Yes we are… 15 + ways to solve all problems with social media?! EG Crowdfunding: climate change, ageing, health, happiness, AI & the singularity?!

What problems do we want to solve first as the web and crowdfunding are enabling us to solve all problems. EG sharing everything as this solves most problems locally in sustainable ways EG & … have already succeeded in doing.

Note: Below are a few thoughts on how we can solve all problems together in a kind of open letter. If you would like to help do this without taking up too much time and share other great work do add me via Facebook and contact as many simple startups can be created (and many failed startups saved) using new and existing open source software & techniques.

A. Do you want the good news or the bad news (first)? Are you an optimists or pessimist…? As everyone is either an optimist or pessimist (and it is relative to and effected by those you mix with) the key is to concentrate on the main problems that link everything and solve them with (often simple) solutions that can be acted on right now using the web by crowdfunding everything responsibly. We are all equal/different but some think they are more equal/different than others?! #KnowThyself

B. Yes we can… But how best to solve problems sustainably & responsibly? EG Universal Basic Income & Free (as in fruit on a tree) Money
How best to support and fund everyone to solve all problems sustainably in new and proven ways? Is the best way to look at the existing ways we all contribute to the true sharing economy with social actions and scale them with existing open source technology responsibly? EG could responsible organisations or government budgets be used to crowd/fund everyone or a universal income be used to help everyone solve problems while providing for everyone as computers continue to take over all jobs? Just one example of how this could be started is to print money to pay for aid right now that will save lives of those in extreme poverty! During the financial crisis, the central banks of the United States, United Kingdom and Japan created $3.7 trillion in order to buy assets and encourage investors to do the same. Michael Metcalfe offers a shocking idea: could these same central banks print money to ensure they stay on track with their goals for global aid? Without risking inflation? What are the best Christmas gifts?… A future as bright as we choose to think/imagine?… And we can solve all problems right now?!

If we all laugh at everyones differences in respectful ways then everyone can learn how amazing the diverse nature of our planet has always been… International Guidelines for Problem Solving like Two Cows Jokes Infographic by Jerome Vadon 3.0 Update

C. As climate change is happening faster then predicted and all jobs are already being taken by computers, everything will have to be reinvented to save everyone from the “perfect storm” of global warming and aging/mental/health that are all interlinked!? How to help everyone survive and thrive right now and as everything continually escalates & reinvents leading up to the singularity?! As all problems are being solves and all jobs will be replaced by robots (eg from blacksmiths to drivers to journalists and dare we say lawyers/politicians) how best to help everyone survive and thrive? Will we do whatever it takes to solve climate change? How to save our startups/software/society/climate as all problems can be solved with the web!?

D. Stop what your doing for a second and look at how far the web has brought us and imagine how much further it will clearly take us as we all become connected and able to help everyone in simple proven ways. What are the best ways to enhance everything especially out of date structures such as human resources, jobs and the hiring processes that restrict everyone and damage everyone by forcing humans to conform rather than solve problems in ways that benefit everyone? As we become what we think, how best to remind everyone to openly love everyone (as life is an adventure not a competition)!?

E. Hacking the 80/20 Rule to make it the 99/1 rule!? Ninety-nine percent of everything appears to be a relative waste of time (or missed opportunity) as the one percent of successes/progress affects everyone the most. How to solve the human addiction to the fashion of change/cycle/isms that confuse everyone into settling for mediocrity?How best to ignore the 99% of news/social/noise/spam that takes up and wastes everyones time/money/lives the most? Are we solving all problems by automating pay it forward & using the different supercomputers in everyones heads?

F. As there are many people that are cleverer than you or I in all the different specialisms with more experience, how best to help them solve all problems in the most responsible ways? Is the best way to crowdfund everything so they we all can escape from the finance/cultural things holding everyone back? For example how can people like Tim Berners-Lee who invented the World Wide Web building a web for open, linked data that could do for numbers what the Web did for words, pictures, video: unlock our data and reframe the way we use it together. Stop, Collaborate and listen… Top 10+ Infographics to enhance any day (and solve any problems EG by Paying it Forward;)

G. How best to help the 1% solve all problems? What are the best ways to enhance all funds in sustainable investment so all finance & resources are used to help everyone responsibly & most actively EG invest in startups that solve problems? What are the best ways to help everyone learn to solve all problems by mastering the supercomputer in their head? Is the best way to help everyone to learn to become aware of their ego and the human vices so we can solve all problems just by learning to enjoy what we all have right now? Are we the future… but not as we know it…

H. How your personality type dictates your life success/love/happiness/riches!
Are you an explorer, builder, leader or teacher? Explorers connect & date best with explorers! Builders connect & date best with builders! Leaders connect and date best with teachers/carers as opposites attract and vica versa! What are the benefits and weaknesses of each type of learning & personality type and how best can they learn from and support each other to benefit everyone the most? 5+ Infographics to brighten any day/startup by sharing & sticking to any fridge/screen/wall?

