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization
C. How best to enable everyone to help everyone? Eg empower with video http:/www.WEBiversity.org
D. The web needs to be organised effectively and that is where commercial failure is having a massive negative effect on everyone as the effective monopolies of Facebook, Google, Explorer…  are enabling them to survive while they do not provide the best service to the public. The key example of this is where is it almost impossible to not be bamboozled by the mass of information and data that is displayed to everyone whenever they do any kind of a search (number of search replies compared to number of USEFUL replies) not to mention the danger of search bubbles that have hidden effects.
E. What is the best way to organise the web, data and information so it is accessible to all and so that everyone is educated and empowered enough to use it (so elites do not get created?)? http://okfn.org/
F. Can all government and commercial services be run better if run by volunteers that are educated enough to be wise and selfless and provided for with food/support? There are many examples of how this does work better eg online blogs/volunteering. We also created http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org as one simple example of how anyone can create their own public service using simple free online tools.
G. How is it best for all funding/funders to enhance what they do so they fund more innovative projects that go on to continually scale and grow and innovate even more? eg http://www.TRAIDmark.org helps any organisation.
H. What are the best ways to enable everyone to crowdsource and crowdfund solutions to any problem? eg http://www.drumbeat.org
I. How best to enable everyone to backup everything in secure decentralised ways so that it can only be used for good? eg using http://tiki.org/Community

Do you know a programmer that we can work with to use existing open source software to create simple charity startups that will sustainably solve problems and raise funds? If so contact http://www.whymandesign.com

1. How best to manage / protect everyone, everything and every thought so that we all can help everyone the most?
Share everything with everyone so we all can gain more by sharing than anyone individual can possibly gain by depriving others so that they gain more (but actually loose more themselves as it is a self harming activity). It is important that all ideas are managed so that they benefit everyone in the most effective ways. Every previous way that we used to manage ideas are now out of date as the internet is connecting everyone instantly in real time so new models need to be created so that everyone benefits the most from creative collaboration and reinvention of everything. The main concern is that creatives need to be supported so that they are able to continue to make creative innovations that benefit everyone. Anyone that steals ideas and uses them for personal gain is therefore harming the whole of humanity as their selfishness is making them restrict the existing and potential positive benefits that the idea could be used for.

2. How is it best to compare and contrast every company, government, charity, organisation and person using different data dimensions? This could use/build on existing data For example how can http://opencharities.org/ & http://opencorporates.com be built on so that ANYONE can add features to them eg using http://www.openstreetmap.org & http://www.wikipedia.org ?

3. How best to make the stolen pound/dollar’ reclaimed so that it is REGULATED so it is run in sustainable and responsible ways PLUS tax revenues are drawn from illegal industries so that they can pay to help everyone?

4. How to make sure that all organisations and leaders including government, charities, companies take care of long term effects and don’t just make short term gains so they gain in profits/votes in the short term with negative effects in the long term?

5. How to help all organisations  and individuals be impartial without vested interests? EG could all charities be made to run as impartial organisations by having to prove that they are impartial?

6. How to help all organisations and individuals be as innovative as possible so that they can help more people?

7. There are infinite ways that everything can be improved the problem is where humanity thinks that it knows everything so it thinks that it knows the best solution and therefore prevents new innovation.

8. What are the best free techniques that can be used to help everyone? eg http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Srikumar-Rao-at-AwesomenessFest

9. How best to help anyone create technology innovation? Is the same way that everyone can now express themselves using drawing and writing how is it possible to enable everyone to express themselves without any limits using technology? EG Location http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/AuthorsGoogle-Richard-Florida-2;search:creative

10. What music/song saved your life? Share it with everyone you know as music is the way to share our soules:) http://www.ikaraoke.org or http://www.jamendo.com Do you know of a location we could use to showcase the latest creative commons music/art? If so please share it http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670 so we can run charity events.

11. Do you have a resource/skill/tallent that could be used to create charity events that are fun and save lives? How can we help you do this? If so please share what you have or want at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

12. Is Sex education and family planning the most important problem to solve as it prevents almost all other problems? How best to enable everyone to continually learn about the most important health and sex education knowledge best? Viral adverts? If you would like to make these please do get in touch.

13. How is it best to enable everyone to help everyone?
A. Educate and empower everyone to help everyone eg by selflessly being happy. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/TED-Nic-Marks-The-Happy-Planet
B. Open up the governance/leadership of every organisations/structure/culture so everyone can contribute and help democratically?
C. Enable all funds and resources to be used on the most EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT ways to help everyone eg happiness and preventing illness. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Kevin-Starr-Lasting-Impact;search:foundation

14. Simple ways anyone can improve society
Capitalism and society can be improved just by improving ourselves so that we can become aware of our own ego’s and then taming our own ego and desires before we try to affect others.

For instance when we borrow and/or save if we choose to do this form the most reputable places then this cuts out all the liars/cheats so they go bust. One way to do this is to lend money to a charity bank that can then use the funds in the best way to benefit everyone. This is done by spending the funds on the most open innovation that benefits everyone.

15.  How is it best to maximise the use of resources, skills and funds/money so that they can be used most effectively to enable everyone to have the best life? Eg should anyone need more than $1,000,000 dollars a year salary or should any more that people are paid be used to fund charity work. http://www.traidmark.org

16. ALL public service funds should be spent on creative commons and open source products that can be used to benefit EVERYONE in the most EFFECTIVE ways. How best to make sure this happens?

17. How is it possible to be enabled to enhance every broadcast or public service so that they have extra added open free and libre services that can easily benefit and enhance everyones lives in the most effective ways?

18. What are the best simple ways to reform any system EG the banking system so that the funds/resources available are used in the most effective way to help everyone the most? EG to make everyone happy just by sharing knowledge so we all become wise instead of selfish. http://www.TRAIDmark.org

19. How to make anything from scratch easily without any skill time talent or contacts:)

What are the main problems that need to be solved? Probably the smallest ones that effect us all eg happiness (if we are all happy we stop wanting more and happiness can be created just by helping everyone we meet:)

A. Write down what you like/hate and share it by publishing it on your own blog and facebook/twitter
B. List a plan of action about what needs to be done and what you think could be done.
C. Ask anyone you meet what they think.
D. Question what your doing and why and repeat.

20. What are the most/least important problems that need to be solved and how best to solve them?
Is happiness the most important problem to solve because if everyone is happy we don’t waste our lives trying to achieve/consume more and just enjoy every second of life eg by selflessly helping others?
http://www.12-12-12.org/isslist.htm http://www.globalissues.org/

21. What are the best/worst organisations, governments, companies, people in every sector and how best to support them?
EG http://www.global100.org but what about innovation and charitable aims? eg http://ethisphere.com/wme2011/

22. What are the best/worst organisations that anyone could invest in and why?
http://www.fosfo.org is one nice way to share and find info about any company but we need an impartial list comparing all companies.
http://www.opencorporates.com/ is a nice way to do this for company finance but more is needed to compare their outcomes.

23. What are the most/least effective charities for helping the most people in the most important ways?
http://www.charitynavigator.org/ and http://www.charitywatch.org/toprated.html could be even better.
http://www.opencharities.org/ is a nice way to do this for charity finance but more is needed to compare their outcomes.

Do you know any programmers we can work with to make simple open source ways to help everyone? If so please share their url at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

How best to enable any data or information or organisation to inter/link with any organisation or person so that this can only be used in a good way by being used selflessly to help everyone have happy lives?

How best to do this in a way that benefits everyone in the most useful ways?

How best to educate everyone simply so that we all can learn to make our own lives better by learning to be more selfless?

How best to learn from the masters of the past and reinterpret or reinvent the knowledge for todays context?

How to help everyone learn from the past and use simple techniques to solve problems with love?

How best to educate everyone with the skills to love everyone and help teach the selfish ignorant?

How best to order/prioratize tasks/causes/information/time?

How to make the most of what you have?

How to help all survive while making the most of their time by innovating?

How to get data/information/knowledge from the web to individuals on and offline?

How to help organisatioins governments and cultures to continually r/evolve so they can serve everyone best?

A big danger with open innovation is that the minority that have access to the largest scales can take any part of it and beat/control everyone else just by using their scale. How best to enable everyone to combat this so that innovation is used to benefit everyone the most (often in the simplest ways just by making us all happy!)? Can you let us help you do this?

How is it possible to enable or make all organisations, government companies, charities empower and enable everyone to improve their services so that they can serve everyone in the best possible way? Educate everyone to innovate selflessly?  http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Kevin-Starr-Lasting-Impact

EG how can http://www.ted.com automatically interlink with all parts of http://www.wikipedia.org and http://www.openstreetmap.org and and independent organisation such as http://www.spot.us plus any software with any data with http://www.mozilla.org ?… Can we help you help them do this?

As every human has what they need in their head right now, how do we all remind/teach each other to  enjoy what we already have so we can instantly help everyone have happier lives by helping everyone? Sharing the best free educational video’s with everyone we know? eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

1. How is it best to enable everyone to prioritize what we do in life as that is the single most effective way to enhance everyones lives and increase what we do with the little time we have while making everyone happy instantly? Healthy & happiness are all we need right?

Read this paragraph especially if you dont have time to!
All those that say they are too busy to take the time to prioritize what they do are actually the ones that need to do it the most (as they are rushing around doing inefficient and/or pointless things without realising it). This is caused by the ego making the person adamant that they are right (in effect assuming that they know everything which no one can) so they refuse to listen to other people or even care for them. How best to enable everyone to routinely stop and reflect on what they are doing? Now stop put the computer down and take 5 minutes to just watch your hands and enjoy how lucky you are to be alive and see/smell/touch/taste… everything in just one second.
(more points below on doing important things first and how to solve any problem simply & check out the Douglas Adams talk at the base)

2. How best to stop organisations or structures from preventing humans from living the best lives? educate the people that are running the organisations/structures so they can change the way they are run http://www.WEBiversity.org

For example how can any government or any company/charity or individual enable everyone to help them serve everyone better? This can be done simply by asking the public what they want and helping them to achieve it by supporting them with the right tools techniques and education so we all can continuously learn to improve ourselves.Helping everyone to educate everyone by sharing the best free video is the simplest way to do this as we all can do it easily and all benefit by gaining the most important thing of all which is wisdom/enlightenment so we all become selflessly compassionate so stop causing problems and start enjoying every second of life. Can we help you with http://www.webiversity.org

3. Help everyone do what you do as there is always at least one person who can do it better.
Many hands/heads make light/ideas work/excel so it is selfish and self harming not to collaborate with everyone to help everyone.

4. Everyone is amazing but some think that they are more amazing than others (how to remind us all to be aware of our ego and out dated animal instincts)? As everyone is different and we all have different failures and features and undiscovered talents/traits how best to enable everyone to connect with and complement the past/present/future knowledge/wisdom?

5. If there are only 7 learning styles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_multiple_intelligences then we all nead to work in teams of at lest 7+ in order to progress up the pyramid of Mazlows hierarchy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs
What is your team of 7+ and how can we all help each other find the 7 that are most near/relevant?

6. Success is failure and failure is success? How can we all discover/learn/share historic experiences to turn all success into failure and failure into success (and vica versa like Ying Yang)? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yin_and_yang

7. If human love is self replicating how best to educate and empower everyone to let everyone into all our hearts/minds so we all can grow to love more and more just by loving everyone we meet? If human hate is a negative self replicating meem how can everyone learn to become aware of this and prevent duplicating this negative meem via anger/violence/bullying/competition… Maybe by sharing the most inspiring and educational videos http://www.WEBiversity.org

8. Should we all love the ‘bad’ in every human and humanity like a parent and love the ‘good’ in every human and humanity like a child? How best to teach everyone the simple skills to handle naughty humans personally so they learn and praise every good

9. What other things or ways can you suggest this or any test is improved or shared? Share and comment at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

10. How best to help everyone help everyone? Provide tools and techniques that enable and empower everyone to do this like crowdsourcing and crowdfunding? Can we fund you to create innovative solutions that benefit everyone? Do you have a space or resource that we could use when not in use to create simple ways to help everyone eg http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org If your interested share your problems, ideas and/or prototype at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

A. Would you like someone to solve any problem that you have? Would you like to help others solve problems that affect us all? This can be done by simply writing a blog post and sharing it with everyone you know! Post your question at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

Here are two good video’s that inspire and inform

What problems / questions and solutions / answers shouldwe solve first and how?

1. Question the question?! First question why you are asking the question you are asking (or trying to solve the problem that your trying to solve). Is it really a problem or have you just been culturally made to think it is a problem?

2. Question the answer?! Second question the answers that are commonly accepted by any society. These are often created a long time before with different technology so may be out of date or taught/controlled by people/organisations with a vested interest or

3. Question everything else?! Think of other areas you have not already thought about and become aware of them.

4. What are they key questions/problems that we all need to concentrate on? Living a happy life by conquering your mind so you gain peace by selflessly helping everyone? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Secret-of-Happiness-Education-a;search:happy

The Worlds Biggest Problems http://www.arlingtoninstitute.org/wbp
Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All http://www.globalissues.org/
Other interesting list of problems http://www.12-12-12.org/isslist.htm

As we learn more we rediscover the infinite beauty of existence by rediscovering storing and reinventing what was always out there.

B. How best to help everyone to learn about simple techniques so everyone can improve themselves so they and we all can have even greater lives? EG sharing the best free video http://www.webiversity.org

How to protect every different type of animal and human so every individual’s differences can be celebrated and recorded so everyone can share from the benefits of this? Create rights for every different type of person and animal equally so every difference is recorded for use by humanity for ever.

What are the biggest social, intellectual, emotional… failures that humans/society have that we can all try to solve asap right now with simple existing and new creative innovation?

As no one is perfect we all have failures (some people are so ignorant that they think they are perfect) what is the best way to help everyone teach and learn from each other constructively. For example if we all expect the best from others and encourage everyone with love and compassion then we will all gain the most from live (compared to fighting or competing with others).

A BBC television program suggested that if you don’t feel the pain of others when they are suffering then you have psychopathic tendencies! Therefore if your normal you will want to help everyone but if you only want to help yourself then you have psychopathic tendencies so should learn to help improve yourself so you can train yourself to rediscover compassion. Everyone can learn and train themselves to become more compassionate. http://www.webiversity.org

C. How to help everyone learn that being selfless is the key to long lasting happiness and peace? How to enable everyone to share selfless wisdom so everyone learns about this so we can all live in simple selfless peace together?


D. What is the most effective way to run a selfless business, charity or enterprise? Is a Charity better than a Social Enterprise / Cooperative or is philanthropy from capitalism the best way to create wealth / value and use it to benefit everyone?

http://www.traidmark.org helps http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/TEDxChange-Hans-Rosling;search:philanthropy

The key is how to help the most people. Creativity and Innovation have been proven beyond any doubt to be the best ways to do this. How is it best to enable that every job spec has creativity, innovation and selflessness as key parts of the jobs so that everyone is enabled to help everyone within their job (so we all benefit from this)?

What is the best way to rate all organisations so it is easy and simple to see which organisations are doing the most good for the most people? http://opencharities.org/ have shown one way this can be done. Can we help you do this in other ways?

Let me help you solve any problem with simple techniques that many people have been using for generations. Tweet the problem to @whymandesign AND post the problem in this group (while sharing your favorite video too). http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

E. What is the best way to enable everyone to collaborate together safely while knowing that what they work on can only be used for ‘good’ by being used in a selfless way to benefit everyone? Create simple and automatic structures that prevent everyone from idea/object/thought/product/industrial/financial/time theft and enable everyone to collaborate selflessly. This can be done very simply by automatically making every thought/idea owned by everyone (as all ideas/thoughts are part of the universe and not just owned by one person). Is there a way to organise the web so that only selfless organisations and information are visible so they can work together?
http://www.traidmark.org is a free business structure that helps with the above. Help us to help everyone do this with open source software and video at http://www.webiversity.org

F. How to turn negative selfish vice into positive selfless virtue most effectively?
1. One way is to buy or take over the negative selfish vice like organisation and turn it into a positive selfless virtuous organisation.
2. Another is to create a duplicate version or the organisation using open source software and compete and win as you have an extra unique selling point of being selfless and virtuous EG by using the funds you raise to save lives by donating to new innovative ways to solve charitable problems effectively. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

G. How to enable everyone to earn a living while selflessly innovating?
All of humanity used to be hunter gatherers and farmers where it benefited everyone to selflessly help others. How can we enable everyone to do this more effectively in modern society and prevent the selfish ignorant from breaking/burning or even preventing (with selfish laws/systems/ignorance) others from selflessly innovating. Educate everyone so we all become wise and selfless http://www.webiversity.org

H. What is the simplest way to enable everyone to help everyone using existing techniques and technology?

How can everyone be enabled to use modify and enhance any piece of technology by designing them in clever ways that enable us all to use and share our skills without having to learn whole new complex language systems? Firstly can we work with you to help everyone learn to conquer their own world (so they don’t have to waste their time tying to be famous/successful by conquering others worlds) with http://www.webiversity.org .

I. Enlightenment 2.0
As the enlightenment was created by the dissemination of knowledge with printing AND the creation of knowledge by the ability of everyone to record everyone’s individual wisdom with drawing AND writing how can we make sure Enlightenment 2.0 happens in the most effective and beneficial way for everyone by learning from the mistakes of the past?
How can everyone be enabled to help and build on every technology be it software, hardware, wetware… Educate everyone so they become wise and empowered to help everyone and we all will find a way http://www.webiversity.org

J. Open Everything How is it best to enable everyone to open up everything so we can all share everything together (which reminds us all about how life is better when shared:).
What simple ways are there to enable everyone to create things in an open way. Can we turn all organisations into Open Organisations so that anyone can contribute to their development? Democracy was the first step in this but now social media makes it practical and almost free to enable everyone to help everyone directly. What legal and structural ways are there to make this possible in sustainable responsible ways. eg Educating everyone for free http://www.webiversity.org and enabling decentralized sharing http://www.getmiro.com/ http://www.oneclickorgs.com/ https://www.drumbeat.org/en-US/projects/appleseed-social-networking/

K. Review responsibly
How to enable everyone to 1. Consume and 2. Review everything responsibly? http://www.wikipedia.org provides a great first stage solution but now that social media and http://www.twitter.com are here how can decentralised information be aggregated responsibly while protecting the individual and the global community (freedom of speech / information / data / privacy). Can we work on simple solutions and ways to do this starting from http://www.webiversity.org

J. How best to translate EVERY individual and industry into the Digital, Social and future ages?
Every individual and industry has to fundamentally reinvent how they use every part of their time now that new free global tools/techniques are available. How best to enable everyone to do this responsibly while learning from past mistakes and predicting present and future ones? Educating everyone with simple techniques to protect everyone and enable everyone to make the most of the web is key. Can we work with you to do this simply with http://www.webiversity.org

K. How to protect everyone from everyone? How to protect the selfless wise from the selfish ignorant.
What simple historical ways should we reinvent to protect everyone from everyone so we all continue to sustainably grow as a global community? How can simple songs, rhymes and games be reinvented so we all learn the simple skills needed to have content lives without harming others? EG share the best free educational video’s http://www.webiversity.org

L. How to prevent age old problems continue to cause danger and harm?

How is it best to enable everyone to share and learn about age old problems while solving them WITHOUT making the problems worse by sharing negative meems/vice? Educate everyone for free responsibly by showcasing the best free education http://www.webiversity.org

M. Journalistic code reinvented by everyone simply.
All of journalism could change our whole society with one simple improvement. All journalists could showcase positive virtuous activities and ignore negative vice-like activities (in the same way you ignore naughty children and reward good behavior). This would mean that only good positive activities get 1. free pr, 2. shared as a positive meem so copycats do positive things 3. provides a positive reward/feedback loop 4. makes everyone feel happy and secure so we all act more and more happy. http://www.good.is/ does this and we would love to help them and you enhance your work with this and other simple techniques eg http://www.webiversity.org

N. How to help everyone stop being a victim of social status within our culture/society (as we ALL are no matter how much we think we are now)!

What is the best way to enable everyone to become aware of how our social status is abused by society… so we all are victims of social status which controls our lives and how we all act?! Educate everyone with the best free videos http://www.webiversity.org

O. What are the simplest ways to enhance the work that everyone does?
Enhancing collaboration and sustainable innovation are key as they enable everyone to help everyone. Most importantly educating everyone to become wise which is selfless so everyone makes themselves happy by helping others. Do help http://www.WEBiversity.org do this by sharing the best free video.

P. Every organisation, company and government could be run more effectively as a Charity AND benefit the owners.
Every company, organisation, government agency or sole trader can enhance what they do and save lives just by registering as a charity so that all their net profits are then spent on new innovation that benefits everyone and charitable causes. Founders, employees, partners and investors all gain from the large added goodwill that is gained that translates into profits that then are used to fund innovation that saves lives. The founders and shareholders can even more money from the enterprise as they gain by getting large performance pay packages that are greater than their original personal profit as the company is making larger profits from the extra goodwill it gains.

For example. A sole trader changes their status to a charity and donates net profit to new innovative charitable work. They then gain large amounts of goodwill from this and so get more and more work enabling them to get rich on performance pay WHILE saving lives with the extra funds that they raise which are then spent on innovative sustainable charitable work. http://www.traidmark.org has more details.

Q. How can Government and the Law protect everyone as a whole the most so we all benefit the most?
What is the best way for innovation and ideas to be cultivated and shared so that they benefit everyone in the world the most? How best to update the outdated laws and legislation’s so that they work to serve the people in the most beneficial ways possible? Should all ideas be registered to the public and licensed to individuals so that the public gain the most from the ideas AND everyone has access to ideas / intellectual property SO ideas therefore benefit everyone the most with enhanced competition/collaboration?

R. The world is and always was amazing. The trick is to appreciate how amazing it is all the time so we can enjoy every second of life.

As the Web has linked everyone and everything on the planet there is not stopping the curve or progress which is interlinked to knowledge which leads to Wisdom and Enlightenment for all so we all can continue to learn more and more to enjoy every second of life just by appreciating it and helping everyone selflessly. All we now have to do is stay healthy and concentrate on enjoying every second and helping everyone we meet selflessly while continually learning from everyone. Find and share inspiring video’s to help all at http://www.webiversity.org

A-H of ways to Help all creatively innovate selflessly so we all can have happy healthy lives!
A. What are the best simple ways to enable anyone to help everyone in a sustainable way?
This has always been possible (but cultures forget how to do this as ignorant people say it can’t be done) and now the web has made this even more possible for everyone anywhere round the world right now. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Justice-Whats-The-Right-Thing-7;search:help

1. Educate anyone free so we all can learn to become wiser EG http://www.WEBiversity.org (everyone has to be educated to become selfless/wise otherwise anyone can become selfish & knowledgable and harm others for self benefit (like a feral child). http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Michael-Shermer-The-pattern-beh

2. Empower everyone to act on their wisdom so they are able to assess/support/critique/act on past/resent/future problems/solutions. http://www.webiversity.org aims to do this with video. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Laws-of-Success-by-Napoleon-Hil

3. Sustain everyone so we all can live happy lives while concentrating our time/talent/resources on selflessly creatively innovating to help everyone. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Joseph-Stiglitz-How-the-World-c;search:sustain

B. What are the best simple ways to enable anyone to earn a living while selflessly helping everyone…

1. What existing and new ways are there to enable anyone to earn a living while creatively innovating to help everyone?

EG Busking has enables musicians to earn a living while concentrating on their creative talents full time.
Artists create and give away artworks while being given funds to earn a living
Craftsmen create delicate objects and earn a living while working on doing what they love.