I. Generation gaps in imagination & expectation management?
As our grandparents ended global warfare and our parents ended sexism/racism… how can we continue to evolve so we solve all other overlooked/ignored problems such as mental health, security and extreme poverty as everyone will have a mobile connected to the web? 10 ways to solve all problems right now?!… We are the present/future we want as we become what we think/do!?

J. How best to inspire and empower everyone to solve the most important problems every day?
Is the best way to sustainably crowdfund everything and share them in responsible open ways every day to remind everyone to enjoy every second and love everyone selflessly? Are we solving all problems by automating pay it forward & using the different supercomputers in everyones heads?

K. Are you a Unicorn, Leprechaun, Vampire, Minion, Phoenix or just one half of a Two Cows joke?
How best to open all Unicorns in order to save them from becoming Lepracauns or Vampires (by conformist minions that follow the herd/fashion) like a Phoen while understanding the childish politics of the human condition via Two Cows and other jokes?

L. Open Unicorns could already have saved the world!
Who are the best people to talk to in all Unicorns such as Wikimedia, Mozilla Firefox, Ted, Wellcome Trust about enhancing their product & service as they all can be improved all the time to solve all problems just by crowdfunding everything? Are we solving all problems by automating pay it forward & using the different supercomputers in everyones heads?

M. Can Diagnosing the 1% that are psychopaths or sociopaths & 99% that are minions solve all problems?
What are the best ways to help everyone self diagnose different mental health talents and (past/present/future) problems such as emotional and physical bullying/abuse in schools/work/home that effect many people? What about helping diagnose the one percent of people that are psychopaths and the jobs that actively reward them while harming others (psychopaths have superficial charm, pathological lying and a lack of remorse and empathy)?! 10 ways to solve all problems right now?!… We are the present/future we want as we become what we think/do!?

N. 6 Personality Type Disorders Diagnosed by the Internet?! From Trolls to Grammer Nazis…
Could extreme personality types be causing many of the world problems as individuals obsess about specific things rather than enjoying every moment and loving everyone? How best to help everyone self diagnose the personality type and disorders they have (and have compassion for everyone)? The best way to save your time and deal with most problems caused by trolls to grammer nazis… is to ignore them and move on to something more interesting. Why not try sharing infographics to help everyone self diagnose and relax to enjoy every moment? 5+ Infographics to brighten any day/startup by sharing & sticking to any fridge/screen/wall?

O. How will Artificial Intelligence save us (and can we not just solve problems now with new ideas)?
Mark Zuckerberg says we have a ten year countdown to solve most problems before Artificial Intelligence that is created/owned by large organisations starts to solve them! How best to do this responsibly?

P. Also lets save everyone from ageing and dying right now as the knowledge is probably already out there…
How best to slow ageing using existing drugs or finding simple new solutions that have been trialled in mice? one way is to use donated blood from a young person as this restores most cells in a human body! Also non evasive cures to Alzheimers already exist?!

Q. How to solve the obesity epidemic that is happening right now with proven free techniques (and maybe save those that are starving too)?
What are the simplest proven ways that we can solve the obesity epidemic? Are the best ways to use age old proven techniques such as eating uncooked vegetables as they are low is sugar, salt and fat. This can be done simply by eating chopped carrots/cuccumbers… and they taste great. Also how about eating mostly fat to loose weight?!

R. What are the best ways to help everyone pay fair tax right now as this can then pay to solve most problems?
What are the best ways to reinvent taxation using proven old and new techniques that benefit everyone? Is the best way to make everyone pay tax locally in each country and make all spending transparent so everyone can see where the funds go and how to make the most of them. EG could Government spending be used to prevent future problems right now in very cheap ways such as solving Obesity, ageing and climate change with crowdfunding? 10+ best charity apps & 20+ Startup ideas that matter & 50+ best crowdfunding platforms to help everyone fund social change?

As everything is a process (and a learning event) where on this chart are you? The transition cycle by Eoslifework.

Open Startups or UN Startups & Open Life… (Free Funding or Universal Income for anyone!)

A. As the internet connects everyone how best to help everyone solve all problems together responsibly (as we are all standing on the shoulders of giants and will all perish if climate change escalates)?!

B. Is the best way to help everyone learn to become selfless as we have evolved and learned to develop from the selfish egotistical individual/gene to the selfless networked community/genes?

C. What are the best ways to help everyone instantly solve any/all problems right now (as the internet enables us to do this)? Is the best way to enable everyone to share everything automatically?

D. What are the best ways to help everyone collaborate making the most of the many different personality and learning styles? Which one are you and how do you & the web empower & interact with the other types?

Open Startup / UN Startup

What are the best ways to help everyone create their own UN-Startup and help open up all startups so they serve everyone and not just a select few? Is the best way to solve any/all problems with open source not for profit UN Startups EG the WEB, Pay It Forward, Free Hugs, Wikipedia, Mozilla…? 10+ best charity apps & 20+ Startup ideas that matter & 50+ best crowdfunding platforms to help everyone fund social change?

What are the best ways to help everyone create their own selfless UN startups so they remain open? Is the best way to help everyone create their own free Open UN Startup to share everything with everyone from free education to free discounts so anyone can create a selfless bootstrapped startup or hack on their own or at a Barcamp, Hackcamp or Hackathon? Eg Give and Get one million Dollars/Pounds/Yen/Bitcoin… to spend on a startup that solves an important problem… Get & give $1,000,000 free for Christmas and every other no/religious holiday or birthday

Open Life

What are the best ways to help everyone make the most of life with open free techniques and technology that can benefit everyone?

Open Life List?(what else should be added)
1. Share everything so everyone benefits with a cumulative sum gain EG Pay It Forward… 5+ Infographics to brighten any day/startup by sharing & sticking to any fridge/screen/wall?
2. Love Everyone including yourself as this makes everyone happier EG give Free Hugs… Stop, Collaborate and listen… Top 10+ Infographics to enhance any day (and solve any problems EG by Paying it Forward;)
3. Everyone has all that they need, we all just need to remind ourselves of what we already have EG Mindfulness
4. Every problem can be solved by proven techniques (often simple psychology that is overlooked) that have been around for many years EG Have Fun & Do Good Free techniques to solve any problem right now so you have fun and do good as we are all amazing and flawed and have all we need by sharing everything responsibly
5…. Stop, Collaborate and listen… Top 10+ Infographics to enhance any day (and solve any problems EG by Paying it Forward;)

Free UN/Open Startup Funds for Everyone…

1. Bootstrap what your doing using existing open source software at almost no cost.
2. Crowdfund everything as a not for profit (but if you need any help google everything and contact
3. Share what you learn and also what you do not need with everyone… Free techniques to solve any problem right now so you have fun and do good as we are all amazing and flawed and have all we need by sharing everything responsibly
4. Here is just one source for free funds for any open/UN Startup… Get & give $1,000,000 free for Christmas and every other no/religious holiday or birthday
5. Just one example of how printing money for good could be started is to print money to pay for innovation that solves aid problems right now that will save lives of those in extreme poverty! During the financial crisis, the central banks of the United States, United Kingdom and Japan created $3.7 trillion in order to buy assets and encourage investors to do the same. Michael Metcalfe offers a shocking idea: could these same central banks print money to ensure they stay on track with their goals for global aid? Without risking inflation?

Open Future

What are the best ways to help everyone contribute to and make the most of the past, present and future innovations that will effect everyone?

What other simple and free techniques and technologies can we all use right now to solve any/all problems? Eg Quantative Easing and printing money to solve all aid problems and funding? Why NOT?!

How to prevent the “tragedy of the commons” with proven techniques that have been used for thousands of years? EG Open accountability…

What do we already all share for free in an open decentralised way?
1. We all share the air we breath.
2. We all share the climate we live in.
3. We all share the planet that we live on.
4. We all share the knowledge that we have/use.
5. We all share the water that we need to live.
6. We all share the plants/animals that we use to live.
7. We all share the music/sounds that we enjoy in life.
8. We all share the fashions/trends/jokes/gossip/fads that we use for entertainment.
9. … Open Awards & 50+ ways we can open everything to solve all problems?