What other ways do you know of doing this so that inventors and others that have long term gains for all (but often no short term feedback to gain income from)?

2. If an inventor wants to create free innovation that will benefits everyone and wants to share this for free what is the best way for them to go about doing this?

3. Which organisations provide support and funding for anyone who wants to selflessly creatively innovate to help everyone?
How can all organisations provide more support and funding for everyone who wants to selflessly creatively innovate to help everyone?
How can every individual provide more support and funding for everyone who wants to selflessly creatively innovate to help everyone?
How can Government, Companies, Charities, Organisations and individuals educate, empower and allow everyone to help them enhance what they do in selfless/wise ways? We would love to help anyone do this eg http://www.webiversity.org & http://www.TRAIDmark.org

By not doing this well enough (as all organisations are not doing well enough given the potential of the web) all organisations are actually (self) harming everyone as we all are losing out due to lack of innovation caused by lack of support for creative innovators. This is often caused by institutional problems that can easily be solved by any individual selflessly becoming aware of and solving the problem by openly sharing and collaborating on solving the problem with everyone.

Here is another free video that will help inspire anyone…
And more detail into the science…

If you know of other ways of helping everyone help everyone please share it by commenting below and sharing it on the http://www.webiversity.org facebook group http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670  We would be happy to reward you for doing this (if you need a reward?)

C. Helpall become Wise before Knowledgeable to help us all be selflessly happy and not selfishly ignorant (which itself is self harming and harms everyone).

What are the best ways to help everyone learn to become more knowledgeable and happier by being selfless so we all can learn more on our journey from ignorance to wisdom (as we all are ignorant but some are more ignorant than others)?
Simply by educating everyone for free and making wisdom learned/discovered before knowledge.

It is fundamentally important to educate everyone quickly & easily to become wise before powerful so the ignorant/selfish do not learn how to harm others. How best to do this? Organise and prioratise content ranking so you find/learn wisdom before information/knowledge? EG http://www.webiversity.org

What simple ways are there that help everyone and every organisation learn to become wiser EG develop up Maslows hierarchy of needs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs

How can everyone be helped to learn to develop from the ignorant/vice of instant empty gratification of impulse pleasures to wise/virtue of long term infinitely sustainable selfless pleasure/contentment? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/TEDxDanubia-2011-Nic-Marks-The;search:content

Do you know of a programmer we can work with to make simple solutions to human problems using open source software? If so please share their website at http://www.facebook.com/groups/352077702670/?ref=ts

D. It is not acceptable to allow 99% of innovations to fail if people do not share the learning from those failures and dont collaborate on making them successes. Often those working on the 99% that fail are not aware of the high chances of failure so are being misinformed and therefore misused by society in non efficient ways. The competition model has done this but a collaboration model enables the 99% of failures to be rewarded and also enables some of these to turn into successes. http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one way of creating institutional innovation that benefits everyone.

E. How is it possible to help any/all charities and governments enhance what they are doing by creatively innovating every part of what they do as everything can (and always has been able to) be reinvented so it is done in a better way?

We can help any organisation do this with simple techniques and technology but need the organisations to let us (the creative public) to do this for them.

If this is not possible how is it best to creatively innovate all organisations and services without their permission so they provide a better service for everyone? EG find simple ways to educate and empower everyone to do this http://www.webiversity.org

For example how can charities, governments and individuals enable creative people to enhance what they do for the benefit of everyone? EG by asking creative people to enhance what they do and sustainably rewarding every creative person (as there is a 99% failure rate).

This means that every organisation has to cultivate and reward the creative ecosystem so that they enable 100% of people to creatively innovate so that the 99% that fail are able to survive and continue to innovate in order to get the 1% that succeed. This is fundamentally important otherwise organisations will only get a few innovations compared to the ongoing 000′s of innovations that will save them money if they continue to sustainably reward the creative community so that all creative people can survive while developing creative innovation that almost always is unexpected and outside any organisations original plans.

Here are a few simple ways that this can happen.
1. Everyone can be educated and empowered to do this with free education eg http://www.webiversity.org

2. Creative and innovative people need to be given priority for every job as every job can be creatively innovated. For example every job should have ‘creativity’ as a key part of the job and everyone should be encouraged to be creative in unexpected ways that helps all humanity.

F. All creativity and innovation needs to be selfless otherwise it will be used in ways that harm humanity. How best to encourage everyone to selflessly innovate so that it is easier and more rewarding to selflessly innovate than selfishly? Make sure all funding and support processes give greater selfless innovation options and culturally educate and empower everyone to selflessly innovate. Can we help you do this EG http://www.webiversity.org

Creativity needs to be encouraged in a selfless way so that everyone collaborates selflessly so they help everyone to help everyone. If creativity is not encouraged in a selfless way to help everyone then vested interests and selfishness prevent the creative process from working effectively and any basic innovation that is created is then restricted with out of date structures and processes.

How is it best to manage and cultivate the direction of ‘brain drains’ so that everyone (and the cleverest people) are encouraged and rewarded the most for creatively innovating selflessly? Cultural peer review rewards everyone while inspiring and reminding everyone to selflessly innovate more.

If you know of other ways of helping everyone help everyone please share it by commenting below and sharing it on the http://www.webiversity.org facebook group http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

G. Blog your future from scratch
How to create any creative innovation (charity/startup/gov/hobby) from scratch to help everyone (even if you don’t know the problem your going to solve or how to solve it or if you don’t believe you have the skills to solve it)? What is the best process for doing this? Do share your views with everyone but here are a few simple ways to start…

1. Start by asking yourself the key question… What is it you want to do? And then ask yourself why? Thirdly ask yourself if anyone is already doing this (if so do help them:)? And finally ask yourself what are the positive and negative effects of what you want to do (who are you helping and hurting by doing it)? What are the hidden negative and positive effects, problems and solutions that you could work on?

2. Blog about what you want to do and ask for help from anyone you know eg over coffee or using social media. Try asking what others want to achieve (and why) and for any support/advice you can get. List what you need to achieve what you want and why

3. Find if there are any ways you can also help others while doing what you want to do (often with no extra effort).

4. Everything is possible and nothing is impossible (especially now the web links everyone). Creativity can solve any problem so try not to let negative, angry or ignorant ‘no mentality’ people hold you back and help them learn how little we all know and how much potential there is for everyone to selflessly help everyone.

5. Try it twice as the worst that can happen is that you dont try it (or even worse that your scared or too lazy to try it;) and that you stop trying after one attempt (imagine doing this when learning to walk:).

6. Some of the most important problems/solutions are often overlooked as they could be subtle and often the ‘problem’ does not need to be solved but the human that thinks there is a problem needs to learn more?

Here is a great piece of advice on lasting impact http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Kevin-Starr-Lasting-Impact

H. Where is humanity going and what do we want to achieve (and more importantly what do we need to achieve)?
What can creatives tell us about the future (and how the human ego will shape our future)?
Words of wisdom from Douglas Adams on life the universe and everything not related to the hitchikers guide to the galaxy. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Douglas-Adams-in-Australia-2-of


How to help everyone live as long and enjoyable lives as possible so we all can learn as much and produce as much innovation to help everyone? Educate everyone effectively so we all make the most of what we have right now… Can we work with you on doing this at http://www.webiversity.org (we need funding and programmers to work with)

Can you help get answers to these tweets? Can we help you?
@tiki_search helps @mozilladrumbeat @dotgovlabs @mardigb @WEBiversity @brianlmerritt #powerofopen #opendata #composethefuture @earthdotorg
How is it best to help everyone helpall ? EG @WEBiversity http://ow.ly/5vj4g @tedx @nesta_uk
#powerofopen What #tech 2 #help #helpall #innovate? @ccmixter #drumbeat @webiversity @nesta_uk @kauffmanfdn @unltd #cc @jisc @wellcometrust

#powerofopen How 2 #fund all 2 #helpall #innovate #sustainably #drumbeat @webiversity @nesta_uk @kauffmanfdn @unltd #cc @jisc @wellcometrust

#powerofopen How can #fashion #art #music #help #tech #helpall? #drumbeat @webiversity @nesta_uk @kauffmanfdn #cc @jisc @wellcometrust @tedx

#powerofopen How 2 #create most #usefull #value 2 #helpall? eg #happy #drumbeat @webiversity @nesta_uk @kauffmanfdn #cc @jisc #wellcometrust

#powerofopen How to #helpall #educate #all in #meritocracy? #drumbeat @webiversity @nesta_uk @kauffmanfdn #cc @jisc @wellcometrust

May I work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670 and contact http://www.whymandesign.com as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation to solve many of the worlds problems EG with creative education.

1. We all are ignorant! On a scale from zero to infinity we are all closer to zero than infinity when it comes to our individual & humanities knowledge so we can reasonably and logically assume that we all individually and collectively (this is rounded down) know next to nothing?!
It is an enlightening thought to know and relax in the knowledge (and relative wisdom of knowing we are ignorant) that we all know nothing.
This fact enables us all to do more as we can question everything and have compassion for every human as we are all struggling to survive in the smog of ignorance that all humanity is in and means that we can all help everyone to learn as much as possible to help everyone be as happy as possible right now (EG using meditation and smiling:)

I think therefore I THINK i am?!  What else do we think we are that could be false? Often Vice get many people confused about who they are and their capabilities (is apathy/ignorance a vice)? How is it best to help everyone educate everyone about taking charge of their lives to empower everyone and use virtues to help everyone?

2. Help all right now just by thinking happy! We can create the perfect present right now and perfect future just by imagining how great it could be and helping everyone we meet to make it as great as possible by using simple techniques (such as meditation to enjoy every second of life and smiling/helping everyone we meet:). We all get distracted with material things or vice’s but need to help everyone by reminding how we all get longer deeper happiness by doing the simple things such as seflessly helping others to be happy. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Michael-Neill-The-Myth-of-Happi http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Gretchen-Rubin-on-QTV

3. If everyone who invents/creates makes their invention or creation into a charity then the whole world will quickly become charitable as all growth is created by innovation and creativity. Creatives and innovators therefore have a responsibility to prevent the ignorant/selfish from using or steal the innovations for selfish uses that harm others (often without their knowing). As new innovation takes over from old innovation this is a simple way to evolve out of date selfish competition to enlightened and wise compassionate collaboration. If you are talented enough to create innovation then you are able to create many innovations and so the joy is about creating rather than fame or glory. This means that you can donate your innovations to the world by making them into innovative charities (if you want fame or glory then please learn that there is more to life than that EG watch http://www.WEBiversity.org). How can you as an individual plus using your personal/business links help this happen? Let us creatively enhance your personal and business work while helping everyone with innovative charity work? http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

4. Any/all loss making or bankrupt company that has gone into administration can be saved by turning the company or organisation into a charity. This is a simple process and can save any organisation from disappearing while also enabling it to run as a responsible charity for ever onwards. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more. If you know of an organisation that is going bust or about to fail please contact us so we can help save it.

5. How is it possible to persuade funding bodies that is is best to educate and empower people so that they can solve problems rather than trying to solve the problems with/in organisations? For example if any organisation provided the tools/techniques needed to solve a problem for free it would be the cheapest and most effective way to solve the problem and can be shared at no cost around the world/web. There are simple ways to enable every organisation to do this but they have to be open minded enough to look for them on the web. We would love to help do this Eg with http://www.WEBiversity.org Who can we talk to about helping you do this so you can help the most people in the most effective way?

6. What are the best simple ways to empower anyone/everyone and the talented few (in the many different divisions of labour) so we all can improve our world for the better using simple proven techniques and technology EG meditating to enjoy every second of our lives and helping everyone help everyone selflessly so we all become happier?e so we all can selflessly help each other? Can we work with you to develop http://www.WEBiversity.org to do this?

7. What simple ways are there to enable creatives to concentrate on creatively solving the worlds problems? How to empower everyone to do this and enable everyone to earn a living so they can survive while selflessly helping everyone in a sustainable way? Which forward thinking funders and founders can be persuaded to spend funds in new proven ways so the funds benefit everyone and enable everyone to collaborate constructively? What simple ways are there to enable everyone to earn a living while selflessly creating innovative ways to help everyone? EG Can you make http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org and help http://www.WEBiversity.org too?

8. How best to enable everyone to turn every idea they have into a responsible ‘thing’ that is run in a selfless wise way so that is can benefit everyone most effectively? EG http://www.wikipedia.org has shown how this is possible but there is so much more that could be done with decentralized software that is designed to enable and empower everyone to help everyone. http://www.DRUMbeat.org builds on this and we would love to work with you to develop http://wwww.WEBiversity.org so it can empower everyone to help everyone with simple free video and techniques/technology.

9. How to enable everyone to invest as much money as possible in the most innovative and productive selfless wise productions so that money (which is stored labour) can be used to help everyone in the most effective ways to benefit everyone. Invest in organisations that create institutional innovation and more. http://www.TRAIdmark.org explains a simple way everyone can do this. Do help http:///www.WEBiversity.org do this too.

10. How to encourage all organisations to create institutional innovation so that they can help many more people? Educate everyone EG http://www.WEBiversity.org and let anyone use the free http://www.TRAIDmark.org business structure that creates institutional innovation.

11. What is the best way to give the best and most up to date advice to any person about anything? Fund experts to provide impartial advice on specific subjects in any area a bit like http://www.which.co.uk but on every subject. Share the existing impartial information responsibly http://www.WEBiversity.org

12. How to make the most out of your skills? Share everything you do with everyone so the most people can benefit AND you gain because your work will attract the most attention and therefore people will find you and work with you. Only share information that can only be used for ‘good’ and can NOT be twisted for ‘bad’ use by selfish/ignorant people.

13. Can software be created that is easy to use by everyone so elites are prevented (which cause problems due to vested interests) so everyone is enabled to help everyone by solving any/every world problem cheaply and quickly with creative innovation? Can we work with you to do this? Who can make the open source software/ecosystem to do this? Maybe it is best to solve all world problems just with video as we all can make and consume this? http://www.WEBiversity.org

14. All organisations gradually evolve in good and bad ways over time and can often end up doing more harm than good because the people who work in them have morphed the organisation to suit them rather than to serve the global public. How to stop this from happening? EG Why are Music, art… not Olympic sports as they used to be when the Olympics were created? Who in the Olympic committe can change this ASAP for the 2012 games. How best to enable everyone to ‘correct’ the negative changes organisations make simply EG create own Olympic Art, Music… events. One solutions is to educate everyone to be selfless free http://www.WEBiversity.org and enable all organisations to create institutional innovation free http://www.TRAIDmark.org

15. Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak. If any organisation restricts any human from speaking then they are effectively restricting their freedom of speech! Therefore any organisation that prevents anyone from speaking or commenting online or in real life ifs ‘evil’?! Web technology has enables all web organisations to prevent everyone from speaking EG restricting comments on any/every webpage. This URGENTLY needs to be solved as it allows organisations to control humans in an undemocratic way! What other URGENT problems are there that need to be resolved and how can individuals highlight the problem to the best people solve them in the most suitable and susatinable ways?

16. How to stop the ignorant from hurting everyone EG with selfish competition that divides creating zero sum gains? Educate everyone with the best free education so we can all learn and share our knowledge so everyone can learn to become wise and selflessly help each other for a cumulative sum gain (and simple ways to help everyone be happy free). http://www.webiversity.org

17. How best to highlight, organise and share the best existing knowledge/data that is on the net, web, closed networks, social media, cultures and in our brains in the most effective ways to benefit everyone and what are the most important ones to share? Starting by sharing simple techniques to make everyone happy and wise right now so we all learn to love everyone and educate all out of ignorance? http://www.WEBiversity.org

18. Every human on the planet must be educated then empowered and enabled to work so that their life is fulfilling and that they can help everyone else on this planet using their potential and skill. Equally every human on this planet must be educated, empowered and enabled to INNOVATE using CREATIVITY so that they are able to efficiently progress and enhance humanities capability. Any individual, organisation or government that fails to enable every human in (and outside) their care to do this has failed them and also fails itself as a competing organisation/person/government will do this and therefore win due to increased productivity.  All governments are failing at this at the moment because they do not understand the potential of the web to educate and empower/employ everyone. If you would like help to do this please contact http://www.whymandesign.com & watch http:/www.webiversity.org as we can help you do this and more simply right now.

19. Every generation learns from the mistakes in the past and breaks new ground by learning from their parents and grandparents mistakes. What mistakes have our parents and grandparents made that we are learning from and solving? Also what mistakes are/will we make for the future that we can learn about and solve/stop right now and how can we allow everyone to create r/evolution so progress can be enabled? Current main problems…climate change & human/animal cruelty & hidden disabilities? What else?

20. EVERYTHING can be A. Open Source B. Creative Commons C. Run as a Charity D.Managed with Institutional Innovation… If you need to know why/how this is possible search the web for information and read http://www.TRAIDmark.org we can help you do this instantly and you will benefit too.

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670 and contact http://www.whymandesign.com as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know if a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670 and contact http://www.whymandesign.com as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

As we all know nothing the danger are those that think they know everything who try to force everyone to do what they say EG control freaks.
How best to help everyone learn to become wise/selfless/compassionate and to remind everyone to continually learn  EG using simple existing video http://www.WEBiversity.org

EVERYTHING can be improved/evolved and re/invented to serve everyone better especially with new web/tech that enables us all to help everyone simply. How best to get support/funds for organisations to enable everyone to selflessly help everyone in sustainable ways that are managed responsibly so they continue to help everyone the most? Can we help you do this EG http://www.TRAIDmark.org

How can crowdsourcing and crowdfunding be used to fund unpopular/complex/boring/niche problems and solutions that may be the most innovative solutions to problems the majority are not aware of? And how to auto fund the many 000…’s of inventors/projects that can benefit everyone across the globe/web? EG can http://www.drumbeat.org create a p2p auto funding crowdfund platform that everyone can use and develop/evolve easily with low/no skills?

What are the best simple ways to enhance how any government, charity, company or organisation is run so that it can benefit everyone most by creating creative innovation?
A. Educate everyone so we call learn to become wise and selfless so we can all help everyone help everyone creatively. http://www.WEBiversity.org
B. Create and manage simple yet constructive processes that enable and empower creative and disruptive innovation. http://www.TRAIDmark.org
C. Enable everything to be shared openly so that we all can share and collaborate with open innovation.
D. Manage the organisation in a progressive & democratic way so that  it can quickly evolve and change while responsibly looking after everyone with open source/standards and selfless collaboration.

As all of humanity are and will continue to learn to become wise/er (because of the web) so we all learn to ‘quest for knowledge’ and selflessly work to help everyone what are the most important things for everyone to be working on? Happiness through education/wisdom? http://www.WEBiversity.org
A. Create sustainable income for everyone so we all can concentrate on selflessly creatively innovating to help everyone.
B. Prevent problems from happening with logical prediction and education
C. Solve simple problems that effect everyone and/or collate into large problems EG soft/social/cultural problems such as time management
D. Enabling everyone to rapidly prototype working products so creative innovation can
E. Enable everyone to manage existing and new products/services int he most beneficial way for everyone using open source/standards and selflessly sharing.

How does Finance & Economics work & how to make it work better?!
Finance/economics is a tool that captures and exchanges ‘potential’ in the form of stored labour that can be manipulated and enhanced in many ways. How best to help enhance this tool so that it can be used most effectively to help everyone?

All the money/finance/economics in the world is ‘wealth’ that is created by innovation or labour or theft or trade (which some argue is a zero sum gain so could be called theft) from the past / previous generations. This means that all wealth should be used to benefit everyone as much as possible as we all have equal right to ownership of it!  Therefore we should all use all the funds we have in the world to finance new innovation that benefits everyone effectively/efficiently. Also the most effective way to enable everyone to help everyone is by educating and empowering everyone to creatively innovate selflessly/wisely so that we all can help everyone solve as many human problems as possible. http://www.WEBiversity.org is a free way anyone can do this. How is it best to use money/finance/economics to benefit all? Use it to fund as much innovation as possible as this is the fastest way to create extra new wealth and progress as innovation is the only way to solve present and future problems. http://www.TRAIDmark.org is a free way anyone can do this

Communication is always getting better so what existing communication techniques and technology need to be enhanced (all of them) and how is it best to do this? Communication methods that create a lot of noise and waste communication when used badly by everyone and salesmen/spam/trash mail need to be enhanced so they simplify the process so everyone has simpler lives. The web and search/social media also urgently needs to be improved and simplified so that everyone can search and discover what they want instantly. Often there are simple techniques or technology that can be created and shared with everyone that solve subtle/obvious communication problems for everyone. We would love to help you solve the many problems that exist by creatively innovating with you. Contact http://www.whymandesign.com

There are many simple ways that could solve many of humanities problems so the question is why has the market not created products that solve these now? Is competition and even capitalism restricting progress as individuals/groups compete in zero sum gain competitions that are not very efficient? How can managers be helped to search out for better ways to run any organisation so they benefit everyone most? EG http://www.TRAIDmark.org & http://www.WEBiversity.org

How can government, companies, charities and individuals be educated and enabled to fund new innovation that has large growth potential and can solve many of the worlds problems cheaply? There are many great innovations being created all over the place that would benefit from support, inspiration, funding… so that the creative innovators can go on to create even more useful inventions/innovations without wasting time on filling in forms or competing or applying for jobs that restrict their potential! http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one free way to do this & http://www.WEBiversity.org inspires.

How can government charities and individuals educate and inspire young people, the unemployed and criminals to creatively innovate to help everyone have happier lives simply? Simply by funding new innovation’s that benefit everyone by supporting, educating and empowering everyone to help everyone this can be done. Do help http://www.WEBiversity.org use video to inspire everyone.

What are the use of forms and application processes and competitions when most creative innovators evolve their work as they go along? How can we make recruitment, human resources, employers, agents and grant givers aware of the damage that application forms do as they waste everyones time and prevent the really talented people from doing more of their great work (by making 99% waste time filing in forms ). There are many simple ways that this can be solved and we would love to work with you to do this. Who can let us replace forms/competitions with simple proven processes that benefit everyone? Contact http://www.whymandesign.com

The status quo can allways be improved and reinvented  with creative innovationand we would love to help you do this for any/every part of your business. Who can let us do this with simple proven processes that benefit everyone for you? Contact http://www.whymandesign.com

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670 and contact http://www.whymandesign.com as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

Finance and Economics continually evolve and progress as new techniques and technology are invented by creative innovators.
How have the latest creative innovations effected finance and how will existing and future innovations make finance serve everyone better?

Finance and Economics are designed to help enhance human exchange and therefore progress. Progress is created by knowledge/wisdom though creative innovation so finance and economics should be managed to it enhances creative innovation as much as possible. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economics

Telephony, the web and new technology such as nanotechnology and microbiology (not to mention other new techniques/technology) are all changing the paradigms of how humans interact and therefore finance/society has to change significantly to keep up.