Open Human Timeline

1. As we all are standing on the shoulders of giants, using free and open techniques created by many geniuses in the past, how best to help everyone share and build on this openly? EG sharing everything openly with a Pay It Forward mentality making everyone happy and sharing free things exponentially…

2. What can we learn from the past and do in the future and right now?!
A. What have we learned from the past…? EG achieved respect for everyone by ending sexism, racism, homophobia, Mental & Health ism…
B. What can we do better right now…? EG solve current stigmas such as mental and physical health as it effects everyone and solving the psychology of mental health can help humans solve all problems.
C. What can/could/should/would we do better in the near future…? Eg solve aging/disease/pollution and enhance responsible education for everyone.
D. What will be possible in the far future (as/when we solve/end aging)…?! EG Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns that we dont know about yet!
E. More on human/society timelines/predictions at

3. What are the best free techniques to solve any/all problems?
As the internet links everyone everywhere with almost all free knowledge how best to help everyone share and add to this responsibly? Is the best way to responsibly concentrate on the positive open and free solutions to problems that effect everyone? EG Open Free Education so everyone can learn to master their own mind/ego so we all learn to enjoy living selflessly in the moment and making everyone happy by helping others?

Open Organisation Design

What are the best proven techniques to enhance any startup, charity, government or company?

1. Open Source all technology so that everyone can collaborate on improving and sharing it.
2. Run any organisation as a charity (or owned by a charity) so you save lives with every pound/dollar of profit and you get richer with increased performance pay created by the massive goodwill boost this creates.
3. Collaborate with as many other organisations that are doing good so everyone mutually benefits.
4. Enable anyone to create their own new open source charity run startup that solves problems effectively…
5. …

What is wrong with the world right now (eg climate change, inequality, sexism…)?
If we (the west and anyone earning over $1/20 a day) are the one percent and if we have all the money, resources, ideas and talent why have we not solved all the worlds problems yet? How best to help everyone do this EG crowdfunding everything with open source solutions?

Over history humanity has constantly sped up solving more and more problems and this trend looks like it will continue faster and faster with the internet, artificial intelligence and the singularity… &

How to solve every problem right now by crowdfunding everything?

How best to crowdfund the best existing and new solutions to every problem?
As crowdfunding enables everyone to fund and collaborate on solving every problem (without any organisations) how best to help everyone do this? Is the best way to collaborate on solving the most important problems in local ways so everyone can be freed up to work on even more problems?

We are all equal/different but some think they are more equal/different than others?!

Can we solve everything by searching then sharing everything… EG Pay It Forward Squared…

A. As we have everything we need right now on the web how best to solve all problems? EG searching and sharing everything…

How best to ignore selfish pessimists/trolls problems but listen and share the selfless optimists/helpers solutions as we all become what you think?!

Human life, society and desires have not changed much for thousands of years but everything around us has been reinvented continually leading up to the singularity!

B. The future has always been brighter than we expect and better than we imagine!

Many individual breakthroughs that we all take for granted have solved most problems in the past ranging from: peace to farming to taming fire to vaccinations to Penicillin to the internet to sharing/loving everyone to the singularity…

In the next few years we will break many boundaries with simple proven advances in existing computer technology (like the web has already done).
The Dawn of the Singularity by Ray Kurzweil (the Director of Engineering at Google) in his book The Singularity is Near (he has made 147 predictions and has an astonishing 86% accuracy rate). More predictions about the singularity in our lifetime…

C. Everything has (and will continue) to be hacked/reinvented as that is the way humans have always evolved everything so how best to help everyone enhance this safely?

As humans want to help everyone (unless your a psychopath or mis-educated) and the social web links everyone right now how best to do this?

In the next 15 years human & artificial intelligence will evolve to solve most problems in new ways without past human failings EG selfishness!
Find the full infographic with more details at

D. 7 ways to solve all problems right now?

1. Love everyone as life is an adventure not a competition and we have all won just by existing/enjoying what we have.

2. Search for anything as no one knows everything and often there are multiple answers.

3. Share everything responsibly as no one is perfect and we all need a little help to learn more.

4. How best to help all organisations continually evolve responsibly to serve everyone best (as they could solve all problems right now!)?

5. Are most Unicorns actually Leprechauns in disguise?! Crowdfunding & bootstraping everything is better than bounty hunting?
If we don’t invest but share free and open software we can solve all problems just as the open web is doing/evolving every second.
Also here is a nice piece by Tucker Max on stopping angel investing

6. We all can be president of any country or company together (as they are often more powerful than countries) with open governance?

7. More on predictions about the future by proven futurists!

Can we help your team solve all problems with crowdfunding? More at eg

Also here are 8 Predictions for the Next 10 Years: The World in 2025 By Peter Diamandis from Singularity University…

Are we the future/present we want as we become what we think/do!?

The web links & makes everyone accountable so enhances the way we live/interact.

What are the best ways to enhance the web/society as everyone acts more socially/selflessly leading up to the singularity?
EG Crowdfunding everything

The History of Opportunity from theft to trade to abundance by Anna Vital from Founders and Funders.
Imagine what small improvements will happen in the next few years that will help solve all problems if your a practical optimist EG Meditation and passing it forward…

What are the 10 best ways to solve any/all problems today?!

Below are just a few ways we all can solve any problems right now. There are many more on the web and even more to be invented/discovered in the next few years…

A. How to create the best/perfect present/future right now? What is the best present/future that we all want? Is lifes aim just to become happy by sharing everything responsibly? As we become what we think, how best to remind everyone to openly love everyone (as life is an adventure not a competition)!?

B. Save our startups as every one is in danger of Founder Syndrome (and worse)! How to help/manage the wild west of startups/internet so they benefits everyone the most rather than a select few? How to save our startups/software/society/climate as all problems can be solved with the web!?

C. Yes we can solve all problems today?! What simple ways are there to solve all problems right now EG Printing money for aid (quantitative easing for aid rather than for banks/liquidity)

D. What are the best ways to add value to everything to benefit everyone? EG 1. companies and individuals paying tax in each country that they make the wealth from and 2. putting adverts on wikipedia (or on every website you visit) so the funds are used to solve all problems in sustainable and scalable ways)

E. Automate everything?! What are the best ways to automate anything/news sustainably as innovative not for profits to solve all problems? Is the best way to enhance the existing organisations such as Wikimedia and Mozilla so the web can be open and free for everyone? 10+ best charity apps & 20+ Startup ideas that matter & 50+ best crowdfunding platforms to help everyone fund social change?

F. AI will save us (from human failure/ignorance)?! How has Artificial Intelligence already started to save humanity (from itself) and what future problems/innovations will it solve? Are we the future… but not as we know it…

G. Open Everything?! What are the best ways to inspire/encourage/force organisations to innovate so they solve problems rather than harming everyone by sitting in the status quo? Is the best way to crowdfund everything responsibly…? 10+ ways to max your time/love/life in 30 seconds

H. Hack Everything (for good-ish)?! What are the best ways to help everyone Life Hack to improve everyones lives so we can all be happier? Stop, Collaborate and listen… Top 10+ Infographics to enhance any day (and solve any problems EG by Paying it Forward;)

I. Save every Artist (everyone is an artist)?! How best to save, support and enhance the artist, inventors and hackers that most often are the unheard of heroes and heroines that have solved most of the past, present and future problems? EG provide free techniques so they/everyone can survive while doing what they love…? A-Z of life?! The Best Things In Life are Free But Have Some Free Money?! You Become What you Choose to Think?!

J. Every problem has already been solved?! What are the best ways we can all solve any problem in sustainable scalable ways as well as paying it forward squared? What are the best Christmas gifts?… A future as bright as we choose to think/imagine?… And we can solve all problems right now?!

If you are interested in helping with these and more using existing open source software please contact

How best to inspire everyone to enjoy every second of life by doing what they love and giving it away?!…

EG sharing the best free content…

3 ways to hack everything by hacking life and hacking happiness as that solves all problems?!

Does hacking happiness solve all problems as being grateful and helping others makes everyone happy?

A. What good is gratitude and the ways gratitude can enhance everyones lives?

B. How to start meditating to master/mazimise your mind/life/happiness?!

C. 10 ways to enhance anyone’s life and make everyone happier/healthier for free!

A. What would be the best free gift to give and get this Christmas or no/religious holiday/birthday?

What would you pay/give to get an extra ten years of life and to make your life even happier/healthier plus find/do what you love every day?