The simplest way for this to happen and solve almost/ifnot all human problems is to help educate everyone for free so everyone learns to become wiser so they are selfless and happy and open to using proven existing and new ways to doing things. Do help us do this at http://www.WEBiversity.org simply by watching and sharing video that makes everyone happy.

1. What simple economic processes can enable finance to support the creative innovators that create growth and help humanity progress as effectively as possible? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is a simple process that enables any finance to be used as effectively as possible by funding institutional innovation as that is the most effective way to enable humans to create & innovate to add value and help other humans (by not doing this the selfish/ignorant are harming everyone including themselves as they are preventing innovation that would solve many of humanities problems).
This process can be implemented by anyone on any organisation right now from companies, charities to government and solves many institutional problems. Fund/Finance = Creative/Innovation + Selfless/collaboration = happiness/health for all.

All anyone has to do to implement this is to educate their team/peers with free education EG http://www.WEBiversity.org and explain how http://www.TRAIDmark.org benefits everyone. Only the selfish ignorant will disagree with this as they are not able to creatively envision a better way of doing this so will need help to understand how they are harming themselves by not doing this.
You can also learn form history how previous innovations/technology/techniques have been implemented with or without the permission of those in control and the ignorant/selfish.

2. What simple economic processes can be created and invented to help humanity progress even more using new technology?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowd_funding http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowdsourcing
The web enables everyone to collaborate creatively using global geographic scale and software that can duplicate almost infinitely. Every human has always had a ‘supercomputer’ in their head but we all need to improve our mindfulness skills so we learn how to control and make the most of our amazing minds potential. The simplest and best way to do this is to provide free education for everyone so we all can help each other learn EG http://www.WEBiversity.org

3. How funds are managed and delegated is also very important as funds can be donated/invested in very productive ways if invested/donated creatively in the most innovative new products/services.
Collaboration beats competition when investing/donating as many brains can solve problems better by working together and funds can have larger impacts when the outcomes are shared. Funds used to be invested/donated using competition to cultivate progress but this creates wasteful duplication and 99% failure rates. Using new/web technology collaborative investing/donating is much more productive as it enables 100% success rates as many more people can be encouraged and supported to help each other and create a much wider variety of diversity within innovation ecosystems.

4. Enhancing existing organisations with proven new economic processes. Any organisation can be modified so that it is more efficient and also so that it serves the global public better. What simple ways can every organisation be modified so that they can do this simply?

http://www.TRAIDmark.org is a simples process that can be introduced by anyone to enhance any organisation in several simple ways.

A. Every organisation could be turned into and run as a democratic charity that is run openly so that all funds and personnel are accountable to the wider public. There are many significant benefits to this not to mention the goodwill HR and morale boost this will create. This also enables a company/government/charity that is having a negative impace EG by being inefficient with funds to evolve so that it has a positive impact by being efficient with money and ideas and who it serves/helps EG as many of the global public as possible.

B. With new technology funds may not be needed for wages or infrastructure but for soft skills support such as education that helps everyone so that everyone can then go on to creatively innovate to solve many problems that the funders/managers could not possibly comprehend (as the innovators are often amatours and way ahead of the funders/managers who concentrate on red tape.

C. Any/all failing or bankrupt organisations can be saved and enhanced. If you know of one that needs help please do contact us at http://www.whymandesign.com We will then take it over so it can be run as a charity? You can keep working on it but the organisation will then become a charity so all surplus funds will then be used to fund charitable work? Could you turn your organisatin into a charity? If so we would love to help creatively enhance your work so you can save lives using your skills. Everything is possible with an open creative mind.

5. Who owns all the worlds money and what would they want that money to do (what do the worlds population democratically want that money to do is more important)? Probably to benefit everyone as effectively as possible as money is a means to an end and not an end in itself (it is stored labour). How to help those that control the worlds money use the finance to make significantly more progress so we all benefit by creatively innovating? We can help with http://www.TRAIDmark.org  http://www.gapminder.org

6. UNeconomics? What is the best economic system that benefits everyone? What is money actually worth (its real value and most effective use) and who needs it most? Which economic institutions are thinking open mindedly about new ways to reinvent economics now that the web links up the world and can scale products and services almost infinitely? We would love to help you enhance how you use economics to benefit everyone http://www.whymandesign.com

7. What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know is a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670 and contact http://www.whymandesign.com as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

http://www.TRAIDmark.org explained in more detail below.
Traidmark.org = Not / For Profit + Institutional Innovation + Philanthropy (generating goodwill which enhances success and make everyone richer with performance pay) This is a FREE way for any organisation to get instant goodwill and create Institutional Innovation so you gain more success and can help more people.

Get RICHER and do good for FREE! Sounds too good to be true but it is true. The hard part is to give away 100% net profit (which sounds counter intuitive but is the genius part when you get over the egoic greed of wanting to own the profit). When you give away 100% net profit your organisation essentially becomes a charity fundraising organisation so the enhanced goodwill you get will create so much success that you will get more back in performance pay from working in your organisation. So you can get richer by giving away your wealth! The cooperative have been doing this for generations but they did not invest all the funds in innovative charitable activity and that is the second stroke of genius. By investing the funds in INNOVATIVE charitable activity your funds can solve problems in the most efficient way once and for all enabling you to go on and work on new exciting solutions to other problems. If you dont know how to find innovative solutions ask us @whymandesign @FREEtraid

All you have to do is pledge to donate 100% net profit into new Innovative ways to solve human problems and you will gain…
Enhanced Goodwill – leading to customer/client/supplier/employee/customer loyalty and enhanced productivity which makes you more successfull and is an added USP you can use against your competition which allows everyone in your company to get richer through enhanced performance paySave lives – You can save lives by using your net profit to innovatively create ways to solve human health/education… problemFunds are therefore continually iinvested in new charitable projects that benefit everyone creating an infinitely scaling cycle of success.
Traidmark.org = COOP where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to members
Traidmark.org =  SHAREHOLDER owned company where dividends are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to shareholders
Traidmark.org =  CHARITY where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old charitable useTraidmark.org =  GOVERNMENT where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old government

How best to help everyone learn to become wise enough to selflessly innovate to help all help everyone? Free education http://www.WEBiversity.org
1. The best thing anyone can do to help everyone is to educate their team/peers with free education EG http://www.WEBiversity.org and explain how http://www.TRAIDmark.org benefits everyone. Only the selfish ignorant will disagree with this as they are not able to creatively envision a better way of doing this so will need help to understand how they are harming themselves by not doing this.

You can also learn form history how previous innovations/technology/techniques have been implemented with or without the permission of those in control and the ignorant/selfish have been surpassed by the selfless/wise.

2. As all humans learn to become selflessly wise and creative so we all innovate to help everyone how will this effect the way society works and how will organisations have to evolve quickly so they do not become problems that restrict progress (that they already are becoming)? We can look back to the past to learn from how humans used to interact in selfless groups that wanted to help everyone they knew (when selflessness was key to survival).

3. How are humans and societies/humanities aims and desires evolving as we all continually learn to become selfless and wise with free education provided on the web? First humans fought to survive, then we learned to collaborate to thrive, then they learned to educate everyone to excel so what do we want now that we have the ability to learn to live and die happy by being selfless?

4. Modern art/music is at the cutting edge of most intellectual discoveries and has proven a great atheist replacement for religion. How can artists/musicians be encouraged to do even more (without funding) outside of institutions/control sustainably? Educate everyone to create more art/music in diverse ways with inspiring video http://www.WEBiversity.org

5. How can all organisations be made to continually evolve and change over time so they do not continually become the barriers to progress that they have proven to be in the past and present? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one free way to do this that anyone can use. Maybe it would be best to get rid of all organisations so everyone collaborates as individuals? Social media is proving how this can work even with the basic existing technology.

6. How can we all continually encourage change/improvement despite ignorant people who fight change/reinvention due to vested interest/ignorance (evolution has always changed and always sped up so enhanced change is inevitable)?

7. Whenever we learn from others we all need to be enabled to share who taught us and how so everyone can learn from everyone more effectively. This is equally important with regard to credit for ideas/innovation so that liars/cheaters/thief’s are caught out and that those that help others the most with creative innovation are encouraged and rewarded so they can go on to do even more great work.

8. How to create ideas to help everyone? List problems, analyse to see if they are the actual problem and if they are a problem, search for existing solutions online, share the problems and solutions with your peers using social media, invent simple solutions to the problem using creative innovation. We can help you with this http://www.whymandesign.com .

9. How can we make sure that all technology is designed and built by selfless people that invent and create products that will benefit everyone and not just the selfish few? As consumers we can make this happen by only buying from suppliers that use selfless practices like open standards such as Open Source and also suppliers that donate net profits to NEW INNOVATION that selflessly helps everyone http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

10. How to make all organisations more innovative and responsible with their innovation? All organisations could be run democratically where the global population can vote on the best course of action.

11. Helping everyone help everyone is as simple as providing free education that we all want to consume? How to spark the quest for knowledge in everyone? How to make and share the best free education for everyone EG http://www.WEBiversity.org ? Any person or organisation that prevents everyone from gaining access to the best free education is therefore a negative force and are causing existing and future death due to ignorance.

12. What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know is a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670 and contact http://www.whymandesign.com as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

How to help everyone have happier lives and live in bliss every second of their lives? It is possible and simple but we just need to enable everyone to KNOW the simple techniques and HELP SUPPORT each other as we put them into practice. We can all selflessly help everyone selflessly with our talents (no matter what they are) and this makes us all happy!

Simple happiness/bliss techniques that are so simple we all forget to use them from time to time (so here is a friendly reminder:)…
1. Comprehensively question what aims/problems you have in life and why you want to solve them? (is that really an aim/problem or is the aim/problem something much simpler or are we all inventing problems for ourselves and each other:)? Many people run around trying to find answers without stopping to question what the question that they are asking of life is?! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meaning_of_life
EG What is my aim in life and why? Is it fame/riches/success or do I just want people to like me? If so simply smile/help everyone you meet:)
2. See if there is a simple solution to the problem/aim that already exists on the web/video (take a long time on this bit as there nearly always is).
3. Ask all your peers using social media/blogs about life/aims and if they can help solve problems (best to help someone else solve their problem while asking yours as it is a win win & cumulative sum gain:).
4. Learn/educate yourself so you are wiser and therefore better able to solve the problem (how to help anyone spark the thirst for knowledge?).
5. Learn to observe your own mind (we all live in our heads and can all become aware of our mind and EGO racing round and round then start to slowly train ourselves to enjoy every second of life JUST by watching/smelling/listening to every second of the life that we are having
6. Help others discover what they want (simply by sharing this list & video at http://www.WEBiversity.org to start). Make sure your having the best outcomes (most efficient use of your time:).
7. Is it as simple as that? Just by spending our lives helping others have happier lives we therefore make our lives happier and blissful?!  Trying this to see if it works a couple of times is all that we can do. What is the worst that could happen? We could become happier for the rest of our lives( (and make others happy;)?!
6. We are more than happy to help you discover/invent and share happiness/bliss if you would like to collaborate with us on this & innovate in many more groundbreaking ways that deliver proven results that are above and beyond expectations. If you are interested please contact http://www.whymandesign.com and we will collaborate with you free to help everyone with simple happiness and creative innovation solutions.

Great videos on simple ways to make everyone happy/er http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Gretchen-Rubin-talks-about-happ
http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Gretchen-Rubin-on-QTV http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Srikumar-Rao-at-AwesomenessFest

More info in video format from a woman http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Secret-of-Happiness-Education-a;search:happy and from a man http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Michael-Neill-You-Were-Born-Hap;search:happy


Free technique/comment/suggestion/ideas competition where EVERYONE wins (free prizes) and we can all selflessly help everyone with our talents (no matter what they are).

A. Problem Solving & Innovation techniques that are so simple we all forget to use them from time to time (so here is a friendly reminder:)…
1. Comprehensively question what problem do you want to solve and why (is that really the problem or is the problem something much simpler:)?
EG What is my aim in life and why? Is it fame/riches/success or do I just want people to like me? If so simply smile/help everyone you meet:)
2. See if there is a simple solution to the problem that already exists on the web (take a long time on this bit as there often is).
3. Ask all your peers using social media/blogs if they can help solve it (best to help someone else solve their problem while asking yours as it is a win win & cumulative sum gain:).
4. Learn/educate yourself so you are wiser and therefore better able to solve the problem.
5. Help others discover what they want (simply by sharing this list & video at http://www.WEBiversity.org ).
6. We are more than happy to help you innovate in many more groundbreaking ways that deliver proven results that are above and beyond expectations. If you are interested please contact http://www.whymandesign.com and we will collaborate with you free to help everyone with creative innovation.

B. How best to educate & empower everyone to create ideas & make them happen selflessly/wisely & easily to benefit everyone most? EG enabling selfless collaboration and rewarding important human social traits like compassion and love? What other ways are there to make it easy and fun to selflessly innovate & collaborate in many different ways that are not currently accessible (or can be improved)? How best to do this so they can be used most effectively to help everyone help everyone the most and who within any organisations will LET us do this with them so we can save lives together (only share ideas that can be used for good and not manipulated!:)? Should these/all products/services/organisations be run as progressive forward thinking democracies (as the least worst option) or is there a good way to manage meritocracies so they are not as selfishly egocentric (and prevent founder syndrome…)?! 1. Post suggestions here and also prizes you are prepared to give away for others that can solve problems relating to these organisations. 2. We will give free books to everyone who helps EG http://www.trustlibrary.org. 3. What funds/prize would you like to get in order to work on this for one weekend or a week (we know many solutions to the problems but need to work with programmers to make them happen)? 4. We would love to help your work with UI/X and social media/design work too:) Check http://www.WEBiversity.org for free inspiring videos too:) We have funds and ideas and would like to work with programmers to solve many human problems so do contact us saying what you want to do and what funds you need to do it. http://www.whymandesign.com

A. Create FREE ART and GIVE IT AWAY to help everyone and win free prizes. Submit your art to http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/group.php?gid=352077702670 by doing this you win an inspiring video from http://www.WEBiversity.org
B. Suggest prizes that you can give away to help everyone (EG http://www.drumbeat.org ) and win free prizes from us if you give them away. Submit your suggestion to http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/group.php?gid=352077702670
C. What can we all invest in and donate towards to help everyone the most EG education. Win free prizes from us if you donate to the most important causes that help everyone. Submit your suggestion to http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/group.php?gid=352077702670
D. What books can you give away and who would gain the most from them? Win free prizes from us if you donate as many books to others as you can. Submit your suggestion to http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/group.php?gid=352077702670
E. What are the best video’s that you have seen that improved your life that you can share with everyone? Win free prizes from us if you share as many videos as you can with others at http://www.WEBiversity.org. Submit your suggestion to http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/group.php?gid=352077702670
F. Can we help Mozilla help everyone? http://whymandesign.posterous.com/simple-solutions-to-helpall-creatively-innova
G. Can you help build an open source charity collaboration site to help everyone make every second of their life happy with mindfulness? (can be done in 2 days and we will pay you:) Contact http://www.whymandesign.com

Below are some collaborative projects started to help everyone that you may like/to help…

How best to Redesign @design @science & @medicine with @web to help all? @rsaorg @tedx http://tinyurl.com/5wrdakj
How to @redesign @democracy (or a better way) to benefit all most? http://tinyurl.com/6a4caso
How best to @redesign @economics with @economists & @public so it can serve us the public best? http://tinyurl.com/5uwyd94
Can you help me to help you help everyone more? EG @WEBiversity http://tinyurl.com/3tme2x8 #tedx #poptech #bigsociety #thebigsociety #g4c
Help @facebook @twitter @google @microsoft provide an even better service for us the customer?! http://tinyurl.com/672bgb9
Can @bevolunter @bewelcome @couchsurfing let us enhance what they are doing to save lives? EG @WEBiversity http://tinyurl.com/66jqys8

Because you are forward thinking (want to help others) we are going to reward you by offering to help enhance what your doing for free by enabling you to help as many people with proven innovative UI/X and social media design. We will do this free so you will not loose anything and can gain significantly though the simple innovation’s we can help you achieve. More free inspiring reward videos at http://www.WEBiversity.org

1. Can we help enhance your work by creatively innovating your product and service using our proven UI & UX design skills? We can do this on a trial basis for free if you agree to donate at least 50% of the cost savings that we make to innovative charity/philanthropy work (that we can do with your team as part of your CSR:) http://www.whymandesign.com
2. Can we enhance your social media and website using our proven Social Media Management skills http://www.whymandesign.com
3. Can we work with you to make an open source website for a charity use so that is saves lives AND raises funds to spend on new innovative charitable work. We made a simple prototype at http://www.WEBiversity.org and need a full working site that auto embeds video linking to a map with a few other simple features and were hoping you could help us build this. We have funds but ideally need to get this made as cheaply as possible as we are using donations to build this. Plus Can we help you develop and reuse the software you use to save lives too by creating charity versions?  EG Can we work with you to help http://www.drumbeat.org & http://www.WEBiversity.org develop with os software? Contact directly with your best price and any extra things that you can do. http://www.whymandesign.com
4. What else can we do (or what resources can we use) to help everyone and enhance your work? We can come up with creative solutions you just need to say what / how you are able to collaborate. Do comment at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/home.php?sk=group_352077702670

A. Entertain, educate and then empower everyone to selflessly create their own open source free solutions to any problem. This is a simple way to educate anyone from selfish ignorance (like a child) to selfless wisdom (like a wise adult) and the web enables us all to educate each other simply by sharing the best video’s we find with everyone we know. We then can all be empowered to create and invent innovative selfless solutions to any problems if everyone shares the best selfless video EG http://www.WEBiversity.org http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Srikumar-Rao-at-AwesomenessFest

B. Create open decentralized problem and solution pages that are created automatically for every item in existence on a p2p network EG http://opensource.appleseedproject.org & make http://www.wikipedia.org p2p & editable by everyone with auto video embedding. These will use reason to list/link and prioritize the most important problems that need to be solved and help everyone creatively innovate to solve them. Can we help you do this (so global software does not restrict everyone from progress EG by restricting comments or bad UI/X design)? EG http://www.WEBiversity.org auto embeds inspiring video & why not create your own free public service and share it with everyone openly for free EG http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org

C. Create sustainable management and governance so that every person and organisation can maximize its potential and innovate to help everyone most effectively. This ranges from entertaining, educating, empowering and enabling everyone to help everyone and also finding ways to help everyone earn a living in a sustainable way that encourages everyone to selflessly innovate to help all. EG http://www.WEBiversity.org aims to do this by compassionately educating everyone for free so we all can become wise using the http://www.TRAIDmark.org business model. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Making-the-Business-Case-for-Co

D. Everyone needs a bit of charity (if just to humble/educate us) and also is a philanthropist with their time, skills and money (but we can all do more:). How best to support and empower everyone to solve every problem? How can we be enabled to enhance anything so that everything is constantly improved and enhanced to help everyone and save lives? EG http://www.drumbeat.org & http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Where-Do-Good-Ideas-Come-From;search:innovate

Below are a few examples of how we would like to help you (by helping everyone)
1. Can we create charity products for/with you? The 100% net profit to charity products would be retailed like any other charity/products so would create an exciting reason for consumers to come to your locations 365 days a year (so could be viewed as marketing/pr). This means that you will gain by selling them as they will attract more customers who will also buy other products. http://www.traidmark.org
2. Would it be possible to help you enhance your great work by adding extra charity features that do not cost you anything but A. Raise funds for charity to save lives and B. in the process help to attract new customers and enhance your brands goodwill C. enable the funds to be used as effectively as possible by spending on creative & innovative charity work. There are many other ways to help that we would love to work with you on and hope we can start on these two that are cheap and quick to implement and have immediate results.
3. Can we use your office/garden/carpark space when not in use (when closed or outside peak hours) to run charity events?
4. Previously we set up the Fair Trade Progreso Coffee shops Chain with Oxfam and would love to help your team set up Charity Coffee outlets (so your customers have an exciting extra or reinvented service that draws them in so you gain higher profits and we generate funds for charity.
5. We have also worked for the BBC and for charities such as http://raceonline2012.org setting up their Social Media and would love to help enhance your Social Media & CSR with you too. Would it be possible to help you run a charity/csr social media campaign with your customers?
6. We produce new ways to use online video and would like to do this with you EG http://www.WEBiversity.org is an example of how auto embedding video can help any/everyone by inspiring and empowering them that you may like? Can we work with you to make a full video sharing website that builds on the power of Youtube to enable everyone to collaborate (which helps everyone and enhances your brand and CSR)?

We would love to set these up with you (and much more) in the closest confidence (as these services could be copied by others who don’t know how to produce them to maximum effect) so we can help your brand grow even more through charity/CSR work so your shareholders gain more profits/growth and we can save lives with charity work.

Please join and comment on the facebook group so you can share and learn more and we can help you instantly http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670   http://www.whymandesign.com

As we all know the web is a tool that we can use by the wise to constructively help everyone by sharing openly. The web dangerously can also be used by the ignorant to destructively command and control everyone to conform to out of date ignorant mentalities that were formed before the web enabled everyone to be linked together (or even worse by accident be used for ‘bad’ without being aware of it). How best to help everyone use and enhance the web to help all & help everyone who is doing ‘bad’ do ‘good’ by educating them? http://www.WEBiversity.org

1. We can all help all with the web (how do you want to help everyone most?)
The Web can be used to enable us all to enable each other to work to the best of our abilities using our full creative and innovative skills to help everyone. All anyone has to do is to creatively innovate using new techniques and technology to do this (and everyone should do this so they can enhance what they are doing in order to help everyone more). We would love to help you do this so please do contact http://www.WHYmanDESIGN.com if your would like to help others or creatively innovate to do this more? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Where-Do-Good-Ideas-Come-From;search:innovation

2. Government, Charity, Companies and WE CAN always re/invent & created every/new jobs?
How is it possible to talk to and persuade government and charity departments that they can enable everyone to be in employment and help everyone to work to the best of their abilities? This is possible by creatively innovating everything that they do using existing and new technology and techniques (they just have to let us do this and support the public).

3. Government, Charity, Companies and everyone CAN always reinvent what they do creatively?
How is it possible to talk to and persuade Government, Charity and Company departments that every part of what they do can be reinvented by creatively innovating using new techniques and technology? For example every product/service can be reinvented using Open Source software that can then be reused by other organisations around the world.

4. Educate and Empower so we all can become wise?
How is it best to educate and empower everyone to enhance every part of what we do by creatively innovating using new techniques and technology? Can we work with you to help educate and empower anyone? EG with free videos at http://www.WEBiversity.org

5. Enabling us all to be creatively selfless makes us all happy & helps everyone?
How is it best to enable that the wisest most creative and innovative selfless people are able to guide and lead societies/cultures and are regulated by balanced and fair peer review so that entrepreneurial and inventive leaders (often groundbreaking so will not go within traditional channels) are able to help everyone best? What simple social techniques are there to enable the selfless creative and innovative pioneers to get their r/evolutionary re/inventions taken up by the majority for everyones benefit? EG helping everyone & always encouraging and saying ‘yes’ to all ideas…

6. How is it best to sustainable encourage and reward selfless creative innovation?
Giving cash prizes and creating competitions only encourage certain types of people and prevent collaboration so does not work effectively enough. The most effective ways to sustainable encourage and reward selfless creative innovation is through encouragement by educating so everyone becomes wise enough to learn the wisdom of selfless collaboration and empowering everyone to fulfill their potential by motivating themselves to help everyone. Can we work with you to educate and empower everyone to help everyone? EG with http://www.WEBiversity.org

7. Organisations and institutions restrict individuals in many ways such as preventing them from collaborating as the organisations are always out of date because they were set up in the past. To enable everyone to make the most of their talents and skills by collaborating using the power of the web we need to look back to the past and rediscover and reinvent new ways to educate, enable and empower everyone to help everyone USING THE WEB so we all can be happy (which is possible right now). http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains one free way that anyone can liberate everyone they work with by creating institutional innovation. How can we educate/enable those running existing organisations to change using this?