1. Is the best gift a healthier/happier/longer life created by giving in ways that benefit everyone? What are the best ways to do this as well as paying/passing it forward with free acts of kindness every day? Top 10+ Infographics to enhance any day (and solve any problems EG by Paying it Forward;)

2. What are the best ways to reuse/reduce/recycle/upcycle all gifts/presents? Here is last years free Christmas present that anyone can make, give and get. Over $500,000,000.00 worth of free gifts/perks have been given already making this almost (half way) a Billion Dollar free gift giveaway (that makes it almost a Unicorn free giveaway for everyone). Give & Get One Million Dollars worth of free gifts for Christmas and every other no/religious holiday or birthday (please pay/pass it forward)

3. What are the best ways to give health and happiness (purpose & passion) that will lead to 10+ years of extra life?!
As what you think/do is what you become how best to help everyone enhance their physical health and mental heath? 10+ ways to maximise your time/love/life in 30 seconds & A-Z of Life! The best things in life are free so have some free Money as you become what you choose to think!

B. As the future is as bright as we choose to think/imagine, what are the best ways to solve all problems right now?!

As everyone has all they need right now, how best to help anyone make the most of every second by paying it forward to benefit everyone?

Future timeline showing mainstream innovations leading up to the singularity

1. Mind-boggling future predictions for the Next 25 years leading up to the singularity by Google’s genius futurist Ray Kurzweil!
What are the best ways to help everyone make the most of and protect everyone from current and future innovations right now EG Artificial Intelligence solving all problems and helping everyone solve all problems right now using crowdfunding and the open web?

2. 9 shocking future predictions for life in the 2040s after the technological singularity and beyond!!!
What are the best ways to enable everyone to maximise the use of all open technology so the singularity can link up everyone in safe open responsible ways to supercomputers that could exceed everyones expectations?

3. Are we the future… but not as we know it (as everyone has all we need by sharing/mindfulness/psychology)?
What are the best ways to help everyone learn free techniques so that everyone can make themselves and everyone around them happier by taking the time to enjoy every second of life and gain happiness by giving selflessly and responsibly/sustainably?

4. As we become what we think, how best to remind everyone to openly love everyone (as life is an adventure not a competition)!?What are the best ways to help everyone learn about everyones different learning styles and the many different hidden mental diss/abilities that everyone has?

5. How to save our startups/software/society/climate as all problems can be solved with the web!?
What are the best ways to openly save/share everything as sharing existing knowledge can solve all problems EG mindfulness?

6. Why I stopped sngel investing (or crowdfunding?) and you should never start by Tucker Max!
What are the best ways to responsibly and openly enhance and save all finance/savings/government given that everything can be disrupted/reinvented with new techniques/technology?

C. How can we make the most of the exponential Growth of Computing towards the singularity in the next 15-30 years?!

1. Imagine what a computer could do once it become “cleverer” than the most “ignorant” then “enlightened” and finally all human brains (we probably can not imagine this but can take rough guesses)? Humanity/life has progressed in an exponential way in the long run with short term crashes/disasters in the circle of life as humans forget/ignore the lessons for the past so will probably continue in the future. What can we learn from humanity and the web’s evolution about “Life the Universe and Everything” (and human psychology)?

2. Computers (and living computers such as pets/animals) are already “smarter” than humans in many different ways ranging from the humble Casio calculator that can do calculations faster than any human to animals that can smell cancer (or just give what we perceive to be unconditional love as a pet dog… erm probably not from pet cats!).

3. How best to make Artificial Intelligence and all future technology accountable as power corrupts?
Is the best way to hold humans to account to make everything open so all humans & AI are accountable by peer pressure and critique? What is the best way to make every human and AI accountable automatically in a safe way given that most content is already online in open/closed track-able ways?

4. What are the best ways to use Quantative Easing or to print money for good? One way could be to print money to pay for innovation that solves aid problems right now that will save lives of those in extreme poverty! During the financial crisis, the central banks of the United States, United Kingdom and Japan created $3.7 trillion in order to buy assets and encourage investors to do the same. Michael Metcalfe offers a shocking idea: could these same central banks print money to ensure they stay on track with their goals for global aid? Without risking inflation?