8. Financing innovation and preventing inertia?
Why is it that employees and citizens are able to be detrimental to the well being of all citizens/customers and get paid/rich while selfless creative innovators/artists often do not get rewarded as much (as they often give their skills/knowledge/wealth away as that benefits the most people so dont get rewarded in the right way)? How best to enable everyone to be selflessly innovative in sustainable ways? Free Education for everyone? http://www.WEBiversity.org

9. How to educate every ignorant selfish child to become an adult that has learned to have a selfless wise mind?
Everyone is born a selfish animal but with good education learns the futility of selfishness (we all die and the human race/life is just a blip in the vastness of space and the ‘nothingness’ beyond) and how regardless of this fact that everyone can be happy by sharing and loving everyone. We can all live in happiness and bliss right now by learning to master our minds so we make ourselves happy no matter where we are in the world.

10. Helping Wisdom overcome ignorance?
Behavior, thoughts, ideas and meems can be positive/constructive/collaboration or negative/destructive/competition and there is a constant battle between the two sides like Ying and yang (or Darth Vader and Yoda). How best to encourage wisdom when all humans are born ignorant? Reward selfless open tolerant creative innovation and education? Who to talk to in gov to help government fund selfless innovators to make open source innovation (everyone can be funded:)?

11. How to enable all different thinkers to propose r/evolutionary inventions/ideas that ‘improve’ society for all (happiness for everyone…) so they can earn a living doing this? How to manage both positive and negative r/evolutions so they can both benefit everyone (like vice/virtue). How to enable that all vices can benefit everyone while we are all educated to combat vices and develop virtues? This can be done simply bu needs government’s to actively support this by creatively helping everyone to help everyone.

12. How can we all train ourselves to make ourselves happy all the time by feeling good from helping others? We all have happiness inside our minds but need to relax and concentrate on enjoying the happiness in every second of life by taking time to focus on simple pleasures we take for granted (breathing, seeing, thinking, observing, being…)? What is the best way to help everyone do this?http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Personal-Well-Being-at-Alternat;search:happy

We would like to work with you on simple solutions to all of the above that can be implemented right now. Contact http://www.whymandesign.com to talk over the solutions. We also would love to work with programmers and tech innovators in order to creatively innovate any product or service and invent new services with large growth potential ideally that will be run as charitable not for profits EG an Open Source version of http://www.WEBiversity.org

How best to enable that we all continue to learn wisdom so that positive/wise/selfless/collaboration can sustainably beat the negative/selfish/competition meems through education?
FREE & OPEN Society can be enabled by us all individually using the web  to openly collaborate with everyone on selfless ways to help everyone have happy lives. You dont need money or skill to have a happy life and can find all the things you need online to learn/share/help all. Help all discover how to be even more happy and help all at http://www.webiversity.org http://www.drumbeat.org
Do what you love and you will enjoy the 8+ hours a day you work on it so your life will be fun AND you will gain more success as you will work harder and longer on it. You also will not need to retire and will be ill less so will have a longer life. You also will not need to earn as much as you will be content to work on what you love.
In the past we were at point X, today we are at point Y and in the future we will get to pint Z. What problems/solutions were we causing at poing X, are causing now at point Y and will be causing in the future at point Z? How can we prevent/cure the x/y/z problems and innovate beyond the limits in x/y/z for everyones benefit (and step back and prioratize/look at what humans ACTUALLY need to have a full life).
How is it best to educate and empower everyone to creatively innovate more so that we can all help each other more? Constantly reminding each other to open our eyes even more to the cumulatively growing present and future possibilities for innovation using new techniques and technology with wisdom and knowledge. Learning from the wisdom of the past may be key?

How to teach/educate everyone so that we all become happy by becoming selfless and gain the knowledge and wisdom to creatively innovate in the most beneficial ways for EVERYONE sustainably?

The WEB and social media make this possible right now and the only problem is that the chain reaction of positive meems are being slowed from growing by selfish or negative/narrow minded people who think they know everything (and organisations that have out of date competition structures)

How best to share positive meems that benefit everyone? Want to make software that does this with social media?

All the information we need to have happy lives is out there on the web but: I, you, he, she, we, you, they… all need to share the most beneficial information in order to help everyone be happy and work on the most creative and innovative solutions to problems selflessly so we all benefit.

1. Ask selfless questions so that the wisdom of the crowd/tribe can solve them with you.
2. Promote and share selfless (Open Source, Not For Profit) Innovation that benefits everyone.
3. Remind everyone about the most important selfless projects so we all concentrate and stop wasting time on useless activities (all vices are based on one form of drug addiction or another so most people are distracted by an activity/vice that has them addicted to a short term drug ‘hit’ that wastes their time and often harms them in the long term be it lack of progress).
4. Search on twitter and google for open source .org collaborators and people you can help:)
5. Help and persuade everyone you meet to become happy by selflessly helping all effectively (with open source, not for profit creative innovation).
6. Help others share their selfless wisdom so we all can find, learn and discover more.
7. Tweet to any relevant @names you can think of as they probably are interested if you think they are (eg ‘health’ to @health…)
8. Reduce the volume of less useful or beneficial content by ranking content according to wise human needs every time you can.
9. Use and share the best free software that you find selflessly s EG http://www.paper.li
10. Share the best not for profit and open source applications that you can find EG http://www.spot.us http://www.internews.org http://www.oneworldhealth.org http://www.interhealth.org.uk http://www.drumbeat.org and http://swift.ushahidi.com/

EG want to create and share the best free educational video at http://www.WEBiversity.org
What can we do with you to help everyone?

A. How best to enable us all to sustainably share knowledge so we all become wise and can therefore help each other more? How best to do this across age and technology/specialization/philosophical divides that traditionally have created competition but now can create collaboration (as everyone can become wise enough to collaborate selflessly due to free education on the web)? Families and tribes have proven that this works and collaborated since the beginning of human existence so why have companies & governments lost their way? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one simple way organisations can address this. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/TEDxSanDiego-Christine-Comaford

B. We can learn from the past, enjoy the present (by enjoying simple things in life by always slowing down EG enjoying the smell of each breath…) and make the future as perfect as we want it (and can imagine it) to be. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Srikumar-Rao-at-AwesomenessFest

C. How to make all knowledge and wisdom more accessible to everyone?
1. Sharing the best knowledge and wisdom we see every day using social media
2. Make books more accessible to everyone? EG give the away free http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org
3. Helping everyone share and remind each other to share and help everyone.

D. As all problems are either caused by (or not prevented by) ignorant humans we all need to create ways for everyone to continually learn sustainably. Helping everyone learn to be wise is the key problem that needs to be fixed in our society and if we can solve this it will become the key solution to all humanities problems. As everyone can now access all the knowledge in the world so is able to learn to become wise for free. How to entertain, educate and empower everyone to learn the knowledge to become wise? Sharing the best videos with social media is one way we can all do this http://www.WEBiversity.org Do you know a programmer we can work with on Open Source P2P software that can enhance this prototype site? EG http://www.DRUMbeat.org

E. By imagining the best possible future (by not restricting our imagination with a negative ‘no’ or ‘cant be done’ mentality) and believing that it is possible we will create a self fulfilling prophecy where our future becomes as good as if not better than we imagine is possible.

How best to educate and persuade everyone to learn to have a ‘yes’ ‘can do’ attitude?

F. EVERYONE can & DOES create the life they have (intentionally & unintentionally) by the way they think about it (you can make your life happy right now by training your brain to be happy by appreciating what you have EG by meditating glass half full)! If you think positively every day you make your live positive and happy and that in turn creates a positive cycle of success. If you think negatively every day you make your life negative and unhappy and that in turn creates a negative cycle of failure and depression! How to help everyone make heir life happy?

G. What amazing things can we do in the future using the full power of our brains to make everyone happy by educating everyone and how we all can help everyone most by collaborating selflessly and learning how to fully utilize our brains and enhance what we can do with hardware/software/genetics? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/The-Brain

H. Computer and other technology enables us to do almost anything we thought was not possible (computer power doubling every 2-3 years) and even without ‘progress’ we are able to share all the knowledge and wisdom in the world with everyone on the world so we can all easily help each other enable everyone to become happy/er by learning from the wisdom of the past (EG Meditation and selfless charity work making everyone happy right now if we want to).

I. What negative meems and ideologies harm everyone (often without us knowing that they do as they appear to be ‘good’ or have hidden negative effects EG slowing down innovation)?
Vices distract everyone (selfish acts) from concentrating on virtuous activity that helps everyone.

J. Cultural activities effect us all so it is imperative that they continually evolve and encourage us all responsibly to creatively innovate to help everyone. What games/web, music, art, food, products, religions, sports help everyone the most and which prevent helping everyone the most (be it procrastination, waste or negative activities)? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Noah-Feldman-Politics-and-relig;search:culture

K. Organisation and processes effect us all so it is important that they continually evolve and encourage us all to responsibly creatively innovate selflessly to help everyone?  What government, business, charity, tribes, groups help everyone the most and how (and which hurt us all the most and how)? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is a free way to enhance any organisation/activity with institutional innovation. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/RSA-Animate-21st-century-enligh;search:organisation

L. Everyone should be enabled to work in the most constructive and beneficial way for everyones benefit. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Jonah-Lehrer-Creative-Insights;search:creative
1. Everyone should be able to work in some form or another as to have a human mind and body not working is a negative drain on all human societal resources. Therefore it is unacceptable for any government not to provide jobs for everyone. There are simple ways to do this & MORE and we would love to help anyone do this that wants to? How to talk to the correct people so we can prevent & stop any problem right now with creative innovation. Tweet to @whymandesign
2. Everyone should be able to work to the best of their abilities. Therefore it is unacceptable for government and employers not to be able to train and empower everyone to help everyone with creative innovation (especially if it appears to be disruptive and on the fringes as that is often where the largest breakthroughs come from).
3. What everyone works on should be the most useful and beneficial products/services for everyone. Any government or company/charity should assess, improve and change products and services so that they provide products/services that benefit everyone the most
4. Institutional innovation should be implemented within every organisation. http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one free way anyone can do this.
5. Government and companies should encourage (by educating and empowering) everyone to help everyone and them and reward those that help in the most sustainable ways that benefit everyone.

M. One simple way to solve all (the worlds problems) of these problems is to make EVERY job specification require that everyone is CREATIVE and INNOVATIVE in any/every job that they do. Imagine if people who are struggling to solve any problem were more creative?! They would then be able to creatively solve the problem in NEW innovative ways by inventing or reinventing solutions. Imagine if EVERYONE were taught to be selfless and creative? 1 We then would all be educated, empowered and inspired to do this for everything/everyone and therefore all have happy lives due to working on selfless projects we believe benefits everyone. 2 The rate of creative innovation and therefore progress would significantly enhance its rate of growth (exponentially) which helps everyone. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/RSA-Animate-Changing-Education;search:innovation

N. By allowing anyone to do a job without creatively innovating (or by not empowering and enabling everyone to be creative) we are preventing progress which hurts us all and causes the vulnerable to be damaged due to lack of progress (EG medication for young/old/ill people).

O. Lack of innovation is the largest silent negative force (killer) in the world as everyone can innovate productively to help everyone  but at present we are not all educated, empower or enabled enough to creatively innovate to our full potential. How can you I and organisation help everyone to innovate selflessly to help everyone more? Free empowering education and providing free tools to do this? http://www.WEBiversity.org

P. As everyone/anyone could help everyone what things are preventing us all from doing this?
1. Educating and empowering everyone appears to be a problem as the knowledge has been there for thousands of years but is has got lost in translation as philosophical, scientific and religious texts have been misunderstood/manipulated and not disseminated effectively as everyone could/can live happy lives with what they have. Sharing free knowledge via video on the web is one way to solve this http://www.WEBiversity.org
2. Technological and cultural barriers prevent progress and prevent everyone from achieving their potential. How to overcome this (EG making all software/patents open source and enabling everyone to innovate easily with different learning styles)?

Q. Application forms and Assessments are stopping innovation from happening as fast as it could and should happen due to the risk averse nature of applications/funding that actually hurts everyone as the process misses the large innovation wins and only end up funding the small low risk innovation. This means that every part of life from applying for jobs to getting funds for fundamental services are restricted and held back by forms of assessment that are out of date and need to be reinvented urgently. How is it best to change this? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Kevin-Starr-Lasting-Impact

R. As most innovation comes form the fringes how is it best to support the fringes in a sustainable way? Funds should be used to pay for support and services that benefit everyone so that all fringes benefit and are sustainably encouraged so that 100% of people gain the support and are therefore able to help 100% of the people themselves. This can be done is many simple ways where funds are actually created while supporting the fringes but it needs any/every organisation to creatively look at its innovation and funding programmes so they fund open source innovation.

S. Why have Academics not solved the worlds major problems yet? What support or technology do the cleverest minds in the world be they in Academia or the massive wealth of amateurs that are also experts? Do academics need anything more than a salary for a year or 10 years to solve all the major worlds problems? Maybe they could be enabled to say what they need to solve the worlds problems and these funds could come from other existing government departments. Creative innovative thinking must be key to solving the major problems as often problems can be solved for free with simple clever techniques.

T. Do those in paid jobs prevent the real experts that study/innovate for the love of it from progressing? Amateur’s that are experts create and innovate for the love of it rather than for pay so why should the career minded person get paid for their work instead of the amateur experts sharing those funds? Should any funds be shared so they benefit everyone rather than pay a few people? Open source is a prime example of how funds can be spent once to create something that can be used and benefit everyone.

U. What could/should everyone want in life?
1. Happiness for everyone (achievable simply by sharing the education/knowledge/wisdom EG meditation – understanding and mastering of your own mind/world)
2. The most innovation/progress that benefits everyone (sharing openly open source and creative commons content and funding everyone to innovate does this).
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-actualization

V. What are the best simple techniques anyone can use to enable you to spend your live helping everyone else (which makes you happy & content) by creatively innovating?!

W. How best to share information that is stored in ‘closed’ environments with everyone so that it can be liberated for all to use sustainably? E.G. share online information with old/young/minorities that are not media savvy? Liberate knowledge from books so that everyone can enjoy them and learn from them in many different learning styles

X. As copycats steal IP so have a negative effect on humanity (unless they are using the Intellectual property to benefit everyone) how should creative innovators be encouraged to help everyone while getting sustainable funding to continue innovating for everyones gain?

Y.What problems do you know about or solutions that you can share to help everyone? Comment here so share or help others openly http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670 & Tweet to http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign

Z. What other problems have we not thought about that can be solved with creative innovation? Comment here http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_352077702670  & tweet to http://twitter.com/#!/whymandesign http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/The-Unfinished-Global-Revolutio

Quotes to help us enhance the present and future. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Zen_proverbs
How can we all remind each other and enhance how ethical everyone is (as standards are always rising/improving as humanity progresses) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics

Can we help you creatively innovate to help everyone and enhance what your doing? Tweet to @whymandesign & watch http://www.WEBiversity.org http://www.whymandesign.com

What are the main problems/dangers (pessimist) and solutions/opportunities (optimist) currently and in the future (they are human centric so education & psychology are key)?

Opportunity = WEB means everyone can link to everyone AND help everyone by simply sharing knowledge/wisdom (so everyone can be happy and survive if we all help each other learn so we all become wiser). http://www.WEBiversity.org is one way to do this.

Danger = ignorant/selfish people using information/knowledge in selfish ways that harm everyone (often including themselves as they are not aware of this due to their ignorance of the negative effects of their selfishness).

Selfless/wise people have to be very careful about sharing information so that they only share information that helps everyone learn to become wise and selfless BEFORE they gain any more information/knowledge. http://www.WEBiversity.org is one way to do this.

The biggest danger for human development could be selfless people telling/reasoning with selfish people about wise selflessness as the selfish may try to use/twist this so they can use it to benefit themselves and/or get angry/violent/bitchy even while they are in denial about their ignorance as they think they know everything?!

Lady explaining happiness?! http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Secret-of-Happiness-Education-a;search:wisdom

Srikumar Rao GREAT talk (do take the time to watch it all:) http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Srikumar-Rao-at-AwesomenessFest;search:wisdom

One way to help everyone remind each other about how little we know is to tell everyone to imagine how much more humans know now compared to 10, 100, 1000 years ago and imagine how much more we will all know in 10/100/1000 year time ESPECIALLY as learning/knowledge/wisdom is increasing faster and faster (one example of ignorance fighting against learning knowledge/wisdom is to say that learning is boring!).

How best to encourage selfless innovation so we all can help everyone most effectively so we all gain?
1. Educate everyone so we all gain the knowledge to become wise/selfless and only then equip and empower everyone to help everyone (otherwise knowledge gets used in selfish ways that harm everyone in the short and long term and often harms the selfish perpetrator too without them knowing it!) http://www.WEBiversity.org helps everyone learn.
2. Help everyone to share the knowledge that they have in responsible ways so that it can be openly used/shared and enhanced by others. This is best done by allowing everyone to experiment and fail which enables creative innovation to happen.
3. This will happen eventually so we can all relax as humans gradually learn more and more but needs to start right now as there is so much more that every human can do with enhanced education/knowledge/wisdom and so many humans that are sufering because of the lack of innovation that has been missed because everyone is not already doing this.
4. Liberate humans from the business/charity/organisation/governments structures that prevent and restrict innovation due to the way they are set up. Often they are set up in a certain way but  over time they become inefficient (EG due to having a monopoly). How to make organisations evolve or break them up? Help everyone become self employed and make organisations have institutional innovation. http://www.TRAIDmark.org
5. Liberate humans from bad management by other ignorant humans. How best to do this? Help everyone become self employed so they work on what they love and therefore will work harder and on more worthwile causes. Educate everyone so we all learn to be more experimental, innovative and importantly selfless http://www.WEBiversity.org

As everyone is individual (even though all life/animals let alone all humans are genetically almost identical and we are all influenced differently by our life experiences) how can we reduce conflicts caused by misunderstandings in language/culture/behavior? Having tolerance for everyone and helping everyone we meet? For example helping everyone communicate using the 5 different personality traits & learn differently using the 7 known learning styles.

Why competitions fail? Many people (say 10+) apply/compete and only 1 ‘wins’ therefore 9 are negatively effected while only 1 is positively effected. This is a NEGATIVE effect on the ecosystem as the vast majority are rejected AND their time is wasted with zero sum gain competition & long application processes. How best to solve this? REinvest surplus funds into NEW innovation http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains.

The way software is built obviously effects how we interact with it. What we all gradually forget is how important the often undetected software design/capabilities are in shaping human interaction and our future.
1. By enhancing what humans CAN and WANT to do. Most, if not ALL software restricts what humans can and want to do (EG comment boxes often force users to log in which stops the majority of useful comments being restricted http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comment ).
2. As technology enhances (doubles ever 2 years!) we should all expect and demand that technology service providers (and all organisations that use technology) continue to deliver better and better services (should be twice as good every 2 years). How to enable everyone to make sure that we are getting the best service from the organisations that invent, create and produce every service using technology?

How is it best to prevent technology holding humans back and also to enable technology to help humans excel as much as possible AND in the right direction (no point walking/running in the wrong direction unless your experimenting:) Creating and using 1. Decentralized, 2. Democratic (or better) 3. Open 4. Beyond Profit 5. Creative/common 6. Standards

Which of the many ways Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Mozilla, Firefox Microsoft could improve are the most important that should be shared with them all so they can all improve? Should someone create an open source free version that has better usability? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usability

Should we all create FREE Open Source Creative Commons products and services that enable everyone to have everything that they want? (with the WEB and other emerging technology these things are possible right now). http://okfn.org/

When people or companies/software/accounts fail/die/delete how can everyone share in the left over information/date? Should every piece of knowledge/data/information from an organisation/person/account that  Creative Commons license so the rest of the world can use the information (however useful it is) to help everyone?

May I enhance what your doing by creatively innovating with you so you can help more people?! It would be great to creatively enhance your work with UI/X Social Media & business structures (EG Institutional innovation so your great work can fund even more innovation that can help more people… http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains)

http://www.WEBiversity.org has inspiring video to help everyone too.

How best to enhance any organisation?
1. Enhance the way they are governed by the voters, shareholders, trustees… The simplest and most effective way to do this is to make  every job have creativity and innovation as core specifications so that everyone is enabled to be more creative. This is so fundamentally important the question now is how to make this happen?
2. All trustees/politicians/managers should also all be educated and empowered to be more creative and innovative in selfless ways so that they can help everyone (using the potential that new technology such as the web has to help everyone).
3.  All creatives should be educated and empowered to use their skills to help everyone and should be financially supported in sustainable ways so they can do this. What are the best ways to do this?
4. Any/every organisation can be enhanced by creating institutional innovation which also enhances the success of the organisation. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

Any organisation company or government can be enhanced so that it serves everyone better by creating institutional innovation and open source innovation so that everyone works together to improve the service and shares the outcomes with everyone while also funding new collaborative innovation.
1. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how any organisation can gain by donating 100% NET profit to new innovative charitable work (goodwill…)
2. http://www.FREEtraid.com explains how by collaboratively donating any team or organisation can create new products/services.
3. http://www.WEBiversity.org is one example of how sharing the best free education can make everyone happy by sharing knowledge to prevent ignorance harming everyone.
4. http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org is one example of how simply sharing what you have with others makes everyone happier. Make your own free library in minutes with used books.
5. http://www.DRUMbeat.org is one example of how everyone can help everyone by collaborating.

What are the largest world problems and how should we solve them?
http://www.worldsbiggestproblems.org/ = http://www.arlingtoninstitute.org/wbp
Here is a nice list from http://www.globalissues.org/issue
What are the simplest solutions to these problems or who should/could solve them?
What is the best software to manage collaborative solutions to these problems in an open source decentralized way?