5. How can we all help the expert all around the world that are thinking many steps ahead of us all about the future? For example people like Tim Berners-Lee who invented the World Wide Web building a web for open, linked data that could do for numbers what the Web did for words, pictures, video: unlock our data and reframe the way we use it together.

What are the best simple ways to create free gifts that benefit everyone in seconds right now?! What free gift can you give to everyone and/or someone that has everything?!
Why not also up-cycle any/all unwanted and used gifts/books by giving them away for example by making your own free in seconds in any unused space EG in a hallway.

Can we help you solve any/all problems with proven ideation and crowdfunding? More at eg

If you read this article please share so that others can benefit and help create an even greater future for everyone (pay it forward).

How to save our startups/software/society/climate as all problems can be solved with the web!?

5+ Ways so save all startups so we can solve all problems right now!?

As… all you need is love… & the best things in life are free… how best to help everyone love/help everyone openly/equally?

As the web links everyone what are the best techniques to share that enable us all to solve all problems?
Is the best way just to share everything and love everyone so that everyone can learn to become wise/selfless? This could be done by sharing all education free online (if you would like to help solve problems in this way contact

What can we learn from the web’s 25th Birthday about “Life the Universe and Everything” (and human psychology)?

What are the best free techniques we can all share to help/save/enhance everyone?
How best to turn negative/selfish/ignorant/closed minds/cultures (race to the bottom where everyone loses) into positive/selfless/enlightened/open minds/cultures (collaboration to the top where everyone wins) as the future has always been brighter than anyone imagines? Is the best way to share positive/open content that enables everyone to solve all problems?

As we become what we think, how best to remind everyone to openly love everyone (as life is an adventure not a competition)!?

How can the technological singularity save us from global warming (and all problems)?…
Futurologist future prediction chart by

1. What are the best free techniques everyone can share?

– Love everyone including yourself as life is an adventure not a competition.
– Pay it forward squared as this benefits you and everyone.
– Do what you love and share it with everyone.

A. Sharing open future timelines enables everyone to look forward and help shape our future rather than be controlled by the fear mongering negative news that scares/divides everyone as we already have all we need!

B. Sharing open life timelines enables everyone to see how we are all living almost identical life adventures (not competitions) so everyone can help everyone.

C. Sharing open infographics and personality type tests to help everyone learn about how to maximise their different personality/learning styles.

D. Sharing open infographics to remind everyone to enhance any day (and solve any problems EG by Paying it Forward;).

E. Sharing open techniques that anyone can use and improve to enhance everyones lives?

F. 5+ Free techniques to help everyone every day?

G. 5+ Infographics to brighten any day/startup by sharing & sticking to any fridge/screen/wall?

H. Can we solve all problems just by sharing everything?

2. What are the best ways to solve any problem openly?

– Search for and list the most important problems.
– Search for and list the most effective solutions.
– Crowdsource/crowdfund to solve the problems and share the solutions openly.

A. 10+ best charity apps & 20+ Startup ideas that matter & 50+ best crowdfunding platforms to help everyone fund social change?

B. Pay it Forward just by sharing everything EG… Get & give $1,000,000 free for Christmas and every other no/religious holiday or birthday

C. Help anyone enhance their lives just by traveling and doing good…10+ tips to travel the world for free (almost) AND startup your own charity/tech/enterprise?

D. Help everyone one smile/hug at a time… Have a Free Hug on me:) & 10 free ways to help everyone… Remember to pass it forward at least twice and on and on… Screw it just do it, make love/peace not war/hate

E. Free techniques to solve any problem right now so you have fun and do good as we are all amazing and flawed and have all we need by sharing everything responsibly

F. All the worlds a stage… so lets make it our fantasy by meditating to master our minds & loving everyone as we have all we need by sharing everything responsibly?

G. Please accept this open (love/life/work) letter from anyone to everyone as we are all amazing and flawed and are all we need.

3. What are the best ways to help everyone enhance all startups so they serve us all?

Is the best way to create free and open locations to talk about and objectively rate/compare every company/startup/gov?

– Open Corporates is the largest open database of companies in the world.
– Open Spending enables anyone to compare spending.
– Wikirate enables anyone to rate different organisations.

A. Open Awards & 50+ ways we can open everything to solve all problems?

B. How best to help everyone instantly eg by sharing everything we learn/use?

C. Stop Collaborate and Listen?! How best to help everyone achieve the inconceivable together eg preventing/reversing aging/death?!