Issue (number of articles) Last updated
Aid (6) Monday, May 03, 2010
Arms Control (7) Monday, May 02, 2011
Arms Trade—a major cause of suffering (Biodiversity (9) Friday, April 15, 2011
Causes of Poverty (Climate Change and Global Warming (Conflicts in Africa (Consumption and Consumerism (Corporations (13) Saturday, October 02, 2010
Environmental Issues (Fair Trade (5) Sunday, August 06, 2000
Food and Agriculture Issues (Food Dumping [Aid] Maintains Poverty (Foreign Policy — Projecting Power (Free Trade and Globalization (G8: Too Much Power? (Genetically Engineered Food (Geopolitics (43) Monday, May 02, 2011
Health Issues (14) Saturday, April 09, 2011
Human Population (Human Rights Issues (International Criminal Court (Iraq Crisis (3) Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Links and resources for more information (Mainstream Media (9) Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Middle East (18) Monday, April 04, 2011
Natural Disasters (Nuclear Weapons (5) Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Palestine and Israel (Sustainable Development (Third World Debt Undermines Development (Trade, Economy, & Related Issues (War on Terror (12) Sunday, April 15, 2007
World Hunger and Poverty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-actualizationMaslows Hierarchy of Needs explains more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needsWe can ALL LOVE EVERYONE…http://www.iloveyouloveme.com/relationship_advice/triangle_model.htmALL humans are NATURAL drug addicts?! We all do things to get a natural drug release (self reward) inside our body so are all natural drug addicts. Helping everyone become aware of this is a key way for us all to take control of our lives and stop being dominated by this addiction! Both vice and virtue are based on one form of drug addiction or another so most people are distracted by an activity/vice that has them addicted to a short term drug ‘hit’ that can wastes time and often harms us all in the long term (be it lack of progress or accidental harm).

Mindfullness talk by the RSA on how we can solve all our problems and the Mindfullness Manifesto..

Train yourself to get natural highs every day by helping everyone.

Video on how to build a better brain from Carnegie Mellon University.

How to motivate everyone to help everyone selflessly?

How to help the selfless earn a living so that they can concentrate on spending 80 percent of their time on several different 20 percent creative innovation projects that selflessly benefit everyone?
How can we all earn a living while creatively innovating using the skills we have now AND the new skills we are empowered to learn selflessly to help everyone? We are working on ways to solve this and would like to talk to you (do you know a programmer we can work with)? Do add your input @webiversity http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=352077702670

How leadership is evolving and how we can all help…

How to reward those that selflessly help everyone else so there are even more compelling evolutionary advantages to doing this? Automatically donate funds to the most useful content that is created (not the most popular as popular content is often negative as it tailors to egocentric ignorance). We are working on ways to do this and would like to work with you if you want to selflessly help everyone help everyone. Tweet to @whymandesign:)

Why should the elites only benefit (just because they are good at being selfish and beating others so they get all the resources or glory?)? The Wise should help everyone benefit from knowledge and wisdom as it is possible to do by sharing. For example why should only the elites benefit from the ‘landgrab’ of knowledge/technology as they ‘discover’ new knowledge/technology/facts and create a career out of publishing one book/app when the information is not ‘theirs’ to profit from? Why not enable everyone to benefit by sharing the income from any/every book/publication so that everyone can spend their lives creatively innovating. For example one way to do ths is to enable everyone to share the best books that they have already read. http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org or best videos http://www.WEBiversity.org. We would like to work with you on other ways to do this too so please tweet to @whymandesignhttp://www.TRAIDmark.org is a free business model that helps with institutional innovation.

Often many/every human is playing a game that they are not aware of. How can you possibly win a game if your not aware of playing it (or even the rules)? What games do you play and how can we help each other become aware of pointless games so we can learn to stop them?

Read the list of Games people play to see which games your playing without being aware of it?!

Or video’s


How to protect the innocent, naive and vulnerable (everyone in different ways:) best from the selfish people that think it is acceptable tho think about themselves? Educate everyone to stand up to selfish people and educate them to become selfless. http://www.WEBiversity.org aims to do this by educating everyone for free so please help.

Dangers to consider when creating, innovating or re/inventing
1. Be careful about what ideas, innovations and thoughts you publish as they could be twisted/reinvented/used in different ways by selfish people to harm themselves and/or others (wait at least one day to consider the negative effects of anything you create OVER ITS LIFETIME before publishing)?!
2. How can negative selfish ideas and people be used/reinvented as a selfless force for good (taxation/government/democracy is an old way of doing this but needs to be reinvented with the web)? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one way to enable anyone to benefit from being selfless and creative.
3. How can everyone be taught to help everyone continue to learn to become wiser compassionately so all negative selfish egotistical (childish) human meem’s can  learn to become mature positive selfless compassionate (adult) humans.
4. How can everyone be linked in a flexible decentralized way that enables and survives innovation, disruption, evolution, revolution?
5. Tweet other dangers you are aware of to @whymandesign

Selfish negative scared controlling people cause pain for all (like Darth Vader & antisocial animals)
But we all can learn to be more selfless positive and trust all humans to create pleasure (like Yoda & Social Humans). How best to enable selfish negative people to  teach themselves to be happy selfless optimists? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Fighting-the-NWO-Part-2;search:nwo

What techniques and technology are there to help everyone help everyone most?
We would like to help you help everyone by creatively innovating what you do.
We also would like to help everyone help everyone in a self sustaining way. Can you help?
http://www.WEBiversity.org http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org http://www.WHYmanDESIGN.com

As “Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely” how to protect us all from the inherent problems caused by any form of centralized power be it a celebrity/founder/leader/politician and the human ego that creates artificial competition?

Collaborate with and help everyone you meet as we can all be happy and get more pleasure in life from sharing. Sharing power/control/fame/success/life/love with everyone prevents centralized problems and is better than democracy as EVERYONE wins. The process is so simple that it may be overlooked. If we all share everything we can then everyone wins and everyone learns to share. As we are all ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’ by using the immense knowledge and wisdom that was created by our ancestors (fire, electricity, the wheel…) we are all indebted to society for providing this so should work our whole life in the service of helping everyone in the global society in order to pay of a tiny bit of that Societal legacy.

Centralized power/fame/finance has always been a problem for the reason above but now there is no need for it as the internet can enable all decisions to be decentralized. Every existing process needs to be reinvented by creative people so that it can make the most of the new potential that the web and new technology creates.

All products and services can be created and provided for everyone in a decentralized manner. How best to redesign production and distribution so that the web and new technology tools can be used to produce and distribute products and services in the most innovative, efficient and compassionate ways?

Now that the world is so wealthy and the web and transport links are so good NO ONE need go without. How can governments, leaders and organizations empower and enable the public to help everyone working with education establishments to do this right now?

How best to help everyone become aware of and then control their own human ego? What simple psychological tricks can help everyone have a happy life and prevent existing and future problems which are often caused my human psychological problems (wanting to beat others instead of wanting to help everyone win – zero/sum gain)) and misunderstandings?

How best to protect the innocent (everyone is innocent in at least one way)? Educate them so they can protect themselves and each other?

As many problems are caused unintentionally and by accident how is it best to prevent the negative effects that we cause from happening? Educate everyone so that we can all spot the problems and help each other learn how to prevent existing and future problems. EG

Known Known’s (Innovation/problems that you know you know)
Known Unknowns (Innovation/problems that you know you don’t know)
Unknown Known’s (Innovation/problems that you are unaware of knowing the solution to)
Unknown Unknowns (unpredicted future innovation/problems)
What simple techniques are there that we can all share with each other so that everyone can be vigilant and help each other to prevent existing, future and unknown problems while also enabling us all to excel and achieve our potential.

For example how is it best to inspire and empower everyone to help everyone (as we all get distracted by our surroundings, society and culture which has many out of date and incorrect aspects)? Watch a video a day? http://www.WEBiversity.org

How to continually build on everyone’s success/failure so that everyone can develop and enhance their amazing potential themselves so they can go on to make their own discoveries for the benefit of everyone?http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Michael-Neill-The-Principle-of;search:help

What are the best ways to help existing and future innovation benefit everyone?
We can always do more but with new technology the rate of progress is growing exponentially which provides us all with an ongoing opportunity to redesign and reinvent the way any human society exists (which has always been happening in the past as society has got better and better BUT the present always appears deceptively stable).
How to sustainably create the most ideas?
1. What type of ideas do you want? (What solutions to what problems)
2. What volume of ideas do you want?

How to make the largest benefit for the most people out of every idea that is created?
By sharing every idea and allowing everyone to use them this enables everyone to experiment and learn while making the most positive use of ideas or innovation for the benefit of the most people.

How to protect the public from…
1. Existing and future problems
2. Missed opportunities due to of lack of progress caused by lack of innovation which means that we are missing out on solutions to many problems (eg out of date leaders/culture that prevents communities for progressing (or leaders that don’t understand that latest technology to are unaware that they are harming everyone with their lack of knowledge?)

How to protect the public from idea/IP theft when all ideas are effectively owned by everyone? Should all ideas/IP be registered so that it belongs to everyone? Making every idea/IP open and free for everyone to use is the simplest way to do this? There is a problem with individuals taking and abusing the idea/IP so the only way to protect against this is to state that any profit generated from the idea should be used for the most efficient and innovative charitable use possible. http://www.TRAIDmark.org is a free way to do this by enabling that any company or charity continually evolves by donating 100% net profit into NEW INNOVATIVE solutions to charitable problems. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Dan-Ariely-Irrational-Economics;search:poptech

Helping yourself in order to help others?
How can anyone instantly make themselves happy if they have nothing (or even harder if you have everything:)? Help others (everyone you meet by smiling and more:) which makes you feel fuzzy warm and happy so you help more people and on and one…

How to train yourself to learn new skills easily? Choose and improve one of your failures and enhance one of your successes every day making shore to share your progress with others so they can learn from you. Help everyone you meet by encouraging them with useful positive comments and taking the time to listen to those that are quiet and helping those that are loud listen to others.

Everyone wants progress as it benefits us all so what are the key areas that we should all help each other to progress along so we can all benefit each other most effectively?

All the areas below can only be enhanced by open minded creative people with a positive and optimistic yes can do attitude. Everyone can learn to have this creative attitude and we would love to work with you to empower and educate everyone for free so that we all are empowered to selflessly innovate which also makes us all happy. http://www.WEBiversity.org

Help all help all
Helping everyone help everyone is the best way to solve every human problem (as we all have supercomputer brains in our heads that could benefit everyone more:) which benefits everyone.

Creatively Innovate
The best way to help everyone is with Creative Innovation as this can significantly enhance any product or service in new an unexpected way in different dimension AND can be used to reinvent existing things so they become significantly better.
How to encourage and empower everyone to creatively innovate more (as you can only loose 100%  but can gain 100%+) http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more and can be used by anyone for free.

Enabling change
enabling and empowering people to change the status quo is key as this enables anyone to help as many people as they can.
What are the best ways to enable change?

Problems to fix
What are the most important problems to fix so that everyone can live long happy fulfilling lives? and what are the problems that stop us all from fixing more problems?

Structural change
What structural changes will help everyone most effectively? What things have we all taken for granted that need to be changed so they can be done better?

Compassion & tolerances
How can we all remind each other continually to have more compassion and tolerance? Everyone is and can be even more amazing and has vices and virtues that we all need help to develop.

How to help us all continually enjoy learning so we can gain the knowledge to learn to become wise and enlightened?

Last but not least (probably should be first)

What are the most important parts of life that are often overlooked due to out of date cultural, peer or advertising pressures?
Isn’t the only important part of life to be happy? This appears to be easy to do just by selflessly helping others (which makes you happy:)

Government Charity and We the people empower all…

How can Government Charities and everyone encourage, educate and empower more people to selflessly innovate to help everyone (which also makes them happy:)?

Private funding is often used to make a land grab of emerging resources be they, Ideas or skills or resources even though those resources are the property of everyone.

What simple ways are there to help selfless open source, creative commons or not for profit charity work has a bigger boost so that we are all encouraged AND it is easier to be selfless than selfish?

As selfless people are not motivated by superficial rewards such as money or game (egotistical goals of selfish people) other ways have to be found otherwise the rewards mistakenly encourage selfish competition rather than selfless collaboration.

One way to encourage selflessness is to provide free compassionate education that entertains, educates and empowers anyone who watches it by giving them the knowledge to become wise and selfless so they can have a happy life and help others.

Let us work with you to help yourself and others in this way with http://www.WEBiversity.org & http:/www.TRUSTlibrary.org
One way is to prevent negative meems/habits that hurt everyone (like vice/bullying/competition/anger)

We are the Social Media  & can make it as good as our society AND even better.

Social media means that we all now have the power (and moral duty) to use our time constructively so we can HAVE FUN AND HELP EVERYONE. This can be anything from using time when watching television, listening to music or traveling to share the information that we hear about in a selfless way using the free social media that we now can use.

This ranges from doing a basic minimum of sharing the websites and information we hear about to everyone with Blogs and tweets to putting on free events that benefit everyone so we all can collaborate.

Selfish people and negative people have to be handled just like naughty children are handled. Everyone has to stand up to them and educate them while also not wasting attention on negative behaviour but rather put more attention on those taht are selflessly helping others. A simple way of doing this is to send a link to the relevant Wikipedia page to the negative person so they can learn. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Harris-The-Good-Evil-and-the-Us;search:evil

Feel free to make your own local free Trust Library with a few spare books that you have (it only take a few minutes to set up:) http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org

Reinventing business and government structures so it helps everyone more (hire selfless AND creative people).

How bet to enable that we all can help all? As government and business structures control how people interact often they can cause many problems by stopping humans from helping humans in ever improving ways. One way to solve this for free and in a way that everyone can use is  for any business government or charity to invest as much surplus funds as it can in NEW SELFLESS CREATIVE INNOVATION which benefits everyone and improves your success as you gain free goodwill which itself becomes a self fullfilling prophecy. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

Linking people together in the best ways to help everyone…
The western hiring process has come out of the industrial age so is out of date for the existing and future information age where organisations will only survive if they hire creative and selfless people. What is the best way to help hiring organisations and companies to creatively innovate so that they can provide a new reinvented service. We would liek to help any HR or recruitment teams do this if they are open minded enough to see that the current process if out of date and damaging to both applicants, organisations and the public.

New techniques and technology mean that everything that humans: have, are or will do will be reinvented (and you can do it right now with the web to help everyone:).

A. How to enable this to happen in the most beneficial way for the most people (EG most innovative and responsibly run)?

EG How to sustainably create the most innovation that benefits everyone? (building on innovations such as fire, the wheel and the web)

B. How that innovation is run and managed so it is shared and can continually evolve and in used in a responsible manner for the greatest benefit for everyone?

C. How to enable any technique or tool to be reused in a different way so that they can benefit everyone even more?
Open Source And Creative Commons help.
Creative, designers and inventors need to be wary of how every tool or technique can be used and miss used for ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and often those doing ‘bad’ think that they are doing ‘good’ because they can see or dont realize  the negative effects.

D. Simple techniques and technology can be invented from scratch so that it enables anyone to improve anyones life easily cheaply and quickly. How best to sustainably encourage, empower and enable anyone to do this in as effective and sustainable way on a short and long term basis? Do collaborate on doing this at http://www.WEBiversity.org

E. If a person is able to survive then they can spend maximum time learning and innovating for everyones benefit. How to enable everyone can survive and therefore work on impving everyones lives without wasting time on useless things?
Is there a way (or can we invent a way) for everyone to have enough food clothing and housing to live a happy life? Why not enable everyone to have 20% time or 80% time to work on things they love that help all? If you would like to work on this then do tweet to @whymandesign

F. Time management is key to making the most from life. Hwo to help everyone take control of their lives so they can live a happy life all the time?

G. Anyone can do anything so what you choose to do may be the most important part of the process.
We may all be victims of our success as we do more and more of what gives us success rather than what we enjoy or what has the most productive output. We may also make others victims of our success as known and unknown negative effects hurt others (when you win a race it also means that othrs loose the race so is a cumulative net losos).

H. As we are all connected more than ever with the internet how we work, succeed and interact to affect others in many different positive and negative ways.

How to help everyone work in the same direction so we all have a sum gain and dont cancel each other out in zero sum gain competitions.

I. As knowledge, techniques and technology capabilities develop faster and faster there is more and more potential to use these new tools for good AND bad (and potentially the largest danger of thinking you are doing good when you are doing bad). Only therefore share ideas that help everyone and always be wary of any person or organization or idea that hurts anyone be it though cheating, trade or accident. (dont let the culture that you are in dictate what you do or who you act as we can all improve what we do so that we help more people:).

How to share knowledge so we can all learn wisdom and tolarence to continue the eternal vigilance with wisdom progressing against ignorance. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Elizabeth-Dunn-Happiness-and-Mo;search:knowledge

J. How to help everyone protect themselves from any problems with free knowledge. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Justice-Whats-The-Right-Thin-13;search:protect

K. How to keep open experimentation going while also directing progress so it helps the most people in the most effective way in the short ad long term.

L. How to encourage / reward innovation when we dont know what new dimensions it comes from and which are the best directions to innovate in.

M. How to make it easier to teach anyone any language? Or how to make any language easier for anyone to learn? Or how to make any language intuitive or automatically known. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Patricia-Kuhl-The-linguistic-ge;search:education

N. How to reduce the burden pain and suffering of reproduction/health with education/health costs (and savings made through prevention)? Education is an almost free and effective way if done correctly.

O. What are the best ways to help tribes and cultures share and collaborate success and failure and juxtapositions?

P. What should we all be wary of in the past present and future knowledge economy?  How to make sure that everyone is aware of dangers and how to deal with them? Education of everyone is the key eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

Q. What are the present and future problems that WE are causing that we can become aware of, learn about  and prevent though education? Eg Sexism, Racism, Ageism, Pessimism… (they are all selfish generalizations so  selfishness and generalizations are the problems).

How to help all help all? What the best ways you have found to help all help all?

Selflessly Creatively Innovating must be the best way which can be achieved by helping everyone learn so we all become wise and help each other to help everyone have happy lives (simple and easy to do just by taking the time to watch video’s and observe then control our own ego’s and just enjoy being happy experiencing every second of life right now. And also by helping others makes us all happy:)

1. AIM (direction)

Happiness for all?

Sustainable innovation to benefit all

Responsible compassionate business


2. SUCCESS (speed)

Motivation (so everyone can use the supercomputer in their head to help all:)

Technology that enables everyone to maximise their potential.

3. MORE THAN WE KNOW (known/unknown unknowns)

What things do we know we dont know that could help all?
What other things do we NOT know that we dont know?

Direction and speed are both very important when solving problems. Traveling backwards may be the best policy as we may be down the wrong track (which could be in the opposite direction)

What simple ways are there that enable everyone to help everyone? Tweet them to http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign
1. Smile at EVERYONE you meet (Makes you and them happy:)
2. Share inspiring video with everyone (Makes you and them happy:)
3. Imagine how amazing everyone is and how much more we all can achieve by helping everyone we meet.

E.G. http://www.WEBiversity.org has video’s to inspire and help. Please share these videos and add your own to the site.

How to unlock tweets so they all become open and can be linked together to be usefull in ONLY wise selfless ways? Can tweets be sorted in http://www.DRUMbeat.org

Want to create Innovative ways to help all while helping any  person/organisation (including yourself)? EG…Want to create an Armada of free education boats with http://www.mercyships.org http://www.peaceboat.org http://www.tallships.org http://www.summitseries.com http://www.oceanuniversity.org http://www.semesteratsea.org


Crowdsource video for all E.G.  http://www.WEBiversity.org or working with http://www.spot.us http://www.internews.org http://www.oneworldhealth.org http://www.interhealth.org.uk http://www.drumbeat.org and http://www.swiftriver.com

Suggest what you want to work on or what you NEED or can GIVE by Tweeting to @whymandesign or commenting at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/group.php?gid=352077702670
Ed http://www.whymandesign.com

Below are some tweets I would love to work with you to build on…

How to #help all #conference eg #mtconf #skollwf #voice11 #oxfordjam #icreate11 with @mozilladrumbeat #os #cc #apps & @WEBiversity #yeswecan

Help with @savethegames & @webiversity ?RT @smsradio: http://bit.ly/hbnLcG @Peacebuilding @Radio @Africa @kiwanja @sharath_sri @iginioe

How to #help @mozilladrumbeat #os #cc #apps @besteverman @happyseaurchin & turn #com into #charity @TRAIDmark explains eg @WEBiversity

Tweets on how we all can be happy and help all below…

How would you find it best to enable anyone or everyone to help you help everyone while you also benefit?

What simple techniques and technology can we all share to help each other have happier lives right now?

Do help share the best free educational video’s so everyone can have happy lives all the time right now?!

Below is an open letter to any person or organisation that wants to help everyone and benefit too.

Would it be possible to create charity products with your team (you gain by increased jobs & goodwill and we help your team spend the funds raised in the most innovative ways to save lives? We previously set up the Fair Trade Progreso Cafe with Oxfam over 2 years and would like to do something similar to help you:)

We have created and set up several very successful value added products/brands and would like to help enhance your work by setting up and running new value added services with you.

Would it be possible to talk to a member of your team about this?
For example can we create and distribute products/services that benefit everyone for charity?

Below are more details in this loooong message but I hope we can help a member of your team as the 6 key areas can all be implemented easily, cheaply and quickly to help you and everyone.

So can we help you in these ways…

Is it possible to speak to a member of your team about creating new products/services with your team (or surplus capacity and a new product/serivce) that donate 100% net profit to innovative new charitable solutions to human problems (you gain with increased trade reducing overheads and gain from CSR & Goodwill while helping save lives)?
This builds on the proven Fairtrade and Green movements but is a new way to effectively help as many people as possible.

We can significantly enhance your social media and have proven to do so for other organisations. For example by setting up and running charity activities and selling charity products at very low cost while sharing information about this on social media. We have managed the social media for many brands and would like to help you increase sales while also enhancing charitable work.

Can we work with your team to create new innovative charitable solutions to many problems that affect your customers so increase sales while helping everyone?

For example http://www.WEBiversity.org is a free educational website that helps everyone help everyone and we would like to develop this with your team to help your customers.

Do you know any programmers we can work with on innovative charity startups that will enable everyone to help everyone (easily and cheaply using open source software:)? Can we work with you on making a Drupal Open source Education Crowdsource website EG http://www.WEBiversity.org

May we help you creatively enhance your organisation in new innovative ways so you can gain larger profits AND help everyone with new innovation.

For example may we propose that you can gain by registering and running as a charity? You benefit in many ways so you can grow as quickly as twitter with the added goodwill of Wikipedia & Mozilla AND everyone involved gets richer with performance pay!

http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more about how anyone can do it for free and we would like to help you gain from the tax breaks you gain too.

Could we implement this on a trial basis within your organisation by running the Social Media part as a charity. This has several benefits as it raises awareness and Goodwill while enhancing your CSR which enables you to make MORE money from your proven existing services.

May we create extra services that benefit your customers AND help everyone. For examples by creating free TRUSTlibrary.org at any location and giving away free books to reward customers? We have started doing this in 50 high street shops across the uk and we were hoping to work with you. We are aiming to install the libraries in any shop and were hoping we could do this with you.

May we work with you to use your resources and contacts to solve charity problems (eg using waste/locations when not in use).

Make yourself & others #happy in minutes with #free #books & #creatively #innovating #selflessly @trustlibrary @WEBiverstiy #os #cc #nfp #charity #rsa #tedx #gov #ted #bigsociety

If you have 5 minute, a few spare books and can find a space to put them why not create your own Trust Library to enhance your community? Download Details at http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org

Also watch http://www.WEBiversity.org for inspiration and help others quickly online by sharing the best video’s you have seen that help others.

Do you have skills, space, contacts or resources that could be used to help others? Tweet what you have and want to @whymandesign

Fore example…

Would it be possible to work with you to use any/every empty space of any kind when it is vacant for charity use (on a temporary basis until it is rented/used:)? So your property is kept safe and we use it as the base for charity work while keeping the property safe and in perfect order. We can do this for any kind of property and are very keen to help you enhance your work while also helping/saving others lives with the charity work.