D. 20+ ways we can solve all problems with open source ideas & crowdfunding everything now?

E. 10+ ways to max your time/love/life in 30 seconds & A-Z of #sharingiscaring #Universityoflife #passitforward

F. A-Z of life?! The Best Things In Life are Free But Have Some Free Money?! You Become What you Choose to Think?!

4. What are the best open startups in the world (that use open source p2p software and are run as not for profits)?

– P2P Foundation distributed social network projects list.
– Angelist peer to peer list.
– Technologies that will decentralize the world.

A. Compare & help the 50 ‘best’ crowdfunding & crowdsourcing organisations!? #openlife #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

B. Make a DIY open charity startup weekend holiday house party competition as good as an MBA/PHD from the University of Life? #openlife #nfp #socent #gov #tedx

C. How best to help everyone with innovation & @semesteratsea @mercyships @peace_boat @tallshipsraces @beunreasonable @oceanuni @blueseedproject @WEBiversity #os #cc #nfp #charity #rsa #gov #tedx

5. What are the best open startups in the world that have closed/failed?…

How best to save any/all startups that fail/close and maximise their use?

– Lessons from failed startups.
– Startup failure news.
– 100+ Startup failure postmortems.

A. Any #org can run as a charity & save lives.

B. 10+ best charity apps & 20+ Startup ideas that matter & 50+ best crowdfunding platforms to help everyone fund social change?

C. 20+ ways we can solve all problems with open source ideas & crowdfunding everything now?

6. Index of Open Startup, Crowdfunding & Crowdsourcing blogs

A. Compare & help the 50 ‘best’ #Crowdfunding & #Crowdsourcing organisations #helpall? eg #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

B. How best to #solve #problems & use #resources to #helpall? eg #money #ideas #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx

C. Make a DIY Open Charity Startup Weekend Holiday House Party Competition as good as an MBA/PHD from the #University of Life? #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx

D. How to #helpall #solve #problems? eg #barcamp #hackcamp #hack4good #rhok #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx

E. How best to #helpall with #opensource #ideas with #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding? #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

F. #Opensource #ideas to #helpall eg 50+ best #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding? #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

G. #save & #invest for #good & 50+ best #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding? #nfp #impinv #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #battleofideas #transeuropa

H. Help #Charity #donations & #philanthropy & 50+ best #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding? #nfp #impinv #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #battleofideas #transeuropa

I. #Save 95% of #product/#service/#statups from #failure eg run as #os #charity & 50+ best #crowdfund #orgs? #nfp #impinv #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #battleofideas #transeuropa

J. Solve any problem with #os innovation eg with video & 50+ best crowdfund orgs? #nfp #impinv #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

K. #helpall with #innovation & @semesteratsea @mercyships @peace_boat @tallshipsraces @beunreasonable @oceanuni @blueseedproject #armada @WEBiversity #os #cc #nfp #charity #rsa #gov #tedx

L. Any #org can run as a #Charity & #save #lives eg @TRAIDmark & @FREEtraid #wikipedia #mozilla @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

M. Make your own free #Library in minutes?! @TRUSTlibrary #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

N. How to #crowdsource & #crowdfund everything? @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

O. #Invent #free #jobs to #crowdsource & #crowdfund to #helpall? @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #davos #tatasec #mozilla

P. #Helpall #invent #Open #os #orgs to #crowdsource & #crowdfund #solutions? #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #tata #mozilla

Q. How best to solve any problem with crowdsourcing & crowdfunding? #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #tata #mozilla

R. As #Alltheworldsastage how best to #hack #life eg turn #vice into #virtue with crowdsourcing & crowdfunding? #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #tata #mozilla

S. How to #OpenSource everything as #Lessismore? #freelove #freehug #p2p #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #hack4good #tata #mozilla

T. #FREE #Money if you read & share this plus how to #solve #problems? #keepcalm & #Helpall #freehugs #freelove #p2p #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #hack4good #tata #mozilla

For any more details or funding/help to collaborate on creating open startups contact

About Whymandesign

Creative Social Media Manager. May I creatively help enhance your work with you? I create and enhance innovative products and services using new techniques and technology. I understand the potential of productions that: entertain, educate and empower and are always looking to work with forward thinking partners.

Posted on April 29, 2016, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 18 Comments.

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