We have used 50 empty shops/offices/houses so far for charity work where we give away free books to help everyone read more and would like to do this in any/all the spaces you have (we can put a waterproof box with free books outside the property so it is totally safe and have run events and installed free libraries at the British Library, high street shops, university locations and cafe/bars).

This ranges from
Installing the ‘box of books’ outside each location
Living in the property and doing remote charity work via the internet
Living in the property and running workshops with trusted academics so they can task and think about ways to help charities enhance their work.

There are a few key benefits where you save funds AND get to donate some of that saving to INNOVATIVE charity work.

Everyone benefits and this is a proven activity that will enhance your great work too while saving lives with innovative charity.

All you have to do is agree to let us use and keep the property safe and then donate at least 50% of the funds you save to the charitable work that we create in each property.

Also we may be able to help you creatively enhance your work if we can work together?..

Would it be possible to creatively enhance your great work as the Social Media Consultant while also creatively helping you help as many young people as possible?

I would love to help in any way and can help asap in these ways…

Any innovation that is created can be run as a not for profit charity (so it is politically and commercially impartial) where any surplus funds each charity makes are used to invest in NEW INNOVATIVE CHARITY STARTUPS which create a cycle of INSTITUTIONAL INNOVATION. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

I can help set up a website to facilitate this very cheaply using drupal open source software that enables everyone and anyone to collaborate on crowdsourcing what they want to do. This can be set up asap as a charity is i work with one of your programmers (or can get a programmer i know to help).

Can we work with you to create a Registered Charity Communications Agency that saves charities on communications costs while also creating innovative solutions to many human problems.


Can I enhance your software and social media creatively. As your team is full of open minded pioneers how can i get involved in order to do this?

I work with a ‘yes we can’ mentality and hope to help enhance your team with this and my proven skills.

A tiny example of this is by embedding video into your open source software. we created a technical example at http://www.WEBiversity.org

Do comment on the facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=352077702670

Tweets on simple ways to enable everyone to help everyone selflessly so we all gain.

Let us enhance your service by #creatively #innovating #selflessly with #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding?

Open letter to any organisation explaining how we can enhance what you do by creatively innovating AND helping everyone.

For example…

Can we create extra new branded products with your great brand that donate 100% net profit to innovative new charitable solutions to human problems? http://www.TRAIDmark.org explain the benefits AND how anyone can do this for any kind of business or social enterprise or charity and how you can get richer by doing this (if that is what motivates you!:).

The site is created to explain the benefits but if it does not communicate successfully try giving away items for free to help others selflessly a few times today (only takes a few moments) and see how it makes you feel AND how others start to help you more so your business grows because you then donate all net profit to new innovative selfless charitable work which draws in new customers so you get rich on performance pay AND feel happier.

For example

Can we help you create new branded products so you can generate income for INNOVATIVE charitable work AND help you increase your own sales?


Can we help your team create new innovative ways to spend the money you raise in ever more effective solutions to charitable problems? http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains one way  eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

We can do both of these and just need confirmation that it is ok to do this with a member of your team?

To start please tweet your reply to @whymandesign and comment http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=19887357352
Can you please tell me who your product supplier is and who your main contact for your distributor/supermarket is o we can talk to them directly?

Are all problems in the world created by ‘no’ mentality pessimistic people (who prevent creativity innovation and progress by having close minds that think they know it all but actually do not realise how little they know? Often people say this is the way it always has been (which is wrong as the world is ALWAYS changing – and improving with selfless people or becoming worse with selfish people).

How to persuade everyone to keep all our minds open to progressing by helping everyone help everyone by creatively innovating selflessly? Do suggest sustainable ways to do this responsibly and help everyone by sharing the best free video’s at http://www.WEBiversity.org

ALL organisations can be improved by reinventing them easily using new techniques and technology. This has happened continually over time and the need is more urgent now than ever as there are more opportunities to be taken advantage of (and if you don’t take advantage of them others will so you will lose out).

All people can be improved and assisted by continually learning how to use new techniques and technology and we would like to help you help everyone do this too.

Let us add value to your business by creatively Innovating with Social Media using New Techniques & Technology such as Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding.

We have proven the use of this when setting up, consulting and managing social media & award winning Web & TV for BBC Learning, CBeebies, Race Online 2012, World Service, BBC News, B-live, UnLtd.

We are especially interested in helping everyone we meet for free with creative innovation.

For Example why not learn and share how to benefit from helping others using Social Media at the same time from this FREE website (we can make & manage one for you quickly). Watch, comment and collaborate on crowdsourced & crowdfunded projects at http://www.WEBiversity.org

If you would like us to enhance your products or services for free why not contact us and donate so we can continue to create free educational services for everyone.

Contact us @WHYmanDESIGN & edwhyman@gmail as we would love to help you to fully use the power of your networks with Social Media.

How is it possible to  persuade any/every organisation to continually evolve and allow the public to enhance what the organisation does?

Does every organisation need to have a democratically elected team of trustees that represent the wider population (global) that have the main aim of making sure that the organisation continues to innovate and encourage/reward the public to improve the service? How to enable the public to improve every service easily while rewarding those that positively help so they will go on to help again and again in a sustainable way?

http://www.DRUMbeat.org is one example of a way a responsible organisation is doing this and it will be interesting to see how this is managed so that EVERYONE that contributes is rewarded AND how others copy and clone the idea (often copied badly without rewarding the original creators so it can have negative impacts).

For example http://www.wikipedia.org (or any other organisation) is very exciting but why did it miss the: search (Google), photo (Flickr), Video (Youtube), social networking (Facebook), location based (Google Maps), Mobile (4sq) and real time (twitter) information boom?

Why do so many organisations appear to become one hit wonders by hitting on a format that works once and then gradually having a long slow death as they fail to creatively innovate and evolve?

Is there something about founders or business manager that try to control the organisations too much which makes them fail as they have slow deaths?

We have created http://www.TRAIDmark.org which is a free way for any organisations to continually evolve so that it can serve its customers better through INSTITUTIONAL INNOVATION  AND GOODWILL GAINED by running as a Not For Profit (Beyond Profit) charity.

This is a very simple format that has been used by entrepreneurial founders for years BUT where the customers are able to help you succeed BECAUSE they are aware of the fact that you have agreed to donate 100%  NET profit into NEW INNOVATIVE startups that aim to benefit everyone.

http://www.WEBiversity.org is one example of how anyone can set up their own startup doing this in minutes.



Tweets on how technology and techniques can be used and improved simply to benefit everyone by selflessly innovating to create the greatest happiness for the greatest number.

What areas of public service broadcasting & communication need to be addressed and excelled at beyond our expectations in the digital age to educate, empower & protect now that the internet links everyone to everyone and all content & data together?

In the UK in the TV & Radio age the BBC, ITV & Channel 4 were created and are interesting examples of 3 different public service organisation structures that were used for that age (not to mention Charity, philanthropy and government such as the NHS). What public service structures are needed to be  invented to use and address the new capabilities of new technology.

Given that the Internet and software works in a different dimension to that of linear TV/Radio/telephone how can public service expectations AND importantly actual needs (often hidden) be served effectively in self sustaining ways using the many new technology and techniques that are available to their full potential?

For example

As open source enables a piece of software to be made once then shared AND IMPROVED by/with the whole world should not all public service software be made as and only used if open source.

As Creative commons content enables any piece of content to be made once and then shared AND IMPROVED by/with the whole world should not all public service content be made as and only used if it has a creative commons share license.

As open innovation helps everyone by allowing the wisdom of the crowd to enhance products and services all publc services should be run with open innovation.

As not for profit organisations run without the motivation of profit all public services should be run as innovative not for profits so that they can serve the wider community.

As democratic governments are created to create the greatest happiness for the greatest number should not all organisations that provide public services by run in a similar way as democratic organisations?

As public services are run for the people they should be run in a way that enables any one individual to improve them easily and quickly. Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding makes this possible but the management of every public service need to be empowered to trust the public to do a better job than they can do and make every public service do this so that out of date ignorant/selfish short sighted protectionist management do nothurt the public by not doing this.

If you read this add an extra point in the comments below to help others most.

How to encourage organisations that provide national/global public services to improve what they do by addressing these issues? Persuade the founders/owners of the benefits or take over the organisation eg with crowdfunding? http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.


What new technological startups have become public services (due to their innovation and/or mass of users?)?
Should global companies that effect whole nations or the whole world be run as public services so they do not accidentally harm everyone? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_services

Here are a few public service needs that are continually growing and evolving with new technology and techniques…

Protect everyone – by educating everyone so they can protect themselves with free education…

Keep everyone healthy – by educating everyone to prevent illness…

Feed everyone – by sharing the knowledge needed for everyone to feed themselves…


How to enable anyone to earn a living while selflessly creating and innovating for the benefit of everyone?

Create free products and give them away asking for donations so you can survive?


I am working on creating free ways to enable everyone to earn a living while working on creatively innovating and inventing new ways to help everyone and would like to work with you if you read this far. Do tweet to @whymandesign and comment here
Please say what your skills are and what your aim in life is?!

Also do watch and share the most inspiring and educational video’s you know about at http://www.WEBiversity.org

Do you know of a programmer that can help make a free open source website to enable anyone to crowdsource learning (eg using drupal…)? We are looking to hire a programmer to make an open source website so tweet to @whymandesign


Direction & speed of development with creative innovation in the past present & future with pride & ego.

Everything can be simplified to make it easier for humans to understand (but often simplifying things can dangerously modify how we perceive things E.G. generalizations).

Often a good way to simplify something that is overly complex is to step back from it and RE-question why, what, where, how… you are doing what your doing.

Most things appear to come down to human psychology and our ego’s.
This appears to dictate our outlook on every part of life.

For example

Some people keep reminding themselves to have a positive can do attitude towards everything in life which trains themselves with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to become optimists and enjoy every part of life.

Some other people accidental keep reminding themselves about the negative parts of life so train themselves to become pessimists and often can become depressed.

This can be linked to any kind of mental illness that often people do not realize they have (or are in denial due to human pride and the ego).

How to share simple techniques that can help everyone have happier lives right now (some may be obvious to some people but not to everyone). eg http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Happiness-Secret-Win-Friends–2

How to easily help everyone to learn about our weaknesses and how to handle them (especially the ones we are not aware of)?

Sharing the best educational video that is also entertaining is one way to do this. Can you help do this with open source software? Prototype at http://www.WEBiversity.org

Human society will always get better if we all continue to creatively innovate as much as possible in a selfless manner.

We are all standing on the shoulders of giants as we benefit (and only survive) by using the techniques and technology that were made by the creative innovation  of our ancesters.

This means that we are all instantly in our ancestors debt for creating and sharing these innovations.

What can I / you / we all do to try to repay at least a small part of that debt? Creatively Innovate as much as possible AND share what we make with everyone so the greatest number can have the greatest happiness.

Inventions such as the telephone and internet are amazing and enable everyone to help everyone.
This means that we can all be optimists about the future as for the first time ever all humans are able to help each other instantly and right now! What is the best way to help everyone help everyone? Can you help with charitable crowdsourced learning free for everyone http://www.WEBiversity.org

One key part is how much can we all help each other and what are the main area’s that we all need help with?

One big danger is that any tool can be used for good but also can be used for bad and may even be used badly or in the wrong way so that it either has a negative or different positive effect.

What why when where and how is it best to help everyone help everyone?

As Creativity and Innovation can enable anyone or everyone to solve any problem and the internet enables us all to share the problems with everyone is it not best to spend all funds on enabling everyone to be more creative and innovate?

Would you like to help everyone creatively innovate to solve any problem?
Do you know a programmer who can help create an open source drupal website that dos this? If so please help with http://www.WEBiversity.org  and tweet to @whymandesign

Here are some questions on the direction that creative innovation can be used most productively to help all…

Who is it most important to look after first?

silent victims (that are easy to miss)?
Loud aggressors (that are hard to avoid)?

How best to discover the silent victims and silent problems that effect the most people in the worst ways?

What are the simplest ways to solve many silent problems?

How easy could it be to solve many major human problems by collaborating on creative innovation?

Can we work with you to make charity products?

Do you know any programmers who would like to work on an open source charity startup that uses drupal to enable anyone to help anyone using crowdsourcing with free education videos?

Tweet to @whymandesign and comment http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=352077702670


Also can http://www.WEBiversity.org/ share video’s and create http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org/ with your team? http://www.WhymanDesign.com The key is that we can help you with auto video and social media embedding:)

What are the most important problems that need solving?

How to help everyone learn to become more open minded and creatively innovate to selflessly help all?

Should we help those that are selflessly helping EVERYONE the most? How to do this?


What are the key problems that everyone should concentrate on solving first?


Everyone is amazing and can learn to be even better at doing anything they want.


If everyone earned the same amount no matter what they did what would be the consequences?
Would everyone then only work in a job that they enjoyed so they would have a happier life and work harder?
Would jobs that are a waste of time die out as people would only work on worthwhile jobs?
Would people with the right talents get promoted as there would be no financial incentive to go into management?
Would organisation developments change from running for profit to running for the greatest benefit for the greatest number?


Can I help you enhance your work AND help everyone by creatively innovating? If so Tweet to @whymandesign

Would you like to collaborate on making a charity startup that helps everyone help everyone? E.G. http://www.WEBiversity.org
Do Tweet to @whymandesign

Why  it is in everyones interest for all existing and new creative innovation to be run as Open Source, Creative Commons, Not For Profit Public Services that Donate surplus funds/skills/resources to INNOVATIVE new Charitable work.

Simply put if innovation and development is shared then anything only has to be discovered once for the WHOLE WORLD to use and enjoy it which SAVES EVERYONE TIME, MONEY & EFFORT so we can CONCENTRATE on SOLVING other human problems that will benefit EVERYONE.

http://www.TRAIDMark.org explains how anyone can do this easily ands simply while also increasing their success with added goodwill and get rich on performance pay (if that is what motivates you?!).

Another business case for Conscious Capitalism….

Definitions here..



How best to link up anyone so that everyone can help everyone?

Many programmers have the tech skills to make great products and services and many other people know what real world problems are out there that are urgently in need of solving such as Medics teachers artists…

How best to link them up so the different skillsbased professionals AND amateurs can collaborate on solving problems?


How to stop duplication as many people try to compete at solving the same problem (so waste time and effort)


How to help everyone learn and see what are the most important problems to solve first (for the greatest good for the greatest number – happiness and health)?

Can we help you eg with http://www.WEBiversity.org ? Want to make an open source Crowdfund & Crowdsource site using drupal like this so that EVERYONe can set up their own project?

There is a massive need for this and the even larger potential with collaboration eg Bigsociety/YESweCAN…

This can be done relatively easily with Drupal and integrate Facebook/Twitter/email so no one is excluded AND importantly that the organisation is run responsible as an impartial charity.


All problems can be turned into opportunities and then solutions that address the problem AND help in other unexpected ways by Creatively Innovating by collaborating selflessly using open source technology.

Direction & speed are key…

What is the aim?
Is there a better aim that other have/not thought about?
Are your aims under/over optimistic given the current (and fast growing future) technological capabilities?

How fast do you want to travel?
How to turn conversation/complaint into positive outcomes and action to solve the problem most effectively for all?

How to turn tweets from conversation into action that benefits the most people in the most useful ways?
Use Open Source & Creative commons so everyone can consume and enhance any part free for everyones benefit?

Tweets on collaboration from BSN…

Want to make software & local space to collaborate on solving any human problem simply by creatively innovating?

http://www.WEBiversity.org is the website prototype. Do you know a Drupal php or Python programmer we can work with?

http://wwww.TRUSTlibrary.org explains how you can make your own community collaboration space in minutes with a few unwanted books. Do you know of any empty space we/you could use to make more Trust Library spaces?

Do you know of a way to help any/all tweets/meems/people  turn their conversation/message into action effectively (free). e.g. from a Call into ACTION?


How to help everyone PRIORITIZE the ‘MOST IMPORTANT’ problems and link them to SOLUTIONS that are PROVEN to be MOST EFFECTIVE?

e.g. list worlds biggest problem on a p2p open source Mozilla Firefox add on and enable everyone to solve the problems as a not for profit?

List of tweets on creatively innovating to simply help everyone help everyone…

What are the best & simplest ways to help everyone help everyone?

Make all useful information/knowledge entertaining to learn?
Reducing the amount of waste/decadent information so we can concentrate on useful information (this can be done by rating).
Make fun activities productive AND productive activities fun.
Reward creativity and innovation.
Enable and empower everyone to help everyone.
Enable collaboration and sharing so simple ideas can help everyone instantly.
Make tools/software that can only be used for positive outcomes.
Make tools/software that are flexible so they can be used for a variety of uses (eg Open Source & Creative commons).
Make tools/software that does not restrict human capacities (imagination/senses/emotions/collaboration…)
Help everyone you meet help everyone they meet!

Below are a few important tweets on how everyone can help everyone

Everyone can help everyone by sharing what we all know with our peers using social media.

Innovators and Entrepreneurs can and are creating a better future for everyone.

The question is what do we all want in the future and how to help each other make this happen?

What do we want?



How to help everyone help everyone?

Help everyone remove barriers?

Empower everyone to help everyone? Yes We can!

Love everyone?

Help everyone continue to learn?

Competing to control changing to collaboration
Why do some people try to control everything when others realize that you cant control everything (or even anything totally) so you can enjoy live and help others more by helping them do (what they want not what you want) more without controlling them?!

Is there a simple way to help everyone learn to control the inner control freak inside us so we can relax and enjoy living life while letting everyone live their own life without wanting to control things unnecessarily?

What simple ways are there to enhance the tools we have so that everyone can use them instantly to help everyone?

Democratize & Enable EVERYONE to develop & use all tools

EG Software
How to democratize and personalize all software so that EVERYONE can add to and enhance the software (taking into account the different languages we all speak not to mention the different learning styles)?

The best things in life are free (like breathing, seeing, touching, loving)

How to help everyone teach each other? Twitter is a good start but need more?

EVERYONE gives away LOVE for FREE (we all can give more as it is ALCHEMY:) and more… Essentially many big players are going into this space so the only way to compete is to create cumulative mass and a usp they can not steal with is to become a charity AND donate 100% net profit to NEW innovative charity work (you then also save lives and get rich on performance pay:) http://www.WEBiversity.org has more and http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more:) also sing along to http://www.ikaraoke.org too;)

Everyone can Imagine & create improvements for everything & Mobile Social Media on the Web could enable us all to do this all the time!

Can I/you/he/she/we help you help everyone? Yes we can!

How to facilitate this when the greatest benefit for the greatest number (everyone) is to open everything up and decentralize everything?!

A. Techniques

1. Do What you LOVE http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Jessica-Jackley-Poverty-money-a
DO what you love AND find ways to help as many people as possible (EG by giving away what you do/make for free so everyone can access it). You will then excel at what you love and by giving it away free others will share your work which will make you successful so you will be able to earn a good living enjoying your work. http://www.WEBiversity.org may help you (and help everyone make themselves even happier!:)

2. Help EVERYONE http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Jeremy-Rifkin-The-Emphatic-Civi
HELP EVERYONE you meet do what they love so they can then share their passion/skills/talents for everyone’s benefit. This means collaborating with everyone you meet especially if they are doing similar things to you as everyone is different as you will compliment each other even more the more you collaborate.
http://www.WEBiversity.org may help you (and help everyone make themselves even happier!:)

3. Charity http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Making-the-Business-Case-for-Co
Everything EVERYONE DOES can be charitable (and often is but does not get classified as this).

If you help people your work is charitable so you should register as a charity so YOU CAN BENEFIT and HELP MORE PEOPLE with the kudo’s and volunteer support/funds you will then get (If you don’t help people then please stop doing it as you can enjoy life more & make more money by helping people:)

http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how anyone can benefit from making what they do into a charity.

4. Open Mind http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Napoleon-Hill-Think-and-Grow–2
How best to continually remind ourselves how little humanity knows (compared to what we will know in the future) and how we are probably making lots of really silly mistakes so need to continually learn from our and others mistakes and share them while keeping our eyes and mind open to learn from others.

(example of what we dont know…unless you speak French) http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Frederic-Kaplan-Reinventing-the

5. Open Heart http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Helen-Fisher-Why-Do-Fools-Fall
Love everyone with an open heart and compassion for people and problems you dont know or understand. Help those that threaten or attack you as that is often a cry for help (video’s made by their idols can help them learn very effectively:). http://www.ikaraoke.org may help too (lyrics are soooo great:)

6. Money (is a way to give) http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Dan-Ariely-Irrational-Economics
Use money to get what you want but be careful as you can become a slave to money if you get seduced by weath and riches compared to making the most of the little time we have on this planet while alive! Time is more than money.

B. Technology

You have to work with what you have got


You can use the tools you have in different ways!

How can you use negative tools in positive ways?

How should you be wary of positive tools being used by selfish people in negative ways?

How can you use the existing tools and resources that you have to enhance what your doing AND help others enhance what they are doing?

How can USERS INFORM TOOLMAKERS & DESIGNERS about what we WANT & NEED SUSTAINABLY (idea theft harms so many people as you can only steal things that you own and ideas work best when they are shared with everyone so we all can benefit).

ENABLE everyone to help everyone by making TECHNOLOGY accessible to all (make it easy to use and humans will amaze each other)

Democratize & Enable EVERYONE to develop & use all software.
How to democratize and personalize all software so that EVERYONE can add to and enhance the software (taking into account the different languages we all speak not to mention the different learning styles).

What are the biggest opportunities that should be taken advantage of with this new communication network?

Sharing enables everyone to share everything with everyone!

Evolution can happen rapidly as everything is mixed together and evolves which can benefit us all.

Openness enables everyone to express themselves freely and honestly so we all learn from each other and about the truth (and negative activity can be detected).

Problems appear to happen when confusion is caused by a lack of clarity when problems are hidden behind ambiguity or privacy.

For example the terms Charity and Social Enterprise both cover a very diverse range of occupations and causes/challenges so can be ambiguous which causes confusion as some Charities and Social Enterprise do incredibly good work (for example 100% volunteer charities and Social Enterprise that donates 100% net profit to charity & incredible innovation) compared to others that drag down the reputation for Charities and Social Enterprise (for example by being incredibly inefficient, causing more problems than they solve, not innovating enough of hoarding finance).

What are the best organisations in any sector that do the most good in the most sustainable and innovative ways?
How can we help them help us all?

What are the key proven criteria that make an organisation ‘good’?

They share information and knowledge in an open way eg open source or Creative Commons (as this benefits everyone exponentially and they benefit too from a larger fan base:)

2. Creative/Innovation
They Creatively innovate all the time with institutional innovation so they do not waste time, skills, resources, money on out of date techniques and technology.

3. Aim/Objective
They aim to help EVERYONE as much as possible without limiting their objectives to old out of date historic norms or objectives. With the internet humankind can now work together to solve every human problem.

4. Structure/institution
The organisation is build in a forward thinking way so that the structure / institution does not grow into a slumbering giant that becomes part of the problem as the people within it are not able to achieve their potential (or help others achieve their potential) due to out of date aims.

5. Selflessness
For profit organisations often innovate but do not collaborate due to SELFISH vested interest. Not For Profit (Beyond Profit) and Charities are able to collaborate and share with exponential benefits as they can SELFLESSLY help EVERYONE. The internet means that selflessness can be rewarded by you and me as customers (as it is in EVERYONES interest to promote and share selfless work and organisations).

What are good ways of finding the BEST (selfless) ORGANISATIONS to use, work with and help?!

1. Search using ‘YOUR search term’ and ‘Not for profit’ or ‘Open Source’ or “Creative Commons’ or ‘charity’

2. Search for .org sites

3. Look on Social media sites of the ‘good’ organisations you know and share their content to help others while you do this (by sharing only ‘good’ organisations they benefit and can help more people).

Examples of the Best Organisations (working as not for profits AND innovating)?

Who else?…

What is your favourite organisation? Tweet to @whymandesign

How to help everyone help everyone easily?

Everyone can help everyone we just need a bit of help to do it even more effectively:)!

1. Techniques
How to help everyone share the best techniques for helping everyone?

EG Help everyone to share the best techniques/knowledge/wisdom..
http://www.WEBiversity.org – video
http://www.TRUStlibrary.org – locations/books

2. Technology
How to enable everyone to make/modify/improve/destruct technology to best suit them?
Social Media can be used and is the first step in the right directions. There is however so much more that can be done if the technology that is used to link people up is improved as it currently creates an invisible barrier where it could significantly enhance anything we have seen in the past and present.

EG Crowdsource & Crowdfunding & P2
http://www.WEBiversity.org is one way to do this. Can we help you with video?

Want to creatively help or get help?:) For example any person/org can run as a Charity and BENEFIT from this http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how/why:)

Also can we help you by auto embeding video and Inspiring everyone to help everyone with http://www.WEBiversity.org
Comment at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=352077702670&ref=ts & Tweet your reply to @whymandesign please

Do you know anyone who wants to help everyone by making a charity startup (not for profit:)? There are three stages…

1. set up a site using existing open source software (to solve different social issues and run it as a Not For Profit / charity) http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains why

2. Modify existing open source software to make new services very cheaply and efficiently.

3. Build new open source software and charitable services cheaply & quickly from scratch.

Also are you looking to start or develop your work/company? We would like to creatively help you  eg http://www.WEBiversity.org

We can all achieve so much more and help each other have even better experiences and lives right now.
What are they keys to do this?

What do individual humans and humanity actually need in life?
What are the most important things to provide for everyone first?


Everyone can learn everything they need on the Web!

Love is all you need?


How quickly can we provide existing and new services to everyone using new technology and the potential it offers?

Yes We can do ANYTHING. Imagine

4. Having fun expressing your self constructively? Sing Karaoke and help others?

Below are tweets made at the Nesta Creative Collaboration Conference.

Reusing & recycling any unwanted item to help everyone easily?

Do you have a spare space, object, skill or resource that you do not use 100% of the time that others could borrow or that we can help you creatively enhance so everyone can benefit from it?

Can we help you make your own local community space where anyone can collaborate on solving problems too? You can easily and quickly set up your own one now in a couple of minutes just using a few spare books! Why not try making a free http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org by putting a few old books in a box with a sign in your local community (And see what happens:).

Do you have a local space where you could make your own Trust Library so your neighbors can create a free public swap shop as a free public service for your local community. This could be constructed in your local school/hall/doorway.

Try setting one up and see what happens or donate funds to @TRUSTlibrary & @FREETraid so we can buy more items to give away!

check http://www.WEBiversity.org for inspiring video’s too:)

We design free public services using unwanted or waste materials / skills / space and would like to work with you on using your spare/waste resources to help everyone. What resource do you have that can be used to help others (everyone has at least one:). Can we help you creatively enhance the resource and what your doing so you benefit and can help more people? Tweet your skills and resource & aim to @whymandesign

Please comment your reply on the facebook group:)




Help everyone achieve the most out of life easily and quickly?

Can we all get what we want just by learning the knowledge and wisdom to do so free online?
Is it as simple as making others happy makes us happy too (and is that all we need?)?
Helping everyone have happy lives by sharing free video to remind us all is all that we need?

Less is more. There is so much duplication, procrastination and waste online that we need to help each other find the relevant and useful content to make the most out of our lives (make EVERYONE happy and productively help others:).

Learn about and share the best existing techniques and technologies to do this?
Do watch and help do this by making a free open source charity education site http://www.WEBiversity.org


What are the obstacles to everyone achieving the most out of life?
Technical problems (good design helps everyone, bad design faouers a few?)
Emotional/intellectual problems (we all need to learn more and so need access to the best knowledge)
Social problems (how organisations and societies are structured/managed so we can all help each other without being stigmatized or punished)

Do watch and help do this by making a free open source charity education site with the aim of solving all the problems above for everyone http://www.WEBiversity.org

Creativity & Innovation

Everything can easily be improved using creativity and innovation to invent and reinvent new ways to do everything using the new dimensions of the web, internet and social media (which use age old social dynamics and techniques).

The question is do you want to SELFLESSLY (wise good guys) help everyone (empower everyone to help everyone and on and on:) or do you just want to find fame and fortune SELFISHLY (ignorant bad guys)?

What simple creative ways can anyone invent or reinvent ways for us all the help each other more?
What is the selfless and the naive assume that everything is owned by everyone in a global commons? No one owns the earth so that means that we all share the guardianship of our planet as we care for it for the use by future generations.
Should all naieve and ignorant people (children/criminals/leaders…) be given a small animal like a kitten or puppy to care for so they are reminded about the innocent beauty of life and caring for other innocent beings?
Free knowledge/music/art for all (as it is made by ‘genius’ as a way to share their knowledge for all so to charge for it is unethical?)?

Simple Solutions

What simple ways can anyone get started (helping everyone to be happy which makes you happy…:)

Find what you love doing and do it (giving away your talent for free to others while asking for donations:)


Make your own free library in minutes using a couple of unwanted books! http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org

Make a drawing, poetry, or sculpture from recycled material and give it away to your local community http://www.MUSTart.org

Do watch and comment on the facebook group too http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=352077702670 to share the video’s with people you can help:)





Ed @whymandesign

Here are some tweets illustrating how new technology needs to be designed carefully so that it helps everyone as much as possible (and restricts everyone as little as possible:)

What stops us all from achieving the most out of life?

What do/should we want out of life?

What stops us doing more?

Inspiration is a problem as we all need to be continually inspired and educated. Do help make http://www.WEBiversity.org so together we can help everyone help everyon.

Cultural stigma and out of date thought processes slow innovation and progress as often the closed minds from an out of date mindset try to control and stop others experimenting or changing. How to culturally enable everyone to develop and evolve personally so we can all take a look at ourselves and make a change?

Any new and old technology enhances human life but also restricts human life with its capabilities.
Copywrite and Patents or Ownership can be a big problem as it restricts sharing thoughts and ideas (that should belong to everyone as and idea or thought can be had by anyone) for the greatest benefit for the greatest number.

For examples software enables humans to interact in new ways/dimensions AND use the massive computing power of computers…


One of several negative sides is that it only allows you to converse using text (compared to the other learning/UI/thought styles:)

What are the best ways to prevent current and future innovations from restricting human creativity & Innovation? Comment below to share to help everyone.

All innovation should be open and shared so that everyone on the planet can collaborate on solving human problems and enabling everyone to have the happiest life possible (you dont need wealth but do need education:).

Can we help you enhance what your doing by creatively innovating and helping you use social media to help yourself and everyone else as much as possible? If so do tweet to @whymandesign http://www.WHYmanDESIGN.com

Below are a list of great Crowdsourcing & Crowdfunding startups that can all benefit from registering as Charities as they will gain massive goodwill and volunteer support. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains about even more benefits.

http://www.springwise.com/ideas/ has a list of inspiring startups plus…

How to enable everyone to creatively innovate & invent a better future?

Encourage everyone to open our minds to new possibilities so we can learn and discover more?
Use inspiring video to help us all remind and teach each other daily? What is the best website that just has good quality inspiring content? Do help us make one at http://www.WEBiversity.org

List problems and create open innovation solutions for them all as a Charity?
http://www.TRAIDmark.org helps

Inspire everyone to have a Positive Mental Attitude and crowdsource solutions?

Create real world locations where anyone can talk about and solve local and global problems?
http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org is one way to do this.

What else?

Can we help you enhance what your doing by creatively innovating and helping you use social media to help yourself and everyone else as much as possible? If so do tweet to @whymandesign http://www.WHYmanDESIGN.com

Where we were, are and will be? What can you imagine and create now and in the future?

See what China is doing with social media which look interesting…

Great short comments from the Google founders…

And the changing dynamics of global social networks as users grow in different areas and the networks compete and evolve…


Anyone can help everyone right now just by improving one action or activity a day?

What are the easiest and best things to do to help everyone?

Smiling at everyone is easy and brightens up everyones day AND makes you feel good.

Watching and listening slowly and carefully to everyone we meet makes them feel good and reminds us how beautiful everyone is and how all anyone wants is to be happy and how we can all help each other be happy just by being nice

Share or give away as many items as possible to help others when they are not in use as it costs you nothing but can help others if given to the most suitable people as possible


How to remind yourself to do this and more? Maybe by watching an inspiring video every day eg from http://www.WEBiversity.org

Is culture the most democratic force/mem there is as it allows everyone to take part in any way they like without using language?

Below are some tweets made at Culture Hack Day…

I am looking to collaborate with other people who are interested in enabling and empowering everyone to help everyone using new techniques and technology. Would you be interested in collaborating on this?

We will help any charity that is open minded enough to ask for help to creatively innovate their product/service AND invent new ways to solve many different social issues cheaply and efficiently. This will lead to you creating the perfect job for yourself where you are paid to help as many other people as possible.

Do you know anyone we could work with asap to make a Drupal crowdsource version of http://www.WEBiversity.org as a Charity so we can share the best free video’s to help everyone. Who can I talk to in order to do this with you? (starting with a simple drupal build using existing add ons then developing new add ons). We have some funding for this but are building it as a volunteer organisation. Please comment here if you can help or know someone who can and tweet to @whymandesign

Want to help house and feed everyone free and also learn? Lets Collaborate..

Would you like to work with others to enable anyone to build their own house for free! If interested in this please join the http://www.WEBiversity.org site and comment on the Facebook group saying what you want and what you can do? http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=352077702670 and Tweet to @whymandesign with your suggestions.

We are designing a few simple ways for anyone to build their own house…

1. they can transport it anywhere easily
2. they can build it easily using materials they can grow or recycle

What we create will be run as a Not For Profit Charity and Open source so that everyone can create their own job and house to live in so they can spend their whole live working on things that interest them that they can then share with the rest of the world. http://www.WEBiversity.org has inspiring video and http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org has a simple way anyone can make their own public library in minutes and both use the http://www.traidmark.org business model.

Great comments at

How to enhance important products and services so they become innovative public services that are responsible for their actions and the importance of their service?

How to keep all organisations responsible and run as public services when they are?
(or at least when fundamental pieces of infrastructure that are too big to fail eg an organisation that has a virtual monopoly such as technology/education/finance… organisations)?

Many great innovative organisations and innovations are so fundamental that they are too important to be managed or owned by private individuals who could easily succumb to private interest.

Imagine if the discovery of the Wheel, fire or the internet were kept private by ownership and licensing we would all loose out! In the same way all technology or inventions are discovered by the people who are at the right place at the right time so they are just ‘lucky’ they are there by chance so have no right to skim the riches / rewards from being there and take them away from being used responsibly to help everyone in the most efficient way (selfless innovation).

You could say that any idea/product or service that is patented or copy written is a form of Idea or intellectual theft that harms everyone as we should ALL benefit as much as possible from any idea/product/service and the proven best way to do this is with open innovation AND responsibly managing the products/services as Not For Profit / Charities.

How to keep all organisations innovating as much as possible?

Creatively innovating and reinventing products and services have proven to help everyone.

Open Innovation has proven to enhance any product or service so is key.

http://www.TRAIDmark.org is a free way for anyone to enhance their products and services by creating institutional innovation where 100% net profit is donated to NEW INNOVATIVE CHARITABLE WORK that benefits everyone which creates a cycle of success AND goodwill so that partners/suppliers/customers help enhance your product in a positive Gift Economy way. http://www.FREEtraid.org helps too.

http://www.WEBiversity.org has more video’s about this.

The biggest danger with Creativity and Innovation is if the Creators and Innovators are NOT rewarded then their hard work will be unsustainable. There is a danger that many people will use Open Innovation as Idea theft which is incredibly damaging as the people who have the ideas are then not able to go on to create even more ideas that can help everyone and save lives.

How best to prevent idea theft?

Make all ideas/designs/products/services owned by the global community so they can be licensed to individuals who can then use them and pay a licensing fee and donate a high percentage of their profits to NEW INNOVATIVE CHARITABLE WORK?

As everyone is able to care about everything and we all do care about something plus want to help each other WHAT is stopping us all from helping each other more?

How best to INSPIRE everyone to help everyone in fun ways so it is easy and enjoyable to help others?

WHAT do we want to achieve? Simple aims can be the most important and most effective to solve such as making everyone happy?

Video’s are proven ways to inspire with Youtube providing the tools people like http://www.TED.com http://www.poptech.com & http://wwww.theRSA.org are providing great content that is being shared.

We would like to work with you to develop the http://www.WEBiversity.org site so that we can highlight the best video’s on the web in order to benefit everyone.

How best to ENABLE everyone to help everyone even more effectively?

What do we want to achieve? The most knowledge or the most wisdom? Do we have enough knowledge already to help everyone become wise and happy?

Linking everyone up with the internet via different software can be great but the software can also restrict our potential. Time is the key currency that is easily underestimated and wasted by software that can save so much time in one way and waste it in another eg forms.

The tools that are created need to be open source so that they can be openly innovated by anyone so everyone benefits which means that you individually benefit.

What TOOLS help everyone help everyone even more effectively…

The tools / technology we invent and use appear to be the barriers and boundaries that have held us back in the past.

What tools are holding us back now and what reinvented and new tools could positively / negatively effect us all on large or small scales?

What TECHNIQUES help everyone help everyone even more effectively…

The techniques and cultural expectations we have used in the past appear to have been the boundaries that have held us back.

What techniques and cultural expectations are holding us back and which reinvented and new ones could positively / negatively effect us all on large or small scales?

Not for profit cooperatives and volunteer groups appear to enable the best selfless collaboration that benefits everyone
eg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia

We made http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org as a free way for anyone to make their own Trust Library in minutes using a few unwanted books that you may have so you can create a free place for anyone to meet, talk and collaborate. Why not try to make one if you have a few minutes to spare and see who you can help….

Would it be possible to work with you to use every empty space or any kind (when temporarily vacant or out of season…) when it is vacant for charity use (on a temporary basis until it is rented:)?

We have used 50 empty shops so far to use for charity work where we give away free books to help everyone read more and would like to do this in any/all the spaces you have. The key benefit to your landlords is that they then save from having to pay commercial rates on the shops which is a massive benefit. All we ask in return for saving the landlords this money is that they donate at least 50% of the funds they save to innovative charity projects that we create using the shops. (not to mention how many lives can be improved/saved by using the space to get academics together to work on solving human problems selflessly. Make your own http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org in minutes now anywhere in the world.

Everyone benefits and this is a proven activity that will enhance your great work too while saving lives with innovative charity.


Would it be possible to creatively enhance your great work as the Social Media Manager while also creatively helping you help as many young people as possible?

I would love to help in any way and can help asap in these ways…

Any innovation that is created can be run as a not for profit charity (so it is politically and commercially impartial) where any surplus funds each charity makes are used to invest in NEW INNOVATIVE CHARITY STARTUPS which create a cycle of INSTITUTIONAL INNOVATION. http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains more.

I can help set up a website to facilitate this very cheaply using drupal open source software that enables everyone and anyone to collaborate on crowdsourcing what they want to do. This can be set up asap as a charity is i work with one of your programmers (or can get a programmer i know to help).

Can we work with you to create a Registered Charity Communications Agency that saves charities on communications costs while also creating innovative solutions to many human problems.


Can I enhance your software and social media creatively. As your team is full of open minded pioneers how can i get involved in order to do this?

I work with a ‘yes we can’ mentality and hope to help enhance your team with this and my proven skills.

A tiny example of this is by embedding video into your open source software. we created a technical example at http://www.WEBiversity.org

Do comment on the facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=352077702670

Warm regards

Ed @whymandesign

How is it best to empower anyone to creatively innovate so they can help everyone selflessly as effectively as possible?

For example now that the internet is connecting everything with social & mobile media we not can reinvent everything so that everyone can benefit even more.

I would love to help you creatively enhance your work with innovation so please do contact me http://www.whymandesign.com



How best to turn any negative into a positive?

Make it a learning experience so you dont repeat the negative?
Share the learning experience with everyone on the web so others do not have to experience it.


As no one is perfect (so we all need to continually learn and improve often without knowing it) how is it best to help us all learn how to improve ourselves and also to help teach each other what we know and learn in a 100% positive way?

Is there a better way than positive peer review of EVERYTHING anyone does while ALWAYS suggesting an alternative that may or may not be better? Do empowering video’s eg http://www.WEBiversity.org help enough or do we need peer review?

How about always stopping if you find yourself in an argument and not trying to prove the other person wrong! Is there a simple and effective way to solve arguments and conflicts? Is it not always the case that arguments are caused by misunderstanding in language/interpretation/communication… and often two contradictory views can exist as they may well be ‘correct’ under different circumstances.

How can we all remind ourselves and each other to continually have more compassion towards every other fellow human being as we all just want to be happy and loved by others. Looking at the innate beauty in every human beings face or insecurities/failures helps. Complementing everyone as much as possible makes us all feel good and can never be done too much.


Do you help others?

Let us reward your great work with creative Social Media innovation?

Tweet to @whymandesign saying who you help and how and we will creatively enhance your work by innovating and linking you with great partners so you and they both benefit. Also join and comment on the facebook group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=352077702670

If you work on helping as many other people as possible as a Charity, Not For Profit or Social Enterprise that donates we would like to reward your work by enhancing your Social Media and marketing for FREE ( RRP £3-50,000). All we ask in return is that you donate as much as you can (funds/skills/tools) so we can continue to support providing free services for other great organisations like yourself as part of a gift economy.


Previous examples of creative & social media work that enhanced many great organizations significantly by enhancing innovation are…

http://www.oxfam.org.uk when setting up, managing and creatively enhancing the pioneering Fairtrade Coffee Shop Progreso.
http://www.BBC.co.uk when creating and successfully pitching pioneering social media multiplatform productions to BBC & World Service Commissioners.
http://raceonline2012.org when setting up and managing the Social Media Strategy.
http://www.b-live.com when consulting on the social and technical potential and Social Media Strategy.

We have successfully pitched several multiplatform (TV & WEB) production not to mention winning a BBC wide TV pitching competition when pitching to Peter Fincham (now ITV Studios Commissioner) and Peter Salmon (Now BBC Studios Commissioner) with a Multiplatform social media production that used the wisdom of crowds to enable anyone to help Charity that raises significant funds for Charity though voting.

Maybe you would like to help us help everyone…
Our passion is about sharing all knowledge that ENABLES anyone to be happy for free EFFECTIVELY (everyone can do this easily by sharing free online information that makes EVERYONE happy with their peer group & more)?…

http://www.WEBiversity.org aims to do this and below are two great examples of free video content that can be shared with anyone free. Pass on this free information to any/everyone you know so they can have happier lives (peace and love too:)

http://www.youtube.com/user/psychetruth  http://fora.tv/2008/11/17/Raj_Persaud_How_to_be_Happy  http://ow.ly/3nQFLThe more we share good things the more we encourage each other to share even more good things so we all benefit (mainly by making ourselves feel good by doing the sharing).

How best to enable EVERYONE to help EVERYONE easily and cheaply so we all benefit?

Want free creative & innovative help to enhance any project / service? We can help & with CSR os nfp charity too.

Yes it is true. We can enhance whatever you are doing by creatively innovating for free! If you like what we have done we ask that you donate as much as you can so that we can set up a FREE Creative & Innovation charity that enables Everyone to help Everyone. http://www.WEBiversity.org is the prototype.

We also won an http://www.unltd.org.uk award for creating 50 free Trust Libraries across the uk using recycled books and empty shops as one example of how anyone/everyone can create their own public services.

Here are a couple of quick and easy ways we can enhance your work…

We would love to help enhance your work by using my UI Design and Social Media knowledge to help you enhance the Gaming features of the site to users are drawn to use it more and more for constructive outcomes.

For example can your organisation run as a not for profit that donates/invests any surplus funds that you generate (in future profits & donations) into NEW INNOVATIVE solutions to human problems? This will enable you to grow to gain a cumulative mass with a USP that competitors can not steal so you can grow as big as Wikipedia/Mozilla while partnering with them. You and everyone involved will then get rich on performance pay knowing that you have created a self sustaining innovation & collaboration platform that saves lives. Video’s of a presentation about Traidmark at http://www.TRAIDmark.org explain more.

It would be great if this is possible as it would secure the success of your enterprise AND generate philanthropic funds that are invested in innovative solutions so save many lives.

Help anyone make themselves happy instantly by reading the FREE BOOK and watching the video’s at http://www.WEBiversity.org What is the best way that you help others?

We are looking for programmers to help everyone help everyone using innovative re-uses of open source software to do this. If interested contact @whymandesign

Do help create free entertaining education for all with http://www.WEBiversity.org http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org

http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how anyone can enhance what they are doing for FREE by making themselves feel great by using surplus funds to donate to innovative charitable work. Do take the time to read and watch all the video’s as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000′s of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

What is needed to enhance anyones life? Happiness & Health. What else…


Simple techniques to help everyone enhance our own and each others lives simply
(so we don’t need to waste our valuable time with useless and wasteful activities that many cultures and societies impose on us)? What things do you do that waste your’s and other peoples valuable life seconds?

Passively consuming content/products that others have told you that you want with advertising (that you often do not need)?

http://www.WEBiversity.org has free video’s that share simple free ways to improve anyones life.





Simple things everyone needs to know about the Web & Social Media and how using it can transform everything.
(skills we all have and use every day that we can now enhance by using new tools to benefit everyone)

1. Ask the web?
Always search for any question or query you have. We now dont need to know information but how to use information instead. Remember techniques and forget the rest! why what where how who when which what…

2. Share to help everyone?
To pay back a tiny bit of the intellectual deficit we all owe to histories heroes (the knowledge they created benefits us all because they shared it) share the knowledge that you know using twitter and link that to facebook and a blog so it is accessible to all.

3.Encourage everyone?
Encourage yourself and everyone all the time when they help us AND hinder us as both teach us different lessons and all anyone really wants is to feel like we are doing something good.

4. We are the web (not the machines:)?
Make sure you are using the web to help you most and that it is not impeding you by restricting your human skills/emotions/imagination (for example by forcing you to only write 140 characters or type in letters rather than draw images).

For more details about how best to use the web & social media tweet to @whymandesign

How can we use existing and future technology to find, prioritize and solve all human problems effectively & efficiently?

How can we find as many problems that need to be solved? Often we are just aware of a tiny section of the problems so think that our problems are important enough to worry about when there are far more people with way more serious problems that make our problems look insignificant. Can helping those with serious problems enable us all to have the happiest lives possible as those in need get help and the rest feel happier?

How can we prioritize human problems? Democratically vote on the most popular ones (which causes social ‘gaming’ just like in politics where a minority can be able to control the majority!) or other more efficient ways?

Is it not more effective to empower everyone to solve any problems they want to solve by providing them with the most innovative tools and techniques possible for free so they will them create solutions for free.

How can we solve human problems in the most effective ways possible?

Sharing solutions to human problems in open ways by using Open Source & Creative Commons means that everyone on the planet can use and contribute to any solution to human problems.

Enabling everyone to be more creative and innovative so we all can solve problems in new innovative ways. We can all be more creative and innovative but just need encouragement & inspiration to do so. Would you like help with this? Creative innovation can help solve so many problems and reinvent better solutions to existing problems can save lives, time & money.

Importantly making sure we are not causing more problems that we had when we started with bad solutions.
This can range from missing the wider picture or not reaching the potential of a technology/technique by the way it is actioned (the danger here is where we may not be aware of what we are missing so this could be a silent assassin).

How can we entertain, educate & empower anyone to help everyone using their skills & talents as effectively as possible?
Is simply giving away the knowledge and wisdom that we all have enough to give everyone the help we may need?
Why not share and give away your best knowledge or a video of someone else sharing their best knowledge at http://www.WEBiversity.org or your used books by making a free http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org in minutes? If you would like creative help in anything your doing do tweet to @whymandesign or find our facebook page. Everyone can benefit from creative innovation the key is to make everyone able to open mindedly imagine of what we all are missing out on by not doing so now.

Below are tweets on the subject. (check the happiness tweets below this lot too).

Can we use your spare #resource #time or #money to #save #lives & #help #all eg http://www.webiversity.org #rsa #os #gov #tedx #ted about 2 hours ago via txt

How to enable #everyone to #spend & #use #money #compassionately with #charity #gov #nfp #os http://www.webiversity.org #compassion Fri Jan 7 14:35:48 2011 via txt

Can #gov & #charity enable #up all to #work in #jobs we #love & that do #good with #nfp #os http://www.webiversity.org #bigsociety 2:34 PM Jan 7th via txt

Help Everyone make everyone happy?! It is possible and can be done using what we already have. Here are some tweets on the subject. Send your suggestions/comments to @whymandesign on Twitter.

@crowdSPRING @crowdcube @crisiscommons Want to make a #nfp #os #android & #Drupal #crowdfund & #crowdsource #app? @WEBiversity = #prototype

What is the easiest way to make yourself happy? Making others happy by giving them free knowledge/wisdom by emailing them a link to an inspiring video or sending them a book that inspired you?

If you would like to be sent a FREE RECYCLED BOOK please tweet a message to @trustlibrary or comment on the facebook group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=348867089849&v=info&ref=ts http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org

If you would like to share the BEST FREE VIDEO that you have seen on the web for others to enjoy tweet the message to @WEBiversity or comment on the facebook group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=352077702670 http://www.WEBiversity.org

How best to teach anyone to learn anything?

How best to spark the thirst for knowledge in anyone / everyone?

Maybe it is best to use open source learning tools.

For example how to be happy?

Being happy by getting pleasure form helping others?
This means that you make someone else happy which makes you happy so is a double positive.

How about turning ‘no’ into ‘yes’?

Would you like to work together to help everyone help everyone by creating a perfect job for yourself by setting up a free charity communications agency so ALL charities can have free communications (saving them money and enabling them to partner on communications strategies)? Or just want to use your skills to save lives!

If so tweet to @whymandesign saying what you want to do and what skills you have.

Do you know of any charities / partners that would be interested in this? E.G. http://www.WEBiversity.org uses free video to help all (We particularly would like to work with Programmers to enhance open source projects by reskinning software and enhancing UI/X Design:)

Ed http://www.WhymanDesign.com

Using the Internet for good or bad?

This is something everyone should be aware of so we can all work together to individually share and heighlight selfless good work and help the selfish to learn how being selfless helps everyone most.

The Internet, World Wide Web and social media (Inventions of any kind too e.g. TV/car) are infrastructure tools just like the telephone so can be used to amplify good or bad meems.

This is a MASSIVE area of danger as well as potential. Just like with any new idea / invention / creation the users and inventors / creators have to be aware of the positive and negative effects of using that new tool / technique

How best to enable the ‘good’ meems to be shared and grow using this medium compared to the ‘bad’ meems? Aggregating and organising information and data in a way that helps us all share good meems so we all benefit. For example information that enables us ALL to be happy all the time RIGHT NOW! http://www.WEBiversity.org has video sharing this.

Do help us develop http://www.WEBiversity.org to do this.

For example…

Why do organisations have a habit of doing one thing well but then missing the greater opportunities of adding to that success as they rest on their laurels? http://www.TRAIDmark.org helps solve this.

#Rules / #Game / #Meaning of #LIFE! = #42 #love #collaborate #innovate #selfless #os #cc #nfp #nesta #charity #bigsociety

FREE School 4 All…

How can i help you?
How can you help everyone?
Tweet your ideas to @whymandesign please an ill try to help!

What is the Meaning of life?!


What are the rules of life?
Have fun helping others?


Guidance for life?


what is the aim of the game of life?
To beat other people or for everyone to enjoy life by having fun by helping others?



Have Fun and help everyone have fun.
Do what your good at and don’t let anyone tell you you cant do something if you enjoy doing it.


What other life advice do you know?


Tweets about Helping everyone help everyone below. Share what you know or have seen with everyone by tweeting it or sharing on social networks.

What is the best way you know that everyone can help everyone easily? Sharing free knowledge to make anyone happy free?

Competitions is Dead, Long Live Collaboration

As the world is linked up the age old proven selfless collaboration techniques are proven to be more beneficial than then now out of date selfish competition techniques because reputation is in the hands of the social media populous (which is great for everyone so do not be scared:)

Selfishness people could only get away with it if they did not get caught (competitors, conman, robbers, thief’s, rapists, murderers… all have the same selfish motivation of beating others so they can get what they want).

The internet enables us all to…

A. Reward and share average, good and great work (Carrot)
B. (compassionately educate) Punish and ignore bad or worse behaviors just like the way you treat an immature child so they learn to play nicely (stick).

This is an AMAZINGLY exciting CULTURAL change that is already happening that we are all part of and can help enforce by..

A. Reporting a problem using open social tools such as Twitter & Facebook…
B. Suggest a solution when reporting the problem
C. And highlight people who are doing great work in any field

What are you doing already and how can I help you? What would you like to do? Tweet to @whymandesign and Ill creatively help enhance what your doing.

New ways of thinking as a global community of people wanting to be happy together.
(relearning the local community of friends, cultural mentality in an interlinked global community of friends of friends).

Now the World Wide Web has linked up the world using the Power of the Internet we can and should all think differently about how we interact for several reasons (actually rediscovering what humans/animals have done for 000,000′s of years before the industrial revolution created cities)!!!

You can help more people by GIVING away what you make so that the 000,000,000′s of people on this planet can use them (imagine how stupid it would be to keep something closed so that only 1 person could use it). This applies to everything (money, property, resources, ideas, data…). This selfless generosity has a knock on effect as it enables us all to continue reminding and teaching each other how great life CAN and IS when we help each other creating a spiral of

Charitably help anyone we see in difficulty be it anything from recording the problem on facebook/twitter to actively going out to help them (be it a homeless person or someone stuck in an office job for life).

Mobile phones are reinventing how we think again in the next wave of creative innovation.
Now we can interact with anyone in any way (video/voice/text/image…) ANYWHERE in the world.

This means that everyone can help everyone everywhere all the time! What are the most important things that need to be solved first? Education through entertainment? How about using existing free educational resources and share them for all free? http://www.WEBiversity.org

The Rules have changed…

The Collaboration Culture inherently encourages (through peer review so it is up to us all to HELP each other play as nicely as possible:)…

What fundamental or key areas are/not part of the Collaboration Culture that need to be included?
Democracy (or a better way of getting the ‘greatest happiness for the greatest number’ [or for EVERYONE])
Digital Equality

Collaborating on doing ‘good’ rather than being selfish in making ‘profit’.

Do you have to be charitable and selfless in order not to be ‘EVIL’ and therefore part of the problem that causes so much suffering in the world? All we have to do to be ‘EVIL’ is to be ignorant (to the fact that we do not know everything so have to have compassion and self doubt about all our beliefs in order to be Wise campared to those that race towards an objective rather than stopping to think if they want to ACTUALLY get to the objective and who they might hurt by getting there:)

http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how everyone can benefit by selfishly helping others with innovation compared to just trying to get rich.






Clay Shirky says that Cognitive Surplus will be the driving force of the next generation. If/as that is the case how can we all help each other to

A. enable everyone to use their cognitive surplus as much as possible

Can we enable everyone to do jobs where they use their brains to help everyone? The Gift economy proves this works.
Can we empower anyone to help others with free education? Should all broadcasts have some educational & empowering feature? Yes

http://www.webiveristy.org is one example of how anyone can help everyone using free technology.

B. What is the best way to maximise the outcome of this?

Everyone can share everything they do with everyone so instead of only 1 person benefiting everyone = 1,000,000,000,000+ can benefit. The Gift economy proves this works.

Anyone should be informed of the most important problems for the majority of people so they are able to concentrate on helping the most people the most effectively.

http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org is one example of how anyone can help everyone using free technology.


Help yourself by helping others? The more anyone helps others the more they make themselves feel happy and content! And the more unhappy/busy they are before they do this the better the outcome.

You can only do so much GOOD with your skills and time that you have to work with others to maximise you positive output by helping everyone to help everyone (most effectively by creatively innovating) so i / you / we all benefit in the immediate short and long term.

All anyone has to do is see the beauty in every second of life and help everyone they meet to develop and learn which instantly makes you happy so you go on to help even more people. There is no competition or race that needs to be won as you have already won the race just by being alive and enjoying the pleasure of breathing eating seeing…







http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how anyone can do this by creating your own enterprise as a not for profit that donates surplus funds into NEW creative innovation that benefits everyone. E.G. http://www.WEBiversity.org aims to organize the worlds educational content so everyone can learn for free while crowdsourcing & crowdfunding.

Who are the cultural heroes that selflessly help everyone by giving away free knowledge and wisdom to everyone effectively?

The Dalai lama?

Who else?

Can we help you enhance what your doing? Yes we can! would you like some help or a free experience that helps you enjoy life more and have more success?

How can we work with you to help everyone help everyone (And enjoy every second of life by reminding ourselves to relaxing and enjoy every moment of life by observing how beautiful every thing/emotion is).

What are you working on and what help do you need? Please tweet to @whymandesign
If your doing what you do in order to help others (and not just to get rich:) keep on doing it and collaborate with as many open minded people as possible.

May I help you? Would you like to help me?

I can help by adding value by creatively inventing, modifying or improving any/everything using Social / UX / UI / Design so 2+ problems can be solved with one solution.


Would you like to work with open minded people to create simple (innovative & Creative) solutions that can help as many people as possible and run as Charitable or Not For Profit organisations. e.g. organize free education for all using Drupal? Prototype at http://www.WEBiversity.org using the http://www.TRAIDmark.org FREE Business structure/model that anyone can use (Philanthropy COOP model:)




Help anyone make themselves happy instantly by reading the FREE BOOK and watching the video’s at http://www.WEBiversity.org What is the best way that you help others?

We are looking for programmers to help everyone help everyone using innovative re-uses of open source software to do this. If interested contact @whymandesign

Do help create free entertaining education for all with http://www.WEBiversity.org http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org

http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how anyone can enhance what they are doing for FREE by making themselves feel great by using surplus funds to donate to innovative charitable work. Do take the time to read and watch all the video’s as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000′s of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!
The question is do I/you want to (make yourself happy by) helping other people by providing the best service (so 000′s of other people can have better lives)? Or do you just want to make your own lonesome self rich by providing a worse service to others so 000′s of others lives are less good?

#How best to #spark the #thirst for #knowledge & #happiness by #teaching #learners #os #cc #nfp #nesta #charity #bigsociety

How best to teach anyone to learn anything?

How best to spark the thirst for knowledge in anyone / everyone?
Maybe it is best to use open source learning tools.

For example how to be happy?

Being happy by getting pleasure form helping others?
This means that you make someone else happy which makes you happy so is a double positive.

How about turning ‘no’ into ‘yes’?
Would you like to work together to help everyone help everyone by creating a perfect job for yourself by setting up a free charity communications agency so ALL charities can have free communications (saving them money and enabling them to partner on communications strategies)? Or just want to use your skills to save lives!

If so tweet to @whymandesign saying what you want to do and what skills you have.

Do you know of any charities / partners that would be interested in this? E.G. http://www.WEBiversity.org uses free video to help all (We particularly would like to work with Programmers to enhance open source projects by reskinning software and enhancing UI/X Design:)

Ed http://www.WhymanDesign.com
Using the Internet for good or bad?

This is something everyone should be aware of so we can all work together to individually share and heighlight selfless good work and help the selfish to learn how being selfless helps everyone most.

The Internet, World Wide Web and social media (Inventions of any kind too e.g. TV/car) are infrastructure tools just like the telephone so can be used to amplify good or bad meems.

This is a MASSIVE area of danger as well as potential. Just like with any new idea / invention / creation the users and inventors / creators have to be aware of the positive and negative effects of using that new tool / technique

How best to enable the ‘good’ meems to be shared and grow using this medium compared to the ‘bad’ meems? Aggregating and organising information and data in a way that helps us all share good meems so we all benefit. For example information that enables us ALL to be happy all the time RIGHT NOW! http://www.WEBiversity.org has video sharing this.

Do help us develop http://www.WEBiversity.org to do this.

For example…

Why do organisations have a habit of doing one thing well but then missing the greater opportunities of adding to that success as they rest on their laurels? http://www.TRAIDmark.org helps solve this.
#Rules / #Game / #Meaning of #LIFE! = #42 #love #collaborate #innovate #selfless #os #cc #nfp #nesta #charity #bigsociety

FREE School 4 All…

How can i help you?
How can you help everyone?
Tweet your ideas to @whymandesign please an ill try to help!

What is the Meaning of life?!
What are the rules of life?
Have fun helping others?

Guidance for life?

what is the aim of the game of life?
To beat other people or for everyone to enjoy life by having fun by helping others?


Have Fun and help everyone have fun.
Do what your good at and don’t let anyone tell you you cant do something if you enjoy doing it.




What other life advice do you know?


Tweets about Helping everyone help everyone below. Share what you know or have seen with everyone by tweeting it or sharing on social networks.

What is the best way you know that everyone can help everyone easily? Sharing free knowledge to make anyone happy free?

Competitions is Dead, Long Live Collaboration

As the world is linked up the age old proven selfless collaboration techniques are proven to be more beneficial than then now out of date selfish competition techniques because reputation is in the hands of the social media populous (which is great for everyone so do not be scared:)

Selfishness people could only get away with it if they did not get caught (competitors, conman, robbers, thief’s, rapists, murderers… all have the same selfish motivation of beating others so they can get what they want).

The internet enables us all to…

A. Reward and share average, good and great work (Carrot)
B. (compassionately educate) Punish and ignore bad or worse behaviors just like the way you treat an immature child so they learn to play nicely (stick).
This is an AMAZINGLY exciting CULTURAL change that is already happening that we are all part of and can help enforce by..

A. Reporting a problem using open social tools such as Twitter & Facebook…
B. Suggest a solution when reporting the problem
C. And highlight people who are doing great work in any field

What are you doing already and how can I help you? What would you like to do? Tweet to @whymandesign and Ill creatively help enhance what your doing.

New ways of thinking as a global community of people wanting to be happy together.
(relearning the local community of friends, cultural mentality in an interlinked global community of friends of friends).

Now the World Wide Web has linked up the world using the Power of the Internet we can and should all think differently about how we interact for several reasons (actually rediscovering what humans/animals have done for 000,000′s of years before the industrial revolution created cities)!!!

You can help more people by GIVING away what you make so that the 000,000,000′s of people on this planet can use them (imagine how stupid it would be to keep something closed so that only 1 person could use it). This applies to everything (money, property, resources, ideas, data…). This selfless generosity has a knock on effect as it enables us all to continue reminding and teaching each other how great life CAN and IS when we help each other creating a spiral of

Charitably help anyone we see in difficulty be it anything from recording the problem on facebook/twitter to actively going out to help them (be it a homeless person or someone stuck in an office job for life).

Mobile phones are reinventing how we think again in the next wave of creative innovation.
Now we can interact with anyone in any way (video/voice/text/image…) ANYWHERE in the world.

This means that everyone can help everyone everywhere all the time! What are the most important things that need to be solved first? Education through entertainment? How about using existing free educational resources and share them for all free? http://www.WEBiversity.org
The Rules have changed…

The Collaboration Culture inherently encourages (through peer review so it is up to us all to HELP each other play as nicely as possible:)…
What fundamental or key areas are/not part of the Collaboration Culture that need to be included?
Democracy (or a better way of getting the ‘greatest happiness for the greatest number’ [or for EVERYONE])
Digital Equality

Collaborating on doing ‘good’ rather than being selfish in making ‘profit’.

Do you have to be charitable and selfless in order not to be ‘EVIL’ and therefore part of the problem that causes so much suffering in the world? All we have to do to be ‘EVIL’ is to be ignorant (to the fact that we do not know everything so have to have compassion and self doubt about all our beliefs in order to be Wise campared to those that race towards an objective rather than stopping to think if they want to ACTUALLY get to the objective and who they might hurt by getting there:)

http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how everyone can benefit by selfishly helping others with innovation compared to just trying to get rich.


Clay Shirky says that Cognitive Surplus will be the driving force of the next generation. If/as that is the case how can we all help each other to

A. enable everyone to use their cognitive surplus as much as possible

Can we enable everyone to do jobs where they use their brains to help everyone? The Gift economy proves this works.
Can we empower anyone to help others with free education? Should all broadcasts have some educational & empowering feature? Yes

http://www.webiveristy.org is one example of how anyone can help everyone using free technology.
B. What is the best way to maximise the outcome of this?

Everyone can share everything they do with everyone so instead of only 1 person benefiting everyone = 1,000,000,000,000+ can benefit. The Gift economy proves this works.

Anyone should be informed of the most important problems for the majority of people so they are able to concentrate on helping the most people the most effectively.

http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org is one example of how anyone can help everyone using free technology.

Help yourself by helping others? The more anyone helps others the more they make themselves feel happy and content! And the more unhappy/busy they are before they do this the better the outcome.

You can only do so much GOOD with your skills and time that you have to work with others to maximise you positive output by helping everyone to help everyone (most effectively by creatively innovating) so i / you / we all benefit in the immediate short and long term.

All anyone has to do is see the beauty in every second of life and help everyone they meet to develop and learn which instantly makes you happy so you go on to help even more people. There is no competition or race that needs to be won as you have already won the race just by being alive and enjoying the pleasure of breathing eating seeing…


http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how anyone can do this by creating your own enterprise as a not for profit that donates surplus funds into NEW creative innovation that benefits everyone. E.G. http://www.WEBiversity.org aims to organize the worlds educational content so everyone can learn for free while crowdsourcing & crowdfunding.

Who are the cultural heroes that selflessly help everyone by giving away free knowledge and wisdom to everyone effectively?

The Dalai lama?

Who else?

Can we help you enhance what your doing? Yes we can! would you like some help or a free experience that helps you enjoy life more and have more success?

How can we work with you to help everyone help everyone (And enjoy every second of life by reminding ourselves to relaxing and enjoy every moment of life by observing how beautiful every thing/emotion is).

What are you working on and what help do you need? Please tweet to @whymandesign

If your doing what you do in order to help others (and not just to get rich:) keep on doing it and collaborate with as many open minded people as possible.

May I help you? Would you like to help me?

I can help by adding value by creatively inventing, modifying or improving any/everything using Social / UX / UI / Design so 2+ problems can be solved with one solution.


Would you like to work with open minded people to create simple (innovative & Creative) solutions that can help as many people as possible and run as Charitable or Not For Profit organisations. e.g. organize free education for all using Drupal? Prototype at http://www.WEBiversity.org

About Whymandesign

Creative Social Media Manager. May I creatively help enhance your work with you? I create and enhance innovative products and services using new techniques and technology. I understand the potential of productions that: entertain, educate and empower and are always looking to work with forward thinking partners. http://www.WHYmanDESIGN.com

Posted on January 8, 2014, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 20 Comments.

  1. Pingback: How to save our startups/software/society/climate as all problems can be solved with the web!? | Whymandesign Creative Innovation

  2. Pingback: How to save our startups/software/society/climate as all problems can be solved with the web!? | UGCunion.org

  3. Pingback: How to save our startups/software/society/climate as all problems can be solved with the web!? | Webiversity.org

  4. Pingback: What are the best Christmas gifts?… A future as bright as we choose to think/imagine?… And we can solve all problems right now?! | UGCunion.org

  5. Pingback: What are the best Christmas gifts?… A future as bright as we choose to think/imagine?… And we can solve all problems right now?! | Whymandesign Creative Innovation

  6. Pingback: What are the best Christmas gifts?… A future as bright as we choose to think/imagine?… And we can solve all problems right now?! | Webiversity.org

  7. Pingback: 10 ways to solve all problems right now?!… We are the present/future we want as we become what we think/do!? | Whymandesign Creative Innovation

  8. Pingback: 10 ways to solve all problems right now?!… We are the present/future we want as we become what we think/do!? | UGCunion.org

  9. Pingback: 10 ways to solve all problems right now?!… We are the present/future we want as we become what we think/do!? | Webiversity.org

  10. Pingback: Are we solving all problems by automating pay it forward & using the different supercomputers in everyones heads? | Whymandesign Creative Innovation

  11. Pingback: Are we solving all problems by automating pay it forward & using the different supercomputers in everyones heads? | UGCunion.org

  12. Pingback: Are we solving all problems by automating pay it forward & using the different supercomputers in everyone heads? | Webiversity.org

  13. Pingback: Yes we are… 15 + ways to solve all problems with social media?! EG Crowdfunding: climate change, ageing, health, happiness, AI & the singularity?! | Webiversity.org

  14. Pingback: Yes we are… 15 + ways to solve all problems with social media?! EG Crowdfunding: climate change, ageing, health, happiness, AI & the singularity?! | Whymandesign Creative Innovation

  15. Pingback: Yes we are… 15 + ways to solve all problems with social media?! EG Crowdfunding: climate change, ageing, health, happiness, AI & the singularity?! | UGCunion.org

  16. Pingback: Helping you solve problems creatively as almost all startups fail?! | Whymandesign Creative Innovation

  17. Pingback: How to solve any problem with crowdfunding? | Whymandesign Creative Innovation

  18. Pingback: How to solve any problem with mindfulness, psychology, infographics & Future Predictions? | UGCunion.org

  19. Pingback: How to solve any problem with mindfulness, psychology, infographics & Future Predictions? | Whymandesign Creative Innovation

  20. Pingback: Win the most expensive & cheapest gift in the world (Life/tech safety first aid)! | Webiversity.org

